Chapter 8

" Your archery skills are commendable. However, they weren't necessary. I could have easily killed the tiger with my sword", commented Julie as she approached Jack who was sitting around a bonfire to cook the animal they just killed. Almost 2 hours had passed since they had killed the tiger. However, Julie would still shiver as she thought about what would have happened if the tiger would have attacked her. She knew her sword skills weren't so great. After all she was King Richard's beloved daughter. The King loved her daughter so much that he had never exposed her to dangerous and uncomfortable situations like these. She was not even trained properly. However, she was upset that a hundred soldiers, including Jack witnessed her failure. She had to say something to save her ego in front of Jack

Jack smiled as he heard Julie's comments. Julie looked so cute when complaining. Jack knew she would be long dead if he didn't intervened. However, he was careful not to mock Julie. After all, she was still a princess while he was just an ordinary soldier.

"Yes, I am sure you could have defeated the tiger. However I was just worried something might happen to you so I intervened. Forgive me if I offended you", said Jack politely as he rubbed some rocks together to light a fire. This was his first ever journey as a soldier in Annville Army and he was careful not to mess it up. He was careful not to offend the princess. He knew that if he did, his life in the palace can be really troublesome

Julie felt a little relieved after hearing Jack's comments. She thought she had regained some of her lost ego infront of Jack. However, she was still not satisfied.

" Sire, I have prepared the horses. They are ready for the return journey ", said one of the soldier as he approached Jack.

Jack was afraid the princess was not yet skilled enough to go on a hunt and if she decides to hunt more animals, she might get in trouble. Therefore, Jack had ordered to prepare the horses so they can leave as soon as possible.

"Good. We will camp here for another hour or two and leave after eating", said Jack

Julie was upset. How can they leave so quickly? She was still not satisfied. She was eager to prove herself and regain her dignity infront of so many soldiers. She must hunt another animal and kill it by herself! Yes, she must prove herself ! She immediately took out her bow again as she began to look for an animal in this dense forest.

Several minutes had passed and Julie was still unable to find any animal. Julie was desparate. She must hunt another animal before leaving for the castle! As she was looking desperately for an animal,Julie suddenly saw a bush moving not so far away. It must be an animal hiding behind a bush! Yes, she had finally found a hunt!

"Ha-Ha", laughed Julie as she inserted the arrow in the bow and stretched the bowstring again. She couldn't wait to see the look on Jack's face when she will show him the dead animal in her hands. She was so excited, she didn't even wait for the animal to reveal itself and get out from the bush. She took her time and aiming carefully this time, she released the arrow. "Swoosh", came the voice as it travelled through the air.


Yes! The arrow landed exactly where Julie had aimed it! She had killed the animal. Julie could not hide her excitement "Bull's eye!", shouted Julie happily as she raced to pick up the animal she killed. Jack will finally know her archery skills!


"ROOOAAAR", suddenly a deafening voice filled the atmosphere. Jack immediately jumped from the ground! The voice was so loud it felt like a thousand lions roaring at once! Jack immediately looked for the Princess. He must protect her! But where was she? As Jack looked around, she could not find Julie anywhere? Imagining what would be the consequences if the Princess got hurt, Jack panicked. He unsheathed his sword as he began looking for the princess. Meanwhile the soldiers were also alarmed and gathered around Jack.


" Aaaaahhh. Help!", suddenly a voice was heard. It was Julie screaming for help! What had happened to her? Without blinking an eye, Jack immediately rushed towards her. If the princess even gets a scratch, Jack would certainly by executed.

"Princess I am here!", Jack suddenly shouted as he ran towards her. However as he raised his eyes, he was astounded! He could not believe what he saw!

A colossal, fierce dragon was staring at them angrily! "What? A DRAGON?!", gasped Jack. He had only read about dragons in old books and their existence was a myth. However, He was just a few meters away from it right now!

Actually the Princess has accidentally the arrow on this dragon. The animal behind the bush was this dragon! And it was really pissed off !

"Quickly!, Take the Princess and run towards the castle!", Jack shouted as he ordered the soldiers. He unsheathed his sword and stood in front of the Dragon. He thought that while he distracts the dragon, the princess and the soldiers can escape quickly!

"I am dead for sure", sighed Jack. All he wished now was that the princess could live