I deleted the original story and this is a new one, sorry for those who liked the old one and hoped for more.

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"This will end up killing me." Martin muttered as he felt the pain in his spine from carrying boxes every day, he would probably be motionless in a few years at this rate but this is his job so he has to keep going.

With a small noise he placed another box inside the warehouse and went back to load another but saw his friend running towards him as he yelled something about and waved his hand to the side.

He saw her eyes focus on top of him and when he turned face up he saw a huge box falling on him, it was the last thing he saw before he lost consciousness and blacked out altogether.

" Where I am?" Martin muttered as he felt his body trapped by something heavy, everything was dark and he didn't know what to do so he just stood there, "What happened?" He muttered again but like last time he got no response.

He suddenly felt a wave of air pass through him and a warm light entering his body followed by a gentle voice, "Go my child, enjoy your second life." The words entered my head and I wanted to ask who or what it was but I felt a tug on me at that moment.


"Argh." I grunted as I felt my whole body aching and full of dirt and slowly opened my eyes finding myself in the rubble of some house, "What's going on?" I mumbled and brushing the dust off my body I got up and looked outside.


The scene that followed in front of me gave me a hell of a scare, explosions, aliens, giant monsters and ships were all over the city causing destruction and despair, "What the fuck!" I said and ducked down immediately.

"What the hell happened?!" I asked myself and lifted my head to expiate again, this time looking more calmly I saw a big portal in the sky where these aliens were leaving and I saw some people fighting them.

"Is that the avengers?" I wondered as I saw Thor flying through the sky taking down several ships, Hawk archer taking down enemies with his bow, Iron Man shooting lasers all over the place, and the city on fire.

At that moment I felt my blood pressure drop and I went back to my hiding place while running my hand over my head and thinking about all this, my knowledge of the Marvel universe boils down to movies and some series I didn't read the comics and I don't do the minimal idea of ​​how things happen.

"Wait a minute, why do I feel my body is different?" I wondered and grabbed a piece of glass from the floor before looking at my reflection, there was a face totally different from mine.

Before I had a pimply young adult face now I had a beefy butcher face, my hair had turned a light brown and my muscles were all toned.

"What the hell ######" I said an outrageous curse for being extremely baffled and before I could think if I was in a good or bad situation a figure fell into my rubble face down on the ground.

It was an alien that had been knocked off his ship, he slowly got up off the ground as I watched him transfixed not only by the fact that he was an alien but because, "You're so fucking ugly!" I screamed when I saw the face of the alien who noticed my presence and drew an energy gun at me and fired without thinking twice.

At that moment I felt time slow down for me and my body instinctively moved to the side dodging the shot that had made a hole in my previous position.

"Look here, we can talk!" I said as I raised my hands in peace sign but he raised his rifle and fired at me again, feeling again the sensation of the body reacting before he thought I dodged the shot again surprising the Chitauri who yelled something before turning automatic mode on from your gun and constantly fire at me.

But like magic I started to dodge his shots by millimeters as I ran around him and before he could figure out what had happened I kicked the gun out of his hands and did a spin before kicking him in the face knocking him to the ground.

"What the hell" I muttered as I looked at my body, "I don't remember learning martial arts." I thought about that moment and saw the Chitauri getting up again and pulling out his pistol before shooting at me.

This time my body didn't make any magical reaction and threw the burden of defending itself and by reflex and fear I put my arm in front of me making it a shield trying to block the shot.


I felt the shot slamming against my arms and pushing me back a little but other than that there was nothing else, "Didn't the shot hurt?" I slowly opened my eyes which widened as I saw a shield of light formed in front of me.

The Chitauri looked at me as surprised as I was before shooting again and I raised my shield arm again but this time with my eyes open, the shots crashed into the light shield several times but it didn't break.

" Amazing." I said and thought of one thing, I pretended I was holding a wooden stick in my right hand and lunged forward towards the Chitauri, before my eyes particles of light gathered in what I imagined was a spear and with precision the beam of light hit the invader's chest sending him flying backwards unconscious.

"Alright that was cool." I said and tried to make the shield and the stick disappear thinking of other things and the two faded into light and spread out into the room.