"AWUUUUU!" I yelled as I kicked a Chitauri towards a crater and using an ax logo of light I spun my body getting impetus and making it cut several enemies at once.
The wind vibrated and a wave of wind was sent flying around along with the bodies of the dead Chitauri, then I dropped to my knees as I breathed heavily and saw my pale skin.
"How does the captain have so much energy?!" I wondered looking at the hundreds of aliens coming towards me for another round, I had been fighting for 2 minutes and there were already dozens of bodies with burn marks caused by my light weapons.
Unfortunately, abusing this power took a toll and I was extremely tired now, the dust raised by the battle and the cloudy sky also made me feel that I lacked sunlight to give a little help.
I got to my feet as I ran my hands over my mouth drawing some blood and looked at my enemies in front of me who also stopped and stared at me, a tense air formed and some straws like a western scene passed us.
I slowly put my hand on my hip as if there was something there and the Chitauri held theirs firmly as they waited for my move, deciding to get more in the mood I formed a cowboy hat on my head made of light along with a toothpick and left it. eyes half closed.
The air arrived at its most tense moment and the Chitauri and I started to sweat ready to make the first move, as if a clock had clicked I moved before the Chitauri and made a move that would be forever etched in my image.
" Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse
to the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road"
I started singing Old Town Road as I danced and cowboy clothes made of light covered my body, "Wow he dances well." A woman in a building peeked out the window with her cell phone and stated.
The Chitauri who didn't expect this scene froze and watched me do my best performance in my entire life for the next 30 seconds, "Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse
To the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more
I got the!"
I finished with a big stride and my clothes made of light faded as I let out a long, tired breath, "So how did I go?" I asked the Chitauri who came to and screamed ready to attack me again but at that moment my communicator rang giving me good news.
"I'm arriving with the missile! And by the way, beautiful performasse Martin!" Tony said into the comm and I looked up just in time to flee into the portal along with the nuclear missile and drop it inside, "Close the portal now captain!" at that moment Nick Furry's voice came on the communicator and I saw Steve closing the portal without hesitation.
Everything was silent for a moment while everyone waited for Tony to return from the portal, but as I already had a sense of what was going to happen I decided to calm the nerves on the communicator, "I bet he'll be back fine when the portal is at the end of closing look only!" I said breaking the tense mood but before anyone could answer the portal that was about to close had Tony's figure falling from it.
" I did not say?!" I spoke laughing and heard several gasps on the communicator, the Chitauri next to me started to fall to the ground dead from losing connection with the mother ship moments later ships and the big flying worms started to fall crashing into buildings.
I could only sigh at the money thrown away because of this attack but that was none of my concern, turning my eyes up I saw the Hulk grabbing Tony and quite violently bringing him back to the ground in front of me.
"Hey big guy." I said cringing a little and chuckling to disguise my cowardice towards the green being, Hulk looked at me for a moment and turned around but looked at me again as if remembering something and held out his open hand to me.
"Pleasure Hulk!" He said and was waiting for me to shake his gigantic hand, I of course didn't refuse the offer and shook the Hulk's hand while introducing myself too, "Nice to be Martin." I said and forgot who I was dealing with for a moment and tried to wave my arm like we do when greeting someone.
Unfortunately for me Hulk followed suit and I ended up getting swayed up and down a few times before I fell face first in a daze, at which point the other avengers arrived and trying to ignore our scene went straight to Tony and took off his mask.
"He's not breathing!" Steve said and everyone tensed at the moment expecting the worst and if it wasn't for the case that I was extremely dizzy and tired at the time I would have made a joke when everyone was in a mood of sacrifice and suffering Tony opened his eyes as he took a deep breath and looked at everyone.
"Nobody kissed me did they?" His next words broke the tense mood and everyone laughed but me who started to feel extreme weakness and fell passed out on the floor as blood flowed from my head, "Martin?!" Hulk said loudly as he nudged me and all the attention that had been on Tony turned to me lying on the floor pale, covered in blood and dust and with a head wound.
"Oh my god the newbie!" Tony yelled and everyone came running to me.