Sleeping beauty story

Lily wiped her tears as she held her friend's hand tightly. It pained her to see her friend laying on the bed sick.

"Don't worry, I will be fine in a few days." Amila said with a weak voice.

Lily only smiled at her friend's words not knowing how to reply. She is not going to be alright. She had seen this before with her two older sisters.

But she can't just sit here and cry. She needs to make her friend happy and forget about her sickness. Lily always hates to make things dramatic.

"What do you want to do?" Lily asked, making Amila look at her confused.

Amila stared at her friend, not understanding what she meant.

"What I mean is, What do want to do right now to pass the time." Lily explained.

Amila thought about Lily's words for a moment and she asked herself the same question, What does she want to do?.

She has no idea.

Amila activity was always limited, Because of her sickness, She was born with weak lungs, Just like her older two sisters, They died at the same age as her, When she was a child, She couldn't play as the other kids do, She sat away from them watching them, The only friend who would come and sit with her was, Lily.

Remembering these times, Amila smiled, It was a happy time.

"I want to read a sleeping beauty story." Amila replied.

She had always liked this story and reread it many times.

Lily smiled and nodded her head and stood up, walked towards the bookshelf and picked up the book, and went back and took off her shoes and joined her friend on the bed.

Opening the book, Lily started to read.

"Once upon a time there lived a king and queen who were very unhappy because they had no children. But at last a little daughter

was born, and their sorrow was turned to joy.

All the bells in the land were rung to tell the glad tidings.

The king gave a christening feast so grand that the like of it had never been known. He invited all the fairies he could find in the kingdom—there were seven of them—to come to the christening as godmothers. He hoped that each would give the princess a

good gift.

When the christening was over, the feast came. Before each of the fairies was placed a

plate with a spoon, a knife, and a fork—all pure gold. But alas! As the fairies were about to seat themselves at the table, there came into the hall a very old fairy who had not been invited. She had left the kingdom fifty years before and had not been seen or heard of until this day.

The king at once ordered that a plate should be brought for her, but he could not furnish a

gold one such as the others had. This made the old fairy angry, and she sat there muttering to herself."

Lily stopped pausing her reading and turned to look at her friend who had a happy smile on her face. She continued reading the book until Amila fall asleep.