
Chapter 2 - Reminisce

" You've gotta be fucking kidding me", Rose mumbled under her breathe for the thousandth time. She was feeling a lot of things right now but mostly, she felt exhausted. The journey had not been easy for her and she could feel energy draining from her body. The cold night wind added more to her misery. She knew she should be heading back to her make-shift tent in the forest but she also knew that she could not risk losing her target now. She stared at the man in front of her with disdain and disgust. Rose could not understand how a drunkard like him could be the hero her people were waiting for. How could a man who can't even stand on his own damn feet properly, be the savior Eresia needed. How could a man living a completely different life then them, a man who had no idea that there was a completely different world out there which was on a standstill because of him be The Chosen One. She was not sure why He was chosen when her own land had men ten times more worthy but she also knew that she could not question the Elders. She saw him staggering and then falling facedown on the cold pavement. His friends tried to handle him but they all were too intoxicated to help anyone. She almost gave up her cover and was about to step out from behind the large oak tree when a van stopped infront of the man she was following. He saw the familiar face on the driving seat and got in with his friends. Rose flinched as pain shot through her head. She took few steps back and tried to fend off the energy she was receiving. No doubt, there was a Ager in that van and it had sensed her. She knew they are vicious, powerful creatures and it could be dangerous for her to approach them in her current state. She needed to rest before facing these creature otherwise she would never survive that encounter . The van took off and Rose heavy heartedly headed towards the forest where her make-shift bed was. She wanted her work to be done as quickly as possible but there were no chances of that happening tonight. She had to wait till morning.