Chapter 3

Lucinda's POV

I walked through the door with a groan and kicked off my heels.


Being a woman is hard. I put my purse on the kitchen counter and took out some stuff to make coffee.

As I was busy my phone vibrated inside of my purse. I abandoned what I was doing and took it out of my bag to see a message from Donavan.

I rolled my eyes.

I gave him my number just an hour ago and he's already texting me.

D: 'You up?'

L: 'No'

D: 'Wanna go somewhere fun?'

L: 'Oh sorry, I can't respond cause I'm currently not awake'

D: 'Luce...'

L: 'Dona...'

D: 'I'm being serious...'

L: 'So am I'

D: 'Meet me at the park in 10 minutes'

L: 'At 3 am?!'

L: 'Donavan?'

L: 'Hey?!?!'


I went up to my room and changed into some sweat pants and a hoodie and wore my steel tiped boots.

I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door. I breathed in the cool air as it refreshed my lungs.

I love night walks. They give me a sense of calm when the world isn't so busy and danger is lurking around the corner.

It's enticing.

One time I almost got mugged but three guys was no match for me. I am half demon after all so that comes with a variety of special abilities.

I can do things that normal people can't do. My favorite one is that I can make people have hallucinations. Make them believe that something happend even though it never did.

I walked through the entrance of the park only to realize that he didn't specify where in the park we should me.

Damnit Donavan!

I walked to the massive tree in the middle of the park and took out my phone.

L: 'Where exactly are we meeting and where are you?'

Like expected he didn't respond.

I let out a frustrated sigh and paced a bit. I hand touched my shoulder and I immediately reacted and flipped the person over.

They landed with a thud on the ground and I twisted their hand so they couldn't use it and glared at them for sneaking up on me.

"Lucy! Lucy! It's me... Donavan" said the unsuspecting male below me.

I let go of his arm and helped him up.

"Damn girl! I had no idea you could do that" he exclaimed and smoothed his clothes.

"Why am I here?" I asked agitated.

He rolled his shoulders.

"I told you that were going somewhere fun. Now follow me" he said leading the way.

I followed him in silence.

"Where did you learn to do that" he asked.

"You learn a thing or two while living in hell" I said.

He looked at me weirdly and shook his head.

"You sure are a mystery Lucy" he said with a chuckle.

I shrugged.

"Where are going anyway?" I asked. He didn't respond and walked towards a gate. I followed him only to notice that we were next to water.

The pier?

He proceeded to take something out of his pocket and pick the lock on the gate.

"I wasn't aware we were breaking and entering" I said with a smirk.

This human is interesting.

"Why wanna back out?" he said smiling.

I scoffed.

"I enjoy a little mischief from time to time." I said pushing out of the way and picking the lock myself.

With a satisfactory click I took off the chain and opened the gate. We walked in and looked around.

It looks quite nice at night. In my opinion everything looks nice at night.

Donavan kept looking for a food stand that had anything inside. He flipped a switch and a funnel cake stand lit up.

"Would you like some funnel cake milady?" he bowed like a man from the 1700s.

I chuckled at sat down at one of the chairs.

"Do you even know what you're doing?"

"Uh sure?" he said while mixing a bunch of random stuff in a bowl." Uh actually... Let me start again" he said and dumped the mixture in the trash then went to the sink to wash the bowl.

I laughed at his failed attempt as he frantically tried to wash the bowl.

"Hey you! What are you doing here!" screamed a man with a flashlight who caught both our attention.

"Run" I said and we bolted.

We ran passed the stall and deeper into the pier.

"Hey stop!" he said and gained the attention of his other friend.

"We've run too far from the gate" I said to Donavan at my side.

"To the docks!" he said and we ran in that direction.

The poor potbellied men were trying to keep up with us as they heaved like they just ran a 10k.

We gained some distance and arrived at the docks.

"What now?" I asked.

He looked side to side and then at me.

"We jump" he said firmly looking me in the eyes.

"What!-" I exclaimed before being cut off by him grabbing my hand and running into the water.

We landed with a splash as freezing cold, ocean water filled my senses. I looked at Donavan and he motioned to me not to go up and pointed sideways and began to swim.

I followed him as flashlights shined beneath the water trying to find us but we never resurfaced.

After a short distance we emerged and swam towards land. Once we reached it we both came out laughing.

"Now that was fun" I said clutching my stomach.

"See... Told you we'd go somewhere fun" he said.

After laughing for a bit more we finally calmed down.

"Well... I'm freezing and I gotta get home and put my phone in rice" I said and proceeded to walk away.

"So I'll see you again?" he asked over my shoulder.

"I would hold your breath" I said and walked away.


"Where have you been?!" screamed a frustrated annoying voice I wasn't too keen to hear.


"I was out" I stated the obvious.

"No shit Sherlock... And why are you wet?" he said watching me put my phone in a bowl of rice.

"None of your business" I said while rolling my eyes.

"It is my business since you're my future wife" he said with a scowl on his face.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch..." I said and walked passed him to my room.

"We will continue this conversation later" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever..." I said and entered my room. I washed the ocean water off my body in a scorching hot shower, changed into some pajamas and climbed into my bed.

Once my head touched my pillow I succumbed to the darkness which was my one escape.