Arianna was beaming as she sipped her jasmine tea, which had been poured for her by the maid. Arianna was in the mood because this tea had such a pleasant aroma and seemed to warm up the intestines.

"What was it about the girl that you liked?" Marylyn felt compelled to inquire of Arianna.

Marylyn had little control over the quality of the girls who applied for the position, but she assumed that her daughter would choose a girl from one of the Ivy League institutions or a noble family, rather than the girl Arianna chose.

"Mom, all I want is someone I can talk to and be with for a long time, and I'd prefer it if that someone was honest rather than someone who only knows how to fawn. What I hate the most right now, mom, are people who lie; I'll never be able to stand those," Arianna expressed her reasoning to her mother, not wanting her to misunderstand or look down on the person she had handpicked.

"I believe there were several girls who were suitable," Marylyn inquired, "I know their parents, and they will never do anything to harm you."

"You have to understand, Mom, that not everyone likes us, even if they all smile when they see us. When we are in agony, they are the first to rejoice and console us on the other side. I need someone who, like Leah, can tell it like it is and who can willingly submit. Leah can give me a faithful follower, but those other girls will follow whoever provides them the best benefits," Arianna explained.

As she listened to her daughter, Marylyn smiled. She knew exactly what her daughter was talking about because she was there to observe how she would handle the situation. They had enemies everywhere, including those inside the family; if her daughter had picked the rotten apples, she would have gone to any length to get rid of them.

Leah was one of the excellent apples that showed up for the interview, but she didn't think Arianna would choose her in the end. She assumed that her daughter would choose one of the other girls to flaunt her control in the same way that she did in the past.

Seeing her like this and hearing her explanations convinced Marylyn to put to rest any leftover misgivings she had about her daughter. She didn't like to accept it, but her daughter had changed significantly since the suicide attempt. Maybe heaven opened her eyes and gave her a new perspective on life.

She could tell her daughter had grown up a lot, which was nice, but it was also one of the reasons she wanted to let her choose her own assistant so she could grow her workforce in the future. She wanted her youngest to be surrounded by her own people; her other children had their own people; Arianna was the only one left, and that mistake led to her baby being affected by despicable people.

Arianna's situation would have been different if she had her own people around her; she would not have suffered and might have received some counsel from them. Things may have turned out differently if she had acted sooner, but she had promised her daughter that she would trust her decisions, so she opted to leave it at that.

Arianna excused herself and returned to her bedroom after roughly an hour of talking between the two. She had been reading a lot since taking those pills that increased brain capacity.

She didn't want to read those boring books today; instead, she wanted to read the novels Amy had brought for her. She didn't have time to look through them because she was so preoccupied with her missions.

She sat in her comfortable chair and opened the first novel, which she began to read. If one were to look at Arianna right now, they would begin to wonder what has become of their young lady.

Arianna was having so much fun that she didn't know what to do. She had considered herself a writer and lived off the money she earned from writing, but the novels she was reading were on a whole different level.

These authors were incredibly inventive, and she couldn't keep up with them at all. It gave her goosebumps to think that some individuals were so insane that they would exterminate everything for the sake of love.

If she been the previous Arianna, she would have chosen the villainess's extreme means to reclaim the guy she believed the female protagonist had stolen from her, but this Arianna was different and quite rational.

If she chooses the villainous road, she will condemn her family to death. This was simply killing a lot of birds with a single stone. Arianna was bound to die by committing such heinous actions, ruining the family name that had been built over years. She will disappoint her family and go down in history as someone who was so enamored with a man who didn't love her that she ended up causing her family's demise.

Arianna did not want to be remembered as an unfaithful child, a jinx, and this was something she did not want to happen. Amy had to think Arianna was an idiot who didn't think if she thought she could offer her such a book to irritate her and make her lose her wits.

The story described in the book was about a young woman who loved a man and died for him. She reincarnated in another body, but the female heroine had already taken her man at the time. She believed the female protagonist had stolen her man, so she did everything she could to get him back. However, by the time she was done committing so many crimes, she discovered that the man she had dedicated herself to was the person who had killed her in the first place, and he was also the person who had killed her again in this life.

It was a tragic story for the villainess, but it also showed how valiant this man was in doing everything he could to fight the evil that had reincarnated in the guise of the reborn villainess.

The book was filled with so many schemes, plots, and ways to reclaim a man, but all of them could make the target hate you to death, and if one was a person who didn't use their brain like the previous Arianna, who simply believed that everything she did was correct, then this book was undoubtedly helpful, but this book made Arianna hate Amy even more, to the point where she was planning how to torture Amy when they go to watch a movie together.

She knew Amy didn't mean well, but it was also an excellent opportunity for her to teach her a lesson, and if something goes awry, it will never come back to haunt her because she had something Amy didn't, namely the existence of the system.

Arianna kept busy and picked up the second book, vowing to repay Amy tenfold for everything she had done to her. She was intending to make Amy wish she was dead, but she wouldn't be able to do so. She was ecstatic to be going on that date.