Two days later.

With a big grunt Martin slowly opened his eyes and tried to get to his feet but realized he was tied to a table, "Am I trapped?" I muttered as I tried to put my thoughts in order.

My head was aching a little and although my skin color had returned to normal I felt I was still weak at the moment, "Where am I?" I asked and tried to take a look at my surroundings.

It was a very dark dimly lit room and I wasn't able to see much anymore I could feel someone watching me, "Who's there?" I questioned as I looked towards the darkness and saw a figure rise before approaching me.

"Hello Mister Martin." Nick Fury came out of the darkness and turned on the light in the room causing me to close my eyes involuntarily at the sudden light, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Director Nicolas Fury and I'd like to thank you for your help in New York but The point is, I don't know who you are, where you came from and the only thing I know is your name and that you know how to get by in a fight.

Nick walked over to me and looked into my eyes as he waited for some response from me, "Well nice to meet you Mr Fury and changing the subject. How did you make such a spectacular entrance? Is it some trick or you have a talent for it." I said giving a small smile and Nick smiled too before we both laughed a little.

"My mom always said I had a talent for this, now please answer my question who are you?" He soon got serious again and I felt some chills when I was stared at by his one eye but following Sigma Rules I wasn't intimidated, "My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast part of Morioh, where all of them are the houses are, and I'm not married. I work as an employee at Kame Yu's department stores and come home every day at eight pm at the latest. I don't smoke but occasionally drink. I'm in bed at 11 pm and I make sure I get eight hours of sleep no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretching before bed, I usually have no problem sleeping until morning. a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no problems at my last check-up. I am trying to explain that I am a person who wants to live a very peaceful life. enemies, like winning and losing, is it would just make me lose sleep at night. That's how I deal with society and I know that's what makes me happy. Although, if I were going to fight, I wouldn't lose to anyone." I said it all at once and watched Nick go silent for a moment contemplating what I'd said before turning to me again with a still serious face.

"That doesn't seem true to me, well since Mr Martin doesn't want to cooperate I can only come back at another time." He said and I could hear some irritation in his voice but I kept my face expressionless until he left the room, "Okay, am I alone?" I screamed and didn't hear any reaction.

"Well time to get away." I thought and deftly formed a light knife in my hand which immediately cut its bonds with no problem and using my fingers I deftly shifted the knife in position and cut my cuffs freeing my right arm.

In less than 2 seconds I was free and I immediately got off the table and headed towards the door, the next moment a red light flashed on the wall and I heard a radio screaming about its escape.


"So I was being watched." I thought and at that moment the bedroom door opened and two soldiers prepared to enter, "Put on your han" Before he could finish speaking my fist met his face and sent him flying out of the room with the other soldier following the example soon after.

"Now" I said as I left the room and looked down the hallway that led to the right and left, "I think I'll go right." I mumbled and started running down the hall quickly.

It's worth mentioning that I was wearing a medical gown with nothing underneath so as I ran the wind passed my ass but I didn't have time to worry about it as when I rounded the corner a group of armored soldiers with energy batons was waiting for me.

" Hello guys." I said and stopped running and stared at them for a moment with the soldiers looking at me coldly from under their helmet, "Please surrender now Mr Martin or we will have to use force." He said and turned on his electric baton causing it to release electricity and the other soldiers followed suit.

"Sorry man, I'm not a person who gives up." I spoke and without any warning I advanced against the soldiers who attacked me together, with quick movements I kicked the soldier's knee further ahead of the group causing him to stumble forward and I grabbed his arm that held the electric baton and made him give a lunge at your friend.


The soldier was sent flying when the bat hit his chest showing the high voltage they were using on these devices, "Damn, you guys should turn these things down." I said and feeling an attack on my back I turned my body changing places with the soldier I was holding and in the next moment he was hit by a thrust of the electric baton and he screamed in pain.

The other soldiers also attacked me from all sides and I used the body of the first soldier as a shield for their thrusts as I slashed at them using that soldier's electric baton.

An intense fight broke out in the hallway, I kicked a soldier in the chest using him for support and landed a backflip with a vertical kick against a soldier's head that fell to the ground from the force of the impact.

Without giving me any rest two soldiers attacked me from both sides as I fell to the ground and I used my bat to parry a blow from one while I kicked the other in the stomach pushing him back, the first soldier seeing his friend being thrown back tried make me give in on the strength test between the sticks impasse but I simply dropped the stick making him go forward and elbowed him in the stomach causing him to lose his breath and fall to the ground.

At that moment another soldier got up and tried to hit me with his stick but I dodged moving my body to the side and held his arm with the stick making him hit his own neck electrocuting him and falling unconscious to the ground.

"Good luck to you next time." I told the soldiers who were still awake trying to get up and ran back down the hall making them see my white ass under my hospital gown in my escape.