“Wait! Wait!”
She tries to keep her left eye open and on her target as sweat drips and stings her right eye. She doesn’t have her holster, so she has to put both of her knives in one hand to wipe her eyes. The only problem is she can’t just clear her eyes, she has to wipe the ocean of sweat off of her forehead and soaked hair.
“Saying, Uncle?” Adorna smiles, cheeks rising to her crinkled eyes.
They have been sparing for an hour to stave off the boredom of waiting to make a plan for the “Kill Bathory” party.
“No. I’m just…”
Her entire team, minus the Major, plus a room full of Castors and armed guards, sits around the makeshift octagon and have been enraptured by the start. Bets were going around thanks to Atlas and Jordan, now nicknamed Jatlas.