Chapter 7

Lucinda's POV

I knew that I always enjoyed not being acknowledged, being the one in the background. I never really enjoyed the lime light but I never truly understood what it felt like to have someone ignore the fact that they knew you.

I watched him across the table sitting next to her and he just went on enjoying his night as if we only just met a couple of minutes ago. His hand draped on her shoulder in the most carefree manner and all of them laughing along to his jokes as though this was a normal night.

I laughed along not to raise suspicion of my mood with my mask plastered so well across my face so no one could see the thoughts running through my mind.

"So Lucinda... Tell me about yourself" said Chase next to me.

With that question Donavan's attention turned to me in anticipation to see what I was going to say. That look in his eye told me I better not say anything about us knowing each other.

You were the first to deny me so why would I even bother.

I turned to Chase and smiled at him as though he was the most interesting thing on this planet. From the corner of my eye I could see him slightly tense. I smirked.

"I am highly addicted to coffee, I enjoy reading and getting into a little bit of trouble" I said and deliberately looked at Donavan remembering the night at the pier.

Lynn looked at him and he just shrugged it off.

"Is that so?" Chase asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah... Just the other day I broke into the pier" I said and Donavan's eyes widened slightly in panic. Lynn and Chase just gasped in astonishment.

"That was you?!" she exclaimed.

"In the flesh" I said proudly.

"That is so cool. I wish I had the confidence to actually do something like that." she said.

"Wait a minute... Are you the reason why there was no funnel cake for the day?" Chase asked.

I turned to him with my brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Apparently the funnel cake stands tap was opened and it flooded and all the flour got soaked so there was no funnel cake for the day" Chase said.

Considering the fact that I wasn't the one who left the tap open I didn't really have to feel guilty about what happened the next day.

"Yeah, there calling you the 'Funnel Cake Bandit'" Chase said while showing me the article online.

I let out something between a laugh and a snort.

"That's a corny name... Besides its not like I stole anything" I said.

"Just caused the heartbreaks of dozens of little kids across the pier just yearning to get a sugar high from the funnel cake" Chase said sarcastically.

"You're saying like it's their only source of cocaine" I said.

"For all we know they could be putting in there to have them wanting more" Chase said slightly nudging me in the shoulder.

I giggled slightly when Lynn cleared her throat when I remembered we have other people here with us.

Donavan was staring daggers into Chase when our food arrived. Thick tension settled in the air that even the waiter could feel. He hurriedly put our food down and scrambled out of the room.

For a few minutes we all just sat in a awkward silence that no one dared to speak.

Donavan had not stopped staring at Chase and even Lynn seemed to notice but not say anything about. Chase leaned into my ear to whisper something when Donavan cut him off before he could utter a word.

"How about we order some more wine shall we?" Donavan said and ushered the waiter over.

After he refilled our drinks he left again and we all just settled into our awkward silence again. Once we were done eating the waiter took our plates.

"Dessert?" Chase asked around the table.

"Unfortunately it's getting late and we should get going" Donavan said while getting up.

"I could go for dessert" I said to Chase.

"Well I'm stuffed. You two can ride together right?" Lynn asked me.

I nodded in response and Donavan clenched his fist.

"C'mon babe let's go home." Lynn said and pulled Donavan out of the room.

"Wanna get out of here? I know a great Café where they have the world's best brownies" I said.

"Sounds great. Shall we" he gestured towards the door. I smiled and walked out to his car.

Once we got to Tia's me and him chatted the night away while enjoying a nice cup of coffee and delicious brownies.

Turns out me and him actually have a lot in common and at the end of the night we exchanged numbers.

He offered me a ride home but I declined wanting to feel the cold air in my lungs. After I said goodbye I began my walk home.

"Lucinda!" said a voice behind me.


"What?" I asked still walking. I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

"What the hell was that back there" he demanded.

"I was on a date Donavan... What else do you expect" I said. He caught up to me and stopped in front of me.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

"What for?" I asked even though I knew exactly why he was asking.

"That I didn't tell you about Brendaline" he said.

"Why should I care... We aren't friends" I said and walked past him.

He walked in front of me again and blocked my path once more.

"Look I'm sorry that I pretended I didn't know who you were earlier... I was being a dick" he said and I hummed in response then kept walking.

"So does that mean we're good?" he asked.

"There was nothing bad in the first place, You don't know me and I don't know you. It's always been that way and will forever remain" I said.

He didn't say anything after that and I kept on walking. A part of me wished he did but I quickly shoved it to the depths of my mind where it will never be dwelled on once more.

But I couldn't stop the small ache I felt in my chest. I sighed and opened my apartment door.