As she came to a halt, Arianna smiled at the group of young ladies and masters, saying, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

The group was already taken aback by Arianna's demeanor; who didn't know how famous she was? She was the person who made headlines for the stupidest thing ever.

Who hadn't heard about the newly endorsed commoner's ambassador? Arianna had made a name for herself, and she was cleaning up her messes in a way that no one would question.

"This is.....," Nadia became a chatterbox while personally making the introductions, while Arianna nodded her head with a friendly smile still on her face.

"Since you're here, why don't you hang out with us?" With a coy smile on her face, a girl dressed in crimson red suggested.

Arianna shifted her gaze to her and gave her a brief glance before responding, "I don't mind at all. With all of you by my side, it will make things easier for me. And if you have some time tomorrow before I leave, why not come shopping with me? Nadia has promised to show me around before I leave."

Arianna looked innocently at Nadia, who still smiled, but everyone could tell she was fuming so hard she wanted to snap Arianna in half.

"That will be great guys, we should treat our guests well," Nadia stepped in to save the day, allowing the guys to exhale a sigh of relief.

Arianna chuckled as she looked at these people; they know how to act well, but it didn't matter because Arianna had come well prepared because she was going to fight tooth and nail in this one.

As the group stood there sipping champagne and wine, Nadia left after a brief conversation to entertain her friends, leaving Arianna alone with a group of strangers.

"So, how have you been doing since you were discharged from the hospital?" the girl in the red dress inquired, making the atmosphere awkward.

Arianna sipped her red wine elegantly while looking at the other girl who was attempting to get onto her skin.

"It can't be that difficult to answer, can it? It's not like you're a saint," another girl in an emerald gown snorted, contemptuously looking at Arianna. They were all curious to see how Arianna would respond to the question, and making things more difficult for Arianna will make Nadia reward them greatly as well.

"I'm curious how this relates to your business. I mean, what I do with my life is none of your business, but since you're so curious, I'll gladly oblige and answer your question," Arianna retorted with a sneer as she looked at the group of idiots, "I'm doing better, and I know what you're all curious about." What motivated me to do it? Do I have any regrets? What am I going to do now that I'm back on my feet?"

Every single question she posed hit the mark with each and every one of them. It was humiliating that their intentions had been discovered and that all pretenses had been abandoned.

They couldn't go back now, and since their true intentions had been revealed, they didn't think it was worth it to stay on the cover.

"Since you saw right through us, just tell us what we want to know," the girl in the red gown scowled.

"As I previously stated, I will not be telling you anything. Why should I ruin the party? If you're that bored and have time to waste, sit down and relax; maybe one day you'll get the answers you're looking for," was the only response the guys received, turning their faces white, red, and purple with rage.

No one had ever dared to talk to them like that before, and yet this little girl was busy throwing some air. And yet, before they could even vent their rage, Arianna walked away without even saying goodbye.

Arianna, who had just left the group of unsophisticated young people, was finding it difficult to be among them any longer, but the most pressing issue that drove her to leave was quite touching.

Arianna was sipping her wine when she heard that awful young woman's question, and while she was thinking about how she could respond and appear more elegant, she noticed something more interesting.

Arianna can only say that her fragile heart was racing so fast that she knew she had to check this person out. It wasn't every day that Arianna fell so hard for an unknown person, and she didn't find it repulsive.

She had seen a lot in her two lives, and she didn't want to leave any stone unturned. So, after bombing the scions, Arianna walked away, her gaze fixed on the stairs where she saw the man going.

As she made her way to the stairs, Arianna smiled and nodded to the servers who greeted her. She climbed the stairs one at a time, placing the wine glass on one of the trays. Even though she was rushing, she didn't want anyone, particularly Nadia or her friends, to find out what she was up to.

It didn't take long for her to reach the other floor; when she first entered the mansion, she didn't take the time to look around, and it was only now that she realized how vast and magnificent the entire structure was.

How was she supposed to find her mystery man with so many rooms on the floor? She simply prayed that this man be more attractive, wealthy, and noble than she was. She didn't mind an ordinary man, but she had promised herself and her mother that she would bring back a prince as a son in law, and an ordinary man was not one of them.

Arianna developed a headache as a result of having so many rooms to look into, and she needed a break, as well as motivation to begin her search. Arianna was fortunate to find a balcony from which to take a breather, and the view was breathtaking.

Arianna took a pill from her space storage and swallowed it. Her body immediately felt refreshed, and the headache vanished as if it had never existed.

Her mind began to race as she devised strategies for locating her mystery man, all while a man sat in one of the rooms on the third floor, sipping a glass of scotch and facing a middle-aged man with his head bowed in respect.