Arianna was having so much fun that she got up early the next morning to continue her exploration of the city. She ate a lot of delicious foods, took a lot of selfies, and purchased whatever she wanted.

Because of her excitement, she lost track of time and left the hotel around four o'clock, arriving at the Duke's Mansion around the time Nadia appeared.

Arianna walked quietly into the hall after registering her gift with the butler because the star of the day was speaking, and it just so happened that when Nadia finished her elegant speech, Arianna felt so nauseous she looked at Nadia with disdain.

When Nadia locked her gaze with hers, she smirked at the youngster. How could she have missed the fact that Nadia had something up her sleeve? Arianna recognized the importance of upgrading the system; once it reaches level three, she will be able to use the monitoring services.

In other words, she will be able to do whatever she wants as long as it has something to do with technology. Arianna can't wait to have her own personal technology, just like those people who hop from world to world ding missions for an ultimate goal and use the system for spying purposes.

But that will be difficult to do and achieve because the points required to upgrade were enormous, and it will most likely take at least a year, at which point the system will most likely be gone.

The system will vanish from her life once she is strong enough to fight on her own, which she desired. She didn't want a machine, especially one as dangerous as this one, to control her life, but if it remains, she'll make do.

Nadia, a young lady she thoroughly investigated via online posts and social media, was a complicated young lady. The little girl, like Amy, was good at hiding herself, though Nadia was better than Amy.

Arianna wanted to see Nadia and find out what she was up to, because no one would invite an enemy to such an important event unless there was an ulterior motive.

She was furious when she received the invitation because she didn't even remember this person from her memories, and by the time it all came back to her, she was enraged that such a small individual would make such a big deal out of her birthday party.

So Arianna came, but the banquet wasn't as important to her as touring the city and having fun. Why should she run toward a place that was riddled with traps? She wasn't an idiot, and by enraging Nadia on that podium, she had a feeling the other girl would blow up.

If she did that, there was a greater chance of Nadia making a mistake. Arianna was not in the mood to wait for what was in store for her as time passed, but she also couldn't leave because doing so would jeopardize not only her reputation, but also her family.

Even though she arrived late for the banquet, she still managed to attend, which was understandable. Arianna looked around the hall and saw faces she had never seen before; she felt like an alien, which made her regret her decision to attend the banquet in the first place.

Arianna couldn't be bothered with these strangers, so as a guest from afar in a new territory, she had to greet the host at the very least, so she walked gracefully with a glass of red wine in one hand, as if she owned the place.

Arianna had dressed to the nines for this special day because she didn't want to embarrass herself on such an occasion. She also didn't want to give the reporters or paparazzi another chance to smear her name.

She was dressed in a magenta gown with short sleeves, a neck chain with a diamond pendant, a matching diamond bracelet on the opposite hand, and a watch on the other. She was ten centimeters taller than the other girls because she was wearing a pair of ten centimeters black stilettos.

The guests found themselves giving way as Arianna walked towards Nadia, who had a perfect smile on her face and was portraying the perfect image she had shown everyone.

Nadia saw Arianna approaching, and as the hostess, she knew she had the responsibility to warmly welcome her as she had come from afar. She couldn't just ignore her, so she turned to the guests she was currently entertaining and said, "I'm sorry that I have to leave for a while. I have a visitor from afar who has just arrived, and I need to greet her."

The guests turned to see where Arianna was and couldn't help but find her attractive. Arianna was simply stunning, and anyone who saw her would be captivated. Nadia's nails dug into her palms as she noticed everyone staring at Arianna in this manner; why did she have to attract everyone around her, making her look like some background?

"Please go ahead, and if possible, can you introduce her to us?" another young master asked, his eyes brimming with excitement.

"Sure, I will," Nadia agreed before proceeding to Arianna, who was about to approach her.

"I apologize for being late, Miss Nadia, but I'm glad you didn't forget about me and invited me to your banquet. I really like this place," Arianna admitted apologetically at first, before beaming with delight at the end.

Anyone could tell that the young lady was having a good time by how excited she sounded while speaking. Nadia, who was on the receiving end of this conversation, was so enraged that she wished she could do something to Arianna, but that wouldn't be a good idea.

"It's okay because you made it, and I'm glad you had a good time in our city. You should stay a little longer," Nadia replied politely, making Arianna even more excited.

"That was exactly my intention. I'm glad I found someone who shares my viewpoint."

"Since you're already here, let me introduce you to some of our duchy's young ladies and masters; you won't find the banquet boring with some company," Nadia suggested, and Arianna quickly agreed.

Just because she didn't like Nadia didn't mean the rest of them would be bad; she wasn't going to throw away the entire basket because of one rotten apple.

Nadia made some small talk as she walked with Arianna to where Nadia had been earlier. To the group of masters and ladies that Nadia had chosen to introduce her

to, Arianna flashed her signature smile, which was pretentious, sly, or over the top.

"Everyone let me introduce you to Arianna Kendall, the young lady of Lexus."