Are we twins? but their eyes..

The two hand-painted pictures were so life-like. Both were signed by her. I looked closer at the two - yes we both have similar looks. Then I saw the dates of these were drawn, written under her sign. She has drawn them during the time she first got to know me as Dusk. So did she already know who I was? No, It couldn't be. I have heard she has a premonition, if it's the case did she knew I would come and act the lead.

I take a photo of these two drawings and went back to my room. She drew Mr.D five years ago and mine about a year ago. Is this a coincidence? or is this destiny? I was so confused. I tried to sleep, but I kept tossing about as I am unable to sleep.

So I went to the small pantry and made a cup of tea. While coming back I when to look at her. She was fast asleep. I tucked her in and sat beside her. Even though she didn't know, I have been secretly watched her sleep in the night. Maybe the calmest time for her must be this time, where she doesn't have time to think of anything but a dream.

I held her hand and thought about Mr.D and her. I remember Ted saying she was the merriest when he was around. Everyone has been surprised by her sudden transformation. As said, her work has even improved really well. Mr.D has been a great influence on her emotional and work growth.

She sighed. I held her tight and slept with her. Only to realize she must have felt unsecured after Mr.D went abroad. She felt so small in my arms. She acts so strong and fierce when she works and toughened up when she is with others she is not close.

I got up early, as usual, she was still fast asleep, and let her be. After a few minutes of waiting with her, I kissed her forehead and went upstairs to make breakfast.

"Hi, brother George" Ted on the line.

"How are you doing Ted?"

"Not bad. To bord with only studying. How's sis?"

"She is still asleep. We had to finish off some urgent detail drawings the last few days."

"Oh.. hmmm"

"What's that hmm for?"

"I wanted to invite you two to go out with my friends, or we all can come home. I know my sis won't mind."

"I think she will prefer a little relaxed time at home. If you guys come, you'll make a huge mess here." I laughed at him, reminding his making breakfast.

"Oh ok, then. I will give you a hint."

"What for?"

"For lunch make my sis some chicken pot pie. Gotta go. Say I called to sis."

Even before I can ask anything he kept the phone.

While I was making breakfast, Little Moon came to the pantry. I took her a cup of tea.

"Good Morning"

"Good Morning, George."

"May I ask you something" I looked at her.


"I was looking for some documents in the office and I saw some drawings done by you." She looked at me as to what I was referring to. So I showed her the two photos I got.

"hmm..." was what she all said.

"These drawings are really good." I praised her. "May I know why you had these drawings done?"

She looked at me with a thoughtful expression and said, "It was a coincidence, but.." There were tears in her eyes. I held her tight and looked at her.

"Only after drawing you, did I realized you both had the same eyes. But I had a bad feeling about it." She was rubbing her fingers together.

"Hi, don't worry nothing bad will ever happen." I gave a soft kiss on her forehead. I felt so bad because I don't know how to comfort her in another way.

"I feel a bit feel confused, as to see these drawings together. Is it ok if I send this o my mother?"

"Yes, I don't mind." she smiled at last.

"I think you should frame these and hang them."

"I will think about it." eating some fruits while checking her phone.

I got a message from her Instagram handle - StarDust.

"Little Moon, I have some things to get done, so I will meet you in the office in about thirty minutes." She nodded her head as agreeing.

"Hiiii. .After a long time," I send to her as Dusky.

"How have you been. No new photos even."

"I had been a bit busy with some filming."

"A new drama?" she asked.

"Yes. Oh.. I saw one photo of George's, with a comment from you."

"Oh.. That.."

"Spill the beans..Is something going on between the two of you?"


At the same time, I get the file sent to me by her. The two photos of myself and Mr.D.

"My!! They look so much alike. Are they twins and who are they ?"

"They are Brother D and George."

"Really?" I acted surprise. "They look like brothers."

"But in reality, they are not related at all." She laughed. "They look alike because of their eyes."

We chatted for a few more minutes before getting back to work. We had to create a few 3d characters according to the drawings we had done. While doing the work I tried to put myself in her shoes, to understand how she thinks. I didn't know for how long I went on watching her till,

"I do have an idle assistant." She said smiling at me.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something."

"Is it something I can help with"

"Hmm, no., it's just nothing. Just a little thought."

I stood up from where I was and went to her. Held her tight in my arms, smelling her hair which smelled like lavender.

"You know, you are so blessed," I told her.

"Hmm... Why?" she looked at me.

"Because everyone loves you unconditionally." I watched straight into her eyes and looked at her blushing face.