Martin was working normally at his porter job when a box of stuff hit him in the head and he lost consciousness, when he woke up he was in 2012 in the New York battle of the Avengers against the aliens and he was very good at martial arts and could do it. form weapons from light?!!
dr plague forever!!!!!!.....................................................................................................................................................................
come back please it's so good ... ...
good concept, has a lot of potential. but has not yet developed much story. ( this was made two hours after first chap, so dont be mad). Keep up good work
Grandmaster of weapons? Jax?
Eu me avaliando. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please make more of these chapters they're awesome[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
clearly just a fake fan of marvel and milking other fans sux sux suxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsuxsux
Should change the name to Marvel: The Grand Retard of Retards. Should change the name to Marvel: The Grand Retard of Retards. Should change the name to Marvel: The Grand Retard of Retards. Should change the name to Marvel: The Grand Retard of Retards.
I like it.........................................................................................
I don't know how the story was before but here it has a good start, launched directly into the action it's pretty cool. Now it's whether the fic will last longer
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