" He is good." Nick said as he looked through the cameras seeing Martin running through the corridors of the building, they were underground so it would take a while for Martin to get out.

"Let's see his powers for now, use the turrets!" Nick said to a soldier on the computers and in 2 clicks a notification that the tower defense system was activated, "We'll see now, what you're capable of." Nick said giving a small smile.

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"Let's see, it's not this place. Not this one, not this one." I kept running through the hallways looking for an exit or the stairs but the place was too big making me waste a few minutes running, "Oh, I found it!" I said and saw a ladder with the exit sign written on top.

Only at that moment the roof opened and two towers came out and pointed in his direction and a voice came from the speakers, "Mr. Martin surrender and put your hands on your head." Shortly thereafter a dozen armed soldiers came down the stairs and pointed their rifles at him.

I broke out in a cold sweat as I saw the muzzle of so many guns pointing at me, especially the two turrets that were clearly aiming for my head, "Calm down, let's talk guys." I said lifting my hands up slowly.

"Kneel down and don't make any sudden movements!" A soldier yelled at him and I slowly dropped to one knee as I raised my hands, "Stay tuned." Nick said into the comm sensing that Martin was going to do something.

A tense atmosphere formed in the air and the seconds seemed to be minutes as the scene followed, some soldiers began to sweat as Martin slowly raised his arms and finally one of his knees touched the ground.

"Great since we've calmed down, let's get back to our usual pace." I said with a smile on my face that made the soldiers shiver and leapt forward as I formed a large shield of light in front of me.


The turrets and soldiers started firing at my shield and along with the sparks the bullets sent as they hit the shield I felt the pressure to hold the pressure of hundreds of bullets per second.

Sensing that I was going to start being pushed down, I came up with a quick plan and threw myself against the ground in order to slide and formed a jagged pattern on the edge of the shield moments before hurling it into the turrets.

The soldiers couldn't see me very well because of the light the shield gave off and the next thing they saw after the shield was thrown was me slipping and already close to them.

"I apologize for that!" I screamed and formed a large hammer of light before swinging it at the soldiers who widened their eyes in despair as the hammer approached them.


A big crashing noise along with a bright light happened and soldiers were thrown all around the corridor and towards the stairs, the next moment I walked through the door and started up the stairs while breathing heavily.

"Oh shit, I can't do such flashy attacks." I cursed and continued up the stairs to the next floor, with a loud noise I pushed the door connecting the stairs and entered the next floor but I was surprised by the next scene.

"Hello brilliant man." Natasha said waving at me as she chuckled, beside her a hundred Shield agents looked at me ready to act, "You guys have a beautiful lobby." I spoke with a weak smile and sat down on the floor giving up on my escape.

"Ah, it was well built." Natasha said and approached me as she held out her hand, "Now what? Are you going to arrest me again?" I asked her as I reached out my hand to take hers.

"Nop, The director just wanted to see his capabilities and if it was someone who, well, it has the dubious character." She said and with a yank she pulled me off the floor and I was on my feet again, at that moment a wind swept through the lobby and lifted my nightgown revealing my T-rex to everyone in the room.

"Whoa, excuse me just for a moment." I gave a weak smile and retreated to the stairs and soon after I heard the laughter of some agents and Natasha coming from the lobby and I wanted to cringe in shame and just disappear from the earth.


Later in the day.

After getting a decent breakfast and giving me casual clothes I was taken to the top floor of the tower, there I found Nick sitting in a chair behind his desk while sipping a delicious coffee.

"Hello again Mr Martin, did you enjoy the reception?" He said and I could briefly feel a slight glint of satisfaction in his eyes as if he was happy to see my humiliation earlier, "I love the place but like you guys should make it better lighted ." I said with a crooked smile and promised revenge in my heart.

"Well then Mr Martin, I believe you are willing to share a little of your story now." Nick said and put his feet up on the table as he gestured for me to speak, "Well there's not much to talk about, I don't remember anything about me." I said clearly showing a sincere face.

"So you woke up in the middle of town during the battle and learned from scratch how to fight and create blades and other weapons made of light that happen to be very sharp." Nick said with a face that didn't believe his words but Martin could only shrug his shoulders in sadness, that was the story he could tell and it wouldn't be entirely a lie, "In that case, would you like to work for Shield?" Nick said right after and I opened my eyes in surprise.

"Huh? Wait for what?" I said in disbelief and saw him smiling at me, "You see, you have good fighting skills and you beat my men in a head-to-head confrontation, I appreciate talents." He spoke in an unconcerned tone as if it were just an exchange of words and I would be assigned as field agent directly.

"You don't know anything about me, neither where I came from nor how I came and you want to hire me?" I said again still feeling that something was wrong, "Well, yes there is a problem?" Nick said and clapped his hands twice.

A moment later his secretary came in with a paper in hand and handed it to me, "Just sign there, briefly describe your capabilities and return it to my secretary who happens to be named Marta." Nick said and nodded to Marta who professionally left the room again.

" Okay?" I said still trying to process everything that had occurred to me the last few days and didn't even notice when I was kicked out of the building, "Paying to think, what do I do now?" I muttered, remembering that I didn't even have an identity in this world.


I watched the Spiderman movie and it's so good.