Chapter 11

What was happening? Jack was shocked. Was he dreaming? This huge, fierce, mighty dragon was kneeling to him? This must be a trap. Jack was a clever soldier. He must be careful. He waved the log in the air to threaten the dragon.

"Aaaaah" cried the dragon, as he jumped back from fear. He now bent both his legs and lowered its head to show its submission to Jack. It cannot offend him!

Jack was astounded. He was already irritated by the mood swings of this dragon. Why would he kneel? He was not afraid when Jack was holding a sword. Why would he be afraid from this log? However, Jack was relieved. He could live for another few moments.

Suddenly an idea clicked Jack's mind. Was it because of the fire on this log? Was it because of the dragon's disability? Since the dragon cannot spit fire, he must be afraid of it! Yes! The dragon is afraid of the fire. Thats why he stopped dead in his tracks the moment Jack picked up the log and waved it in its face! Yes , he had found the dragon's weak point!

"Ha-Ha dragon, I got you", laughed Jack as he waved the log in the air, enjoying the fearful expression on the dragon's face. Nobody would have believed that he was controlling a big, fierce dragon! Meanwhile The dragon was as scared as ever and jumping up and and down from fear!

However Jack had enough fun now and he decided to escape. His bones were already hurting badly because of the dragon's attack. He no longer wanted to risk his life. Who would want to battle a dragon? To make the dragon run away, Jack threw the log at the dragon's face. The dragon was afraid of fire, he would certainly run as far as possible when he sees this log flying at his face.

"Gulp", The dragon immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the log!

"What? Wasn't he afraid of fire just a few moments ago? ", Jack thought. Damn this dragon changes its mood so quickly. One moment he is afraid of the fire, the next moment he just swallowed it?

Jack's plan had been flopped. He checked the other logs which he had used for the bonfire. None had fire on it. Damn, he was once again completely defenceless . Why was he so stupid? He just bought himself a death ticket. This time he will certainly die. Jack closed his eyes as he waited for the dragon to attack

"Wooooooohhhhhh", came the voice as the dragon spit a huge cloud of fire in air! The surrounding temperature immediately became hot. Jack could feel the heat of the fire.

What? Wasn't this dragon disabled and unable to spit fire? How could he suddenly learn to spit fire? This dragon was full of surprises.

The dragon was however, still kneeling to Jack. It was happier than ever! Jack had just cured its disability! Since the dragon was born, it lacked the genes which allowed him to spit fire. This was the reason it was kicked out from its family which lived very far away. The only cure to this disability was that it should swallow fire. Now he could finally spit fire!

Dragons were extremely difficult creatures in the world. If you offend them, they will dedicate their whole lives to destroy you. If you help them, they will be loyal to you forever. This dragon was extremely grateful to Jack for curing its disability. It had sworn to itself that it will forever obey Jack now.

Meanwhile Jack was stunned. This dragon was now strong and powerful. He could kill him any second. Why was he kneeling to him?

The dragon brought its head close to Jack and placed it on his hands.

Jack was astounded. Does this dragon want to become friends now? Damn, this dragon is really confusing.

After several hours, Jack came to realise his luck. The dragon was being so friendly with him because he had helped it cure its disability! He was now forever indebted to Jack and obeyed his every command. Ha-Ha , no one would believe that Jack was controlling this huge, mighty dragon!


Meanwhile at a top of a cliff, some few miles away from Jack,

Prince Harry had arrived with his troops as he began inspecting the area with his binoculars in search of a dragon-like creature. Suddenly his eyes caught a huge beast. What was this creature? It was a dragon! Harry was shocked and gasped as he saw the huge, strong dragon. These creatures do exist after all? But wait, who was standing next to it? It was Jack! He was still alive? How come he survived so long with the dragon?

"Ha-Ha, let's see how he dies ", laughed Harry as he looked at his binoculars. He was sure the dragon will not spare Jack. Jack was surely dead this time. Harry waited for several minutes as he waited desperately to see Jack die. But wait, What was this dragon doing? Why wasn't it attacking Jack?

Harry soon came to realise. The dragon was kneeling infront of Jack! How is this possible? The Dragon was being commanded by Jack by a log! The Dragon was obeying Jack as he motioned the log! What was happening? How can Jack control such a powerful dragon?

Harry was worried. If the King gets to know about this, Jack will certainly be promoted and gain influence at the castle. After all, not everyone has a dragon at their command.

"I must do something! Jack cannot come back to the castle alive to narrate this story.", thought Harry as he immediately took out his bow and inserted an arrow and aimed it straight at Jack's face. Prince Harry was a skilled bowman after all. His targets were never missed.

"Swoosh", came the voice as the arrow travelled towards Jack