Chapter 6

Lucinda's POV

It's been a week since me and Lynn had lunch and planned our double date. Or more... She planned it.

And my supposed 'date' is apparently Lynn's cousin. According to her and I quote 'He's really excited to meet you'.

I'm not really sure about my date being related to Lynn because what if he's the soul I've been look for all this time.

I get that I still treat her like she's a total stranger but I hadn't planned to hurt her feelings anytime soon.

But the future is not set in stone.

A ping beside me got my attention and I picked up my phone. It was a message from Donavan.


Guess I haven't seen him in a while either but it's not like I actually cared.

D: 'Wassup'

L: 'Forgot you have my number'

D: 'Don't wound me so my dear princess'

I rolled my eyes.

L: 'What do you want?'

D: 'Wanna hang'

L: 'No'

D: ' :'( Why not?'

L: 'Busy'

D: 'With what?'

L: 'None of your business'

D: 'Well you are MY princess so it kinda is'

L: ' :-\.... Right'

After that he didn't text back. I put my phone down and grabbed a book off my shelf and began to read.

A few minutes later my phone pinged again. I groaned and picked it up to see a message from the same person.

D: 'Apparently I have plans too so I can't hang'

L: 'When did I agree to hanging with you?!'

D: 'I was reading in between the lines'

L: 'There was only one line'

D: 'Call it... Intuition'

L: 'Whatever'

I put my phone down and continued with my book. A ping noise interrupted me once more.


I picked my phone up ready to throw it across the room when I saw the message was from Lynn.

B: 'Be ready at 20:00. I'll be there to pick you up. Going to a fancy restaurant. Love you lots. <3'

L: 'See ya then'

I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 18:27. I hauled my ass off couch and walked to the shower.

I took my time in there scrubbing as slow as I possibly could just to waste time... And hot water.

Once I got out the bathroom was full of steam and the mirror was all fogged up. I whipped it and observed the six 'tattoo' like scares on my right arm.

One day I will get rid of them.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I chose a floor length black dress with a sweetheart neckline and a slit at my right thigh.

I paired it with my favorite black platform heels and a sparkly black clutch. I did a smoky eye and some shiny lip gloss. I curled my hair and put it into a fancy looking 'messy' bun with some loose strands to shape my face.

I checked the the time to see it was 19:55. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a glass and proceeded to pour water in it.

"Damn! You look good" said a voice behind me and out of shock I turned and poured the water on them.

"Damnit Lucian!", I screeched, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop coming into my apartment unannounced! I might just file a restraining order."

"Where are you going?" he asked not minding that I just soaked him.

"Does it matter?" I said filling my glass once more.

"It does if you go out looking like... that" he said while looking me up and down. I downed my water trying to push down the bile rising up my throat.

Could he be any more creepy.

"On a date Lucian." I said putting my glass in the sink.

"With who?" he asked.

"Can you please clean this mess up. I don't have time... And most importantly be GONE by the time I'm back." I said ignoring him.

"You didn't answer my question" he pointed out.

A car pulled up in my driveway and honked. I grabbed my clutch and proceeded towards the door. Before I walked out I stared at him right in the eyes.

"Gone... And don't touch my pop tarts!" I said and closed the door. I walked towards the car and got in and said my hello's.


"Lynn... This place is amazing!" I said looking at the aesthetical look of this restaurant.

"Thanks... This is the first restaurant I ever opened." she said smiling proudly.

A waiter came to us and ushered us to our table. I was surprised to find it empty when Lynn informed me that her boyfriend would be coming with her cousi- my date.

We sat down and chatted for a bit about pretty much anything until the door to our private VIP room opened and was I surprised about who walked through the door.

Well if it isn't the one and only... The jerk of all jerks... Mr 'Do it for Gilly the Goldfish'...


What the fuck is he doing here?!

On a double date... With me?!

Oh my goodness.

"Baby!" squealed Lynn as she jumped out of her chair and hugged Donavan.


Oh... So not my double date.

An unsettling feeling set in the bottom of my stomach. Suddenly breathing felt like too hard of a task.

"Hey... How are you?" he asked and kissed her cheek.

"I'm perfect. Is Chase with you?" she asked.

"Uh yeah. He went back to the car to grab something." he said.

This malevolent jerk!

How dare he swear on his goldfish for my number when he has a girlfriend?!

"Oh... This is who I've been telling you about... Meet Cece... Formally know as Lucinda" she introduced with a smile on her face.

He looked at me and his eyebrows raised slightly before he covered his expression.

"Hey... I'm Donavan" he said while holding out his hand.


So we're playing it that game.

"Hi..." I said shaking his hand and settled back in my seat.

I'm cool with being strangers.

But why does it hurt so bad.

It feels like a dagger has been thrusted in my heart in my heart.

An old rusty dagger barbed with thorns, laced with snake venom and dipped in acid... Not once but twice!

I took a deep breath and calmed myself when another person walked through the door.

A man with similar features to Lynn walked in. He approached our table and put out his hand.

"Hey I'm Chase and you are quite beautiful" he said while I shook his hand and he put a chaste kiss on the back.

I smiled at him and retrieved my hand.

"Hello my name is Lucinda" I said while watching him sit down. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned to see Lynn staring at me with eyes full of glee and Donavan glaring at me with nuclear acid in those forest green eyes.

This is going to be a long night.