It was a bit dark in the room, as it was as quiet as a mouse. Of course, there was a mouse in the room at the current moment. As a matter of fact, there was a few mice in the very large room. This mouse in particular, was a bit different than the rest of his companions though, as he did not know what was coming to him next.
This mouse was just going about his day as he normally did, eating some hay that was left on the ground from a bunch of the two legs. It needed its grains for it to make it through the day, but sadly enough for this mouse, he did not realize that he was not going to be making it through this particular day.
There was a bit of some noise in the room that he was in, as he heard a couple of squeaks from nearby him, as he turned his head over to where he had heard the noise come from. It was dead silent in the room now, as the mouse had not heard what it was that its companion had said out loud for the others to hear.
The mouse shook his head, and he went back to what it was that he had been doing before, which was eating some of the hay that laid on the ground, not worried at all as to why he had heard one of the mice randomly squeaked and then went silent after that. Which of course was the mistake of this mouse. But, to be fair, he did not know any better as he was a fairly innocent mouse.
The mouse stood still, as it had its head low to the ground, whilst in continued to feast on the hay that it had been biting in to. Mean while, not too far away from this mouse, there was another animal that was nearby him, that also was looking to get some food for it self, and its family which consisted of him, and his young kit as well.
The animal, which happened to be a cat as well, it liked to eat some thing that was a little bit different than the mice liked to eat. Unless of course, the mouse that you were thinking about might be a cannibalistic mouse. Yes... This cat was looking to get some fresh mice to feed him and his kit, who was not too far away from him, waiting for his father to get some fresh prey for the both of them to eat.
This cat in particular, had its eyes on a specific prey, which of course, happened to be the mouse that we had been talking about not too long before now. The poor mouse did not know what he had coming for him, as he was simply just enjoying his food that he had managed to easily find in the very large barn yard that he was in with the cat that had its eyes fixed on him right at this very second.
The cat had a bit of a smile on his face, as he did not have a care in the world about the poor mouse, as this was just simply food that he would give to his son and him self, so that they could make it another day. He had already caught one for him self, but his kit was getting bigger, and he knew it was about time that he got one for him, rather than sharing with his son like he usually did.
The cat had his haunches low, as he had his eyes fixed on his target as well, as he all of the sudden flew right over to the mouse that was in front of him, quickly finishing off the mouse once he had caught it. The cat had a bit of a smile on his face, as he felt a bit proud of him self, as he knew he was getting better and better with this every day.
He wished that he had been paying attention to what it was that the old cat had been trying to teach him a while ago, but he had been a lot younger back then, and it was as if he felt like he knew more than the cat that seemed to have lived at least a couple of life times as it was already.
The cat was happy now, as he had at least got to this point now, as he picked up the mouse that he had caught just a few moments before now, and he then began to head back over to where he had left his other mouse, after he had caught that one. He had quite the smile on his face whilst he was doing so, as he felt like for some reason, this was going to be a good day.
The cat lifted his head up high in to the air, as he then began to sniff all that was around him at the exact same time too. It was kind of nasty, as a lot of it was mainly horse and cow manure. It did not matter to him, as it was a lot better than the two leg place that he had lived in not too long ago, and had lived in his entire life, up until this point.
While he was a bit sad, as it felt like he had left a lot behind, he still felt like he had made the right decision in doing so, as he loved the life that he lived right at this moment. He had every thing that he had ever wanted... Well, besides one thing of course, which was a mate. He wished that he could have convinced his mate that he had a while ago to join him out side of the two leg place, and out in the wild, but sadly, she had her mind set on their kit, and living in a safe place such as the two leg place.
Then he had met another cat, and they had a couple of kits them selves, but sadly, his mate died at child birth, and the 2nd kit did not make it all that long after she had lost her mother. Now it was just him and his other kit that had been born, and it felt like his was looking down at the world with a big smile on his face.
Life was great... Surely nothing could get it any better right? As the cat had those sort of thoughts in his head, he all of the sudden saw that the mouse that he had caught not too long ago, was no longer in the spot that he had left it in. The cat tilted his head, as he was a little bit confused as to where the mouse might have gone.
He was fairly certain that he had left it in this spot, and he was fairly certain that he had killed it as well, so there was no way that it could have just hopped off and ran off to some other destination. The cat lifted his head up, and he began to sniff, just as he always did when he was searching for his prey.
Except of course, this time it felt to be a little bit different, as the prey that he was looking for, was prey that he had already caught, rather than it be some prey that he was planning on catching some time in the near future. As the cat began to sniff in to the air, he began to smell a bit of a familiar scent along with the fact that he noticed that the mouse had gone some where else.
He was a bit confused as to why it seemed to him, that the scent that he smelt seemed to be so familiar in the very first place, as he began to look around. It was the scent of a cat, as it was clear that there was a cat that was in the barn that he was in at this very moment.
The cat then all of the sudden got a little bit stiff, as he realized that his kit was not too far away from here, and he was quite a bit worried for him. He hoped that this cat that was nearby him, had done nothing to hurt his kit. The smell of the cat he smelt did not seem to be a rogue at all how ever, which would be what he was most worried about.
No... The kit that he smelt, had the smell of a two leg place, which told him that the cat that was nearby him, must be a kitty pet. The cat then squinted his eyes, as he was never a big fan of kitty pets, as he viewed them kind of as if they were very big cowards for not wanting to go out and live out in the wild such as he had done.
That did not matter to him at all how ever, as all that he was worried about was the fact that some cat had gone in to his barn, and he had stole his prey that he had caught for his son. The cat then began to head over to where the track led to, until all of the sudden, he stopped, as he smelt the cat right next to him practically.
He looked through the dark shadows of the edge of the barn that he was at, at this current moment, as he spotted a bit of a flicker of a cat, as it ran back a little bit, as he could tell that the cat was quite a bit scared. He kept his eyes squinted, as he all of the sudden began to speak to the cat that was in front of him.
"Show your self cat! You stole my prey!"