Was it even possible to continue the banquet after what Arianna had done? The culprit Arianna had already left by the time Nadia's parents and elders arrived, and her mind had been consumed by Maxim.

The young duke ended up sending all of the guests away first and repeatedly warning everyone not to say anything about what had happened, but what he didn't realize was that the videos were already on the internet and a storm was brewing.

Ruby didn't even stay long and stormed out in a rage, leaving bystanders with only a shake of their heads and a grin.

Who told these two that they should underestimate their opponent? Didn't everyone read The Art of War? You should get to know your adversary better and learn everything you can about him. If you go into a war the way these two did, it will not be surprising if you lose.

The young duke was reprimanded by the duke, and all he could do was take it and say nothing.

"I am sorry father, I have spoiled my daughter a lot," the young duke could only apologize, but deep down inside, he curved Arianna's name with blood.

How can he not despise her, knowing that she will make him a laughingstock?

"I understand what you're thinking, but it's pointless. The fault lies with Nadia; the enemy was simply too powerful and adaptable. She had no chance of winning. You deal with the situation and, after some punishment, console her; she had really suffered," the duke sighed.

He not only understood how his granddaughter worked, but he also participated in spoiling her. He wanted her to fight her battles alone, and with Arianna's previous character, Nadia would have won, but Arianna was no longer as naive as she once was.

When they said that if you make a rabbit angry, it will bite, they were right. Arianna had truly changed, and he envied Paulo. How can his fortune change so drastically?

"Thank you for your mercy, Father."

"Go no, I need to rest," the old duke shushed his son away, needing some alone time.

Nadia, on the other hand, was frantically throwing everything she could find in her room. She had been angry before, but now she was completely furious and enraged.

She wanted to kill someone, but she was unable to do so because she had been locked in her bedroom as soon as everyone had been sent away. How did that vixen pull it off? Why didn't she retaliate?

Nadia was a strong person, so this shouldn't have been a big deal, but when Arianna was talking and her gaze kept shifting from her to Ruby, she felt so powerless she couldn't even defend herself.

She noticed how everyone was staring at her and Ruby. She could tell that the truth had been revealed and her actions for the day had been exposed. It wasn't supposed to be like that, but Arianna emerged victorious.

When she saw the videos that had gone viral again, she couldn't stop laughing hysterically like a maniac.

"Hahahahaha, to think that the day when i Nadia has my name blackened by my foe finally came. Haiii, this is so frustrating."

The nanny was unable to be on Nadia's side at this time because she was receiving her punishment. She would walk on fire for her mistress, so being hit wasn't such a big deal.

She didn't cry or make a sound as the hits rained down on her. She simply told herself that Arianna's humiliation and suffering would be returned to her a hundredfold one day.

Ruby was pacing up and down in a hotel room, her heart racing wildly. Arianna's previous words were still fresh in her mind. She had stated that she no longer loved Lucas, and when she looked into the little girl's eyes, she knew instantly that the love was gone.

There were some words, however, that caught her off guard, and it was during that lengthy speech that Arianna publicly declared her love for someone other than Lucas.

Who was he or she? According to Arianna, she appeared to have met the guy at the banquet, but no one had a higher status than Lucas. Lucas belonged to the top four duchies, which meant that if someone was higher, it should have been one of the other three duchies or royalty, but neither of these groups attended the banquet.

Who did Arianna meet during her disappearance from the hall? She made a few calls, desperate to find out the answer, and eventually calmed down. She'll get the answer, and even if she doesn't, she's not going to let Arianna go after the humiliation she put her through.

In front of so many people, she has the audacity to call her a phony noble.

"Hahaha, Just wait and see how much I make you pay."

Netizens were going crazy on the internet after seeing the viral videos for Nadia's birthday banquet.

[Once again, Lady Arianna strikes. Hahaha, this is a one-of-a-kind noble lady.]

[She makes me feel revitalized.]

[After watching the first videos, I became enraged and insulted her severely. How can she bully others in such a way, but after watching the subsequent videos, I realized she had been framed? Is it really that entertaining to gang up on someone like that?]

[She should behave like a noblewoman, not a shrew!]

[I despise that girl and feel bad for her family.]

[She is a letdown. And to think she didn't even acknowledge her host. She should be confined to her home.]

[She should be ashamed of herself for airing her dirty laundry like that. [How can she admit to attempting suicide as if it were a simple matter of eating lunch?]

People were making comments and expressing their opinions. Some admired what she did, while others vilified her. There was a verbal brawl online, and some even went so far as to attack Arianna on her account, but the person involved wasn't even online, and if she knew what was going on, she didn't care because she was busy changing into some casual clothes and getting ready for bed.

Arianna became even more famous without her knowledge. Those who did not know her looked up news about her, and the findings left them speechless, excited, shocked, anxious, and filled with a variety of emotions.