The Start of it All pt 1

Its now January 2008. This is the year everything begins. OverWatch has grown immensely over the years. The thing im most proud of is i moved the Watch Tower to space. It took some getting used to it, but overall nothing changed.

The Xavier bunch finally moved out of Xaviers institute. Some of them bought houses in New York. Others chose to live around the world. After all they each have a badge that can teleport them here to where they can take a warp tube to anywhere in the planet.

Shuri and T'Challa went back to Wakanda. After we made Eric a wanted fugitive she changed. The job was getting to her and i knew it. She was barely 11 so sending her home to rest snd be with her family was the best solution i could think of.

Over the year a lot of things changed as well. I've started a pretty weird relationship with Laura, Domino, Natalia, Ororo and Susan. Laura even got pregnant to our surprise. The girls were jealous but Laura was freaked out. We never had parental role models so her being a mom terrified her.

The original members of OverWatch all have started their own lives. Amara has been going out with Hisako and theyre cute together. Although sometimes Emilie will join them. I think being around me influenced her to have her own harem of sorts.

The Quintuplets are finally opening up to others and even exchange words now instead of contantly using telepathy to talk. Quentin decided he wanted to retire and focus on becoming an educator. So thats what he did. He now teaches younger Metas at Xaviers place.

Kitty started to develop a crush on the new guy Piotr, yet he's oblivious to it all. Frost keeps coming around often enough with Raven right in tow. She's been our double agent for Magneto. He's managed to create a machine that can forcefully turn a regular person into a Meta human using dark matter. He plans on unleashing it right before the UN World summit theyre holding at the end of this year.

We managed to pick up Forge and he was down right excited to work with us once he found out my plans. Right now he's on Mars putting the finishing touches on our first city.

Forge created the terraformers in almost under a month. At which point i flew them on the planet which was filled with glaciers i pulled from space. The entire terraforming process took a week. The planet was beaten and broken as ice caps were crushed and water pushed into the very soils of Mars. The atmosphere stabilized about a month later with Magical help.

The city itself is capable of being self sufficient built right on the edge of the new Martian sea. Most of the planetary water became salty after terraforming but its fine. I gradually added more and more ice burghs to the planet, most of which burned up in the atmosphere allowing it to rain all over the planet forming clouds.

Mars is almost ready to populate. Next comes the details. The new Mars has a total of 9 continents and our city is built on the largest one we call Viltrum. We have too much space and thats an issue. Theres no wildlife yet but Selene was talking about asking an old friend to help her move the entrance to the Savage lands on one of the continents. This would indeed add animal wildlife to the planet as well as populate one of the continents. Although we'd have to deal with them sooner or later. Hopefully giving them space will be all they need.

knock knock knock

I look up at my office door then at the clock. Uh oh its way too late. "Its open" i stammer out and look back at my laptop. I try to appear busy and not like i just got caught being late. I hear the footsteps walk around me and a pair of arms slouch across my shoulders.

"You know if you work this late everyday the others will start taking turns to bring you home" Domino purrs in my ear. I look over at her and see her smile. It makes me relax and i cant help but chuckle.

"Remember a few years ago. We were nothing more but lab rats, You, Me, Laura, Amara, Warren, Ellie, Tandy and Ty. Us 8 and the first people we met after escaping were leather and tights wearing Metas."

She leans down and kissed my cheek "You need to stop over worrying yourself Damien. Ever since then you've always taken care of us. You've always put yourself in harms way and always took the brunt of the beating for us. What happened to us broke each of us in a way. Laura has nightmares about killing her mom and thinks her kid will do the same. Amara can't sleep alone at night without waking up in cold sweats. Warren still has a fear of his dad."

I cant help but look at her as she explains all of our Trauma, but she continues "Even I get shaky when you're gone for too long. I may be lucky but i dont wanna gamble my luck on losing you, Damien. So come home soon. Theres always going to be another Meta needing saving, another bad guy around the corner. The World may need Invincible,"

She leans in an plants a kiss on my lips. Savoring her time and the breath we share in that moment before she finally breaks away "But I need you Damien. In a few months time you'll be a dad. If Natalia's looks after that Serum you gave her, you might be a dad of two."

"What about you," i tease her before pecking her on the lips again "Don't you want to settle down and join the mommy race."

"Heheh, when it happens to me. Well I'll just call it my lucky day.... enough talk. Go hang up your lab coat and come home. OverWatch will be here tomorrow, the city will still be being built the day after. But you need rest."

She pulls me out of my chair and pushes me towards the door. I just chuckle at her attempts and allow myself to be manhandled. Maybe i have been moving too fast. After all just because im in this world doesnt mean i have to solve every one of their issues.

I look at my office one last time for the night before shutting off my lights. Tonight im just gonna sleep with my girls and spoil my pregnant girlfriend.

Trauma huh, i guess everyone has their battle scars.