Chapter 80

Lucinda's POV

I had a dream.

I was somewhere in the countryside. The sun shone brightly while I sat under the shade of a tree. The dandelion field tree. In the distance Donny approached me holding a child's hand. The child then hugged me and called me mom.

I looked down at my finger and there a silver band adorned it. Donny kissed my forehead and sat next to me and the little baby in my arms. The dream was so vivid it felt real and before I knew it the baby turned to ash in my hands. Donavan blew away like dust in front of my eyes and the field was set alight and I was encircled by a circle of flames.

The ground that I was sitting upon turned into a stone throne and a crown adorned my head. I looked to my side and Lucian was there with a similar crown atop his head. He smiled and said 'You belong with me' and I woke from my dream.

As I was greeted by my beige ceiling. Tears streamed out from my eyes and soaked my pillow. That was relief I found in the human realm. Tears here are simply just salty water and nothing harmful so you could cry your heart out and nothing would stop you.

A malicious creature of anxiety grew in my chest as I felt a panic attack coming on. My breath laboured and the tears in my eyes intensified. I started sobbing while covering my mouth with my hand to stop myself from making a noise.

I don't even know why I'm trying to be quiet since I live alone but I'm so used to it that it's become a habit. After a few minutes of crying my upper arm started to pulse. A painful stinging sensation spread over my arms and I clasped my hand over it to try and ease the pain.

I got up unwillingly and walked to my en suite bathroom and inspected my arm in the mirror. The six whiplashs in my upper arm were protruding and marking my skin in red angry streaks. I tried with all my might to camouflage them but they wouldn't budge.

And that how I knew that this was no longer a warning but a promise.

Staring at the tear stained reflection of my face I made a moments decision. There is no way I would go down without a fight. And if I'm going down, I'm doing it kicking and screaming. With that I wiped the tears on my face and ignored the pain in my arm.

I have a ball to prepare for.


Several hours had gone by and I was about halfway done with my preparations for the ball. At around noon a hair and makeup stylist showed up at my door by courtesy of Mr McConaughey.

I had hid my arm by wearing a robe while the stylist was here. We held light conversation while she was busy and she had just finished thirty minutes ago.

The ball was in less than an hour and I was pacing around my kitchen with a wine glass in hand. I really wish I had a Poltergeist's Tears right now.

As if Dami could have read my thoughts because at that given moment he walked through my front door. He immediately embraced me in a tight hug and tears stung at my eyes.

"Mea Regina... How are you holding up?"

I gulped down the growing feeling in my throat and blinked back the tears.

"Not so great and these aren't making the situation any better."

I pulled back the robe and showed him the whiplashes on my arm. He winced once he laid his eyes on the them and then his gaze softened.

"Mea Regina, you know I love you right?"

I nodded.

"Say the word and I'll go get our sacrifice right now. No questions asked. I assume you have two options now, no?"

I looked down and nodded my head. He came up to me and held both my hands. His silver eyes looked surprisingly soft but filled with undying devotion. I sighed.

"Dami... I'm going to make my final decision at the ball tonight. Whatever decision I decide to make promise me you'll just go with it. No matter what."

He looked confused but ultimately nodded.

"I'm with you till the end."

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Suddenly everything felt just a little bit better and my chest felt lighter. At least at the end of the night I'll have someone on my side.

Taking a set back to assess Dami I finally grasped his appearance this evening. He was wearing a black tux with a smoky grey undershirt which enhanced the colour of his steel eyes.

His curly brown hair was styled back with a little bit of gel to hold it back but not to glue it down to his scalp. A few strands escaped to frame his boyish face. In short, my best friend looked hot!

"Damn bestie! Who are you trying to impress?!"

He chuckled and did a little spin.

"Please... The world deserves to see this magnificence."

I shook my head in disbelief and walked to my room to put on my dress. Dami manoeuvred himself to my kitchen to find something to snack on. I was a bit apprehensive about letting him back in the kitchen unsupervised but I decided to trust him this time.

Putting on my black long sleeve dress, to hide the whiplashes, I zipped it up and stared at myself in the mirror. It was a black mermaid satin deep v-neck long sleeve dress with a slit on my right thigh.

I paired it with Louboutin stilettos and a black choker. I let my hair out of its clip and it fell in waves around me. Fixing it here and there I decided that I looked good, grabbed my purse left the room.

As I came closer to the kitchen I could hear cursing from Dami and I sighed. I shouldn't have left him alone. When I came into the kitchen it looked at though a tornado had swept through the room.

Evgeny was licking a puddle of milk on the floor while the rest of the kitchen was trashed. Amongst the mess was Dami who was surprisingly spotless. He was picking up random utensils on the ground. He looked up and saw me with my arms crossed.

"I was trying to make popcorn."

"Mhmm... Leave it. Let's go."







