
chapter 3

After a long day of waiting and hunting for fruits to satisfy her hunger, Rose finally finally felt relieved. The crimson evening sky was an indication for her to prepare herself further as no one knew what the night would bring. The Elders had informed her that few of their Agers had gone rogue and might no longer want to cooperate. If that was really the case then she knew she had a tough night ahead. She sat down on a log she had cut few days earlier to use in building her tent. Rose looked around the now dark forest and her thoughts went back to the day she was sent here by the Council. She was called to the Elders Chamber and told of her responsibility. She was shocked at first because no Eresian had permission to jump between the two worlds, the punishment would be banishment if caught and worse, even if there were no punishments, it was too dangerous. She bowed in obedience and obliged to the order. She winced when she remembered the pain she felt while transitioning between the two worlds. She felt as if she was being torn apart and burned alive at the same time. The pain was almost unbearable and she knew if it wasn't for the strength bestowed in her by the Elders, she would not have survived. Suddenly, a low growl stopped her train of thoughts. Rose quickly stood up and drew her sword. She stood in a defensive position looking around the forest, focusing on the littlest of sounds. The growl was heard again but this time louder and nearer. Her entire body tingled and she was sure she was being watched, more likely observed. She felt a sudden rush of heat in her body and her temple hurt badly. Rose called out in a loud yet confident voice " Come out Ager, I know it is you." A tall figure stepped out from the shadows of the trees. It seemed to be a creature of some sort, some could have confused it with a werewolf but as Rose watched it with surprise, it transformed into a middle aged, surprisingly small man. Rose approached him cautiously and gave her introduction, " My name is Rose... I mean Ignis Letra, the daughter of Dravis Letra of Eresia. I have been sent by the council of Elders to bring Eric Osborne to Eresia." The Ager eyed her suspiciously but seemed to be satisfied with her explanation. " Ignis." Rose was shocked to hear her name, mostly because it was spoken in such a strong and powerful voice that gave her goosebumps. How can a man so small and frail looking posses such power. " Do you know what your name means?". Rose was taken aback by his question. Nobody had ever asked her this before. "Yes, it means Fire". The Ager smiled " Yes it does, but some people also like to translate it as Foolish Fire, I wonder which one does your name represent." Rose felt a tinge of anger and replied rather hotly " Both can do immense harm, whether it be foolish or not." The Ager left out a loud laugh which echoed in the entire forest. The Ager looked at Rose this time and a serious look came on his face " I am Yahu, the Pricenps of all the Agers. I welcome you to earth Ignis. We have been protecting Eric ever since I brought him here and I realize now that it is time to take him back to Eresia." Rose stared at him wide eyed and confused. " What do you mean by taking him back?, Is he from Eresia?". Her questions were met by silence. The Ager looked at Rose almost sympathetically, " You will be given all your answers by The Elders Ignis, I have no right to do so. We have kept him protected all this time but now he must return." Rose was shocked by the news she was receiving. No one told her that Eric was one of them. Even her own father hid this from her. Eric was an Eresian, who must have been transitioned when he was small or even a baby. Suddenly her eyes grew wide with realization. She looked at the Ager in front of her and in a dead serous voice asked "He is the last Master, isn't he?". The Ager looked at her with pride, "Yes". His words shook her to core and she stood there dumbfounded.