Chapter 9

Lucinda's POV

"Chase..." I said shocked to see him at my house.


How does he know where I live.

He seemed to notice my distress and put my worries to rest.

"Uh... Lynn told me where you live" he said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and shuffled from side to side.

It's only then I realized that we were still standing at my door. I quickly scrambled to the side.

"My apologies... Please come in" I gestured with my hand and a small smile on my face.

He walked past me and I caught a whiff of his scent. It was a fresh pinecone scent with masculine cologne and a hint of aftershave. It was very addicting.

He walked into my living room and sat on the couch. I remained standing not completely sure why but then I remembered that if you had a guest you were to offer them a drink or something.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked like a good hostess.

"Um no thanks... I actually came to ask if you were busy" he said fidgeting with his fingers.

"Why? " I asked curiously and raised a brow.

"Well I was wondering whether you wanted to go out and do something fun... Or if you're busy I can go and we can do it another time if you're not bu-" he began to ramble and I cut him off.

"Chase!" I exclaimed.

He froze.

"Yes..." He said looking me in the eye.

And I swear I saw fear in the man's eyes. Like he was staring death in the face. How sad and ironic is that.

"I'd like to go out with you" I said.

He raised his brows in shock and released a breath of relief.

"How about I get changed and we can go?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly and I walked in the direction of my room.


I guess this soul hunting business will be much easier than I thought this year.

I rummaged through my closet looking for something to wear when I realized I don't even know where we're going so I walked back to the living room.

"Hey Chase?" I peaked my head from the wall.

"Yeah?" he asked turning his attention away from the TV.

"Where are we going?" I asked hoping to get more information from him.

He smirked.

I was taken back by this move because wasn't he just timid and nervous about asking me on this date in the first place.

"It's a surprise" he said.

"Yeah dummy... I know that. I just wanna know what to wear" I said.

He formed a 'O' with his lips.

"Just dress casually... We're not going anywhere fancy" he said.

"Thanks" I said and walked back to my room to pull together an outfit.

I put on a pair of black faded jeans and a beige knitted sweater and brown leather ankle boots. I tied my hair in a loose ponytail and put on some lip gloss. Looking in the mirror I found that I was decent enough and didn't dwell any further on my appearance.

I grabbed a purse with every essential thing a lady needs and headed to the living room.

Chase was already waiting there for me like a gentleman and complimented me on my appearance. I gratefully accepted and walked outside, locked my door and entered his car.

We rode in comfortable silence while the radio played a familiar song in the background. I lip synced to the lyrics of 'Save You' by Simple Plan and bobbed my head to the beat.

"You're a fan of Simple Plan?" he asked.

"You aren't" I retorted.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Of course I am... I just imagined you'd like bands like One Direction or Backstreet Boys" he said.

I placed my hand on my chest in offense.

"Next thing I'll hear is that you don't believe that I like 'All Time Low'" I said and crossed my arms on my chest.

He glared at me sceptically.

"Name your favorite song" he said with a raised brow in challenge.

"Somethings gotta give" I said with a smirk.

He released something between a groan and a huff.

"That's my favorite one too" he said.

"What! Really?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said and chuckled and I laughed along with him when another song played over the radio.

He began to lip sync to the lyrics and I recognized who it was from.

"I thought you were a bands man" I said raising my brow in suspicion.

"There world is full of underrated artists!" he said in defense.

I giggled at his passion for music.

We pulled up at a parking lot by a forest. I looked at him and raised a brow.

"C'mon... Let's go" he said and held my hand as we walked through the forest.

"You're not some serial killer leading me to my possibly inevitable doom by our similar taste in music... Are you?" I asked feeling hesitant about how deep we were going.

He laughed.

"Well... It's too late to turn back now" he said with a broad smile on his face.

"And why is that" I challenged.

"Because I'm the one who knows the way back and has the car keys" he smirked dangling them from his finger.

"I'm a black belt in Judo" I stated randomly.

"I don't doubt that for one second" he mocked me.

Before I could reply to his comment we came upon a clearing in the woods that looked out over the ocean.

The area surrounding it was decorated with fairy lights which illuminated everything to look romantic. Across the floor was a red and white checkered picnic blanket and upon it a basket, vase with a black rose in it, plates, glasses, a bottle of wine and cutlery.

"Wow" I said as I approached the romantic set up.

"Do you like it?" he asked fidgeting with his fingers again.

"Like it? I love it!" I said.

Little did he know... This was my first date in 25 years.

It means a lot to me.

"Wait... If all of this was set up before you asked me on a date then what would have happened if I said I was busy" I said and smirked at him.

"Then I would have had to become a serial killer leading you out to the woods by our similar taste in music" he said.

I laughed at my own words and we sat on the blanket and enjoyed the rest of our night together.