Chapter 10

Meanwhile, at the outskirts of the city


Jack was holding his sword tightly in the air, aiming it at the dragon, who did not even cared about this threat. Jack's hands were trembling. How can he defeat a dragon? Jack had heard many dragon stories and myths during his childhood. It was the dragons that he feared the most amongst all creatures. He was afraid the dragon will open his mouth any moment and burn him to ashes

"Aaaaaahhh", The dragon opened his mouth to spit fire. This must be the end for Jack. He will be burned to ashes. With no other choice, Jack held his sword tightly, as he closed his eyes and awaited his death.

Jack waited to feel the fire any moment. However, a few seconds passed. Several seconds passed. What was happening?

Jack opened his eyes and saw the dragon, still with his mouth open. However, his fierce expressions had changed. He was no longer the angry dragon but looked sad and depressed.

"Aaaaah" "oooohhh"

The dragon continued to make weird noises from his mouth. The sounds were terrifying but the fire was missing. Finally after several minutes, a small black cloud emerged from his mouth but no fire.

Jack suddenly came back to his senses! Is it possible that this dragon has a disability? Can he not spit fire like other dragons? Yes! This must be it! Haha the dragon cannot spit fire. Jack can live for a few more minutes!

However, Jack dared not move a muscle. After all, the dragon was many times larger than him. The dragon was about 20ft tall and dark green in colour. His legs were so huge and heavy that it can easily smash anything that came under it. The dragon has wrapped itself with its huge wings that were as big as his whole body. A prominent feature of it was its big tail, with pointed skin which looked like nails. No doubt, anyone would freak out after seeing this huge beast.

Jack stood still as he waited for the dragon to make a move. He can not afford to make any mistakes. However, the dragon was still upset at his disability. It was as if Jack had spilled salt on his wounds. Upset, depressed and angry at the same time, the dragon slowly retreated behind the bush as he sat down sadly. Jack suddenly saw an arrow pierced on one of his wings. Was the dragon injured? Is this why he didn't attack Jack

The arrow was actually the one which Julie had shot on the dragon. The Dragon never revealed himself to humans. However, when the arrow landed on his wing, he could not control his anger due to the pain and got out to attack humans. He tried to scare them with fire but he couldn't spit any. It was its childhood disability.

This was a perfect opportunity for Jack to escape. However, he was naturally curious. After all, you do not encounter a dragon every other day. Jack slowly started to move towards the bush. With each step he took, his heartbeat accelerated. However, he was relaxed at the same time. What could the dragon do to him anyway? He was injured and disabled. What if there are other dragons in the outskirts? They can attack Anastasia any moment. Jack must investigate !

Jack moves the bush away with his hands. He was astonished by what he saw. There was a huge cave with a huge entrance. The Dragon was sitting right infront of it, still depressed. There was also a big egg right infront of him. "Damn, it seems that the dragon lives here permanently.", thought Jack as he put the sword back in its sheath. He thought that the naked sword might piss off the dragon.

Nothing the sound, the dragon quickly got alert. His sad, depressed expressions suddenly turned fierce again. Angry at this intruder, the dragon spinner its tail and with full force, hit it at Jack

"THUD!", the tail landed at Jack's chest as he flew several meters away. The impact was so strong! Jack felt like every bone of his ribs was broken. His sword flew at one side, and his bow at another as he vomited a mouthful of fresh blood. He was now completely unarmed in front of this dragon.

Even after this huge impact, the dragon did not cool down. It came out of the bush as it charged towards Jack with full speed.

Jack panicked. He was just moments away from death. Moreover, he was completely unarmed! What should he do? With no better option, Jack picked up one of the bonfire wood which he had lit up to cook the tiger. The wood was still burning with fire. Knowing it will hardly make a difference, Jack held it high to threaten the dragon. What else could he do?

The Dragon suddenly stopped dead in its tracks. Was that fire? Was this Human holding a log of fire in its hand. His fierce expressions suddenly changed into fear. He could not attack this human!

Immediately, the dragon bent his legs and kneeled infront of Jack....