"What look?" I know what she's talking about but what's the harm in teasing her a bit. Just as I want, she gave me the cute blush I've been hoping for. She has no idea how cute she looks when she blush, I better not tell her or she'll run again. Today is the best day ever, she's actually talking to me without running off, and I guess she had no choice but still I'm so happy.

Like every other time, I love her dress combo today also. I can see she had trouble sleeping from the bags under her eyes, honestly, so did I. last night was terrible on me, I couldn't control my wolf well enough, I keep having flashbacks of those events I want to forget. No matter how much I wish I'm as normal as other wolves, I know deep down that I'm not, it's one of the reason we stayed a rouge wolf. We can't let people know, we had to leave because they found out anyway. Being a blood wolf is the worst that could happen to a werewolf, maybe not the worst ever, but it's considered a curse.

When a werewolf turn sixteen, he shifted for the first time, he gets the ability to communicate with his wolf and they becomes one mind. When a werewolf dies, his wolf he said to be passed down to another werewolf after a decade, a blood wolf is said to be a wolf from the realm of redemption. Realm of redemption is said to be a place where wolves who committed a grave of sin are sent, they suffer for their sins for centuries before they are sent back to a body by the moon goddess for another chance. They are bloodthirsty and hard to control, most of them drive their host mad and become hard to control. They are much stronger and faster than other werewolves, they also have little to no humanity. It is up to their host to control and teach them.

"You know what I mean" I snap out of my thought when I heard her reply. It took me a while to remember what we were talking about but I caught on.

"Actually, I have no idea what you mean"

"Fine, I meant the bad boy look" You have no idea how much of a bad boy I am, but I didn't tell her that, I can't have her running away forever now, we still have some time to know each other better.

"What bad boy look?" I continue to tease her

"Fine, forget it, it's late, we better start going, I still have lecture to catch up to"

"Okay then, I'll see you to your lecture hall then head off"

"Are you sure, don't you have lecture today?"

"No, I don't. All my lectures are done virtually so I don't have to come to school"

"Right, I forgot you are only here for the competition"

"You sound sad, are you missing me already. Did I win a heart?"

"Missing who, I won't even know you are gone"

"Wow, really? After all we've been through? You really are cold"

"Ugh! Forget it, I'm leaving" I laughed at her retreated back and followed her. It's been a while since I had this kind of free conversation with anyone.

I'm usually closed off and I get annoyed at people easily but I like talking to her, it's probably because, I've been looking forward to it, she's so easy to tease. I like her friend Esther also, although, she talks too much, not the kind of girl I'll want to start a conversation with since you don't know when it'll end but she's free spirited so I like her. Besides, thanks to her blabby mouth, I found out all I need to know about my mate, I was even able to find out more about her crush on me. All I had to do was say the name Daisy and she'll never stop talking about her, it's obvious she likes her very much.

Luca, my wolf is one of the wolves that have been to the realm of redemption but contrary to what people believed about them, there is no realm of redemption according to what he told me. Blood wolves are actually wolves that comes from the first generation of werewolves, they are much stronger and faster, even more intelligent, but these are because they are not evolved like other wolves. They are not descendants but the first Wolves themselves, their host got driven mad because they are not strong enough to accommodate them so they got overwhelmed by the strength and got bloodthirsty. These are mostly because they are hot headed, they have short temper that their host cannot match up to.

Unlike the other blood wolves who are short tempered, Luca is calm, too calm, he's like the calm before the storm. When he gets mad, he can destroy a whole pack all by himself in a minute since he's an alpha wolf but that mostly never happens, he only gets bloodthirsty when he's trying to protect me. When I'm running away from hunter wolves or other pack wolves that are trying to hunt me down. As dangerous as blood wolves are, there are some packs who hunts them for power and experiments. There are usually only five of them in two generations and I have to tell you, werewolves' population are much more than you might think.

Luca has been with me since the day I was born, dad always says I might be his human reincarnation. He has been speaking with me even before I can talk, it is a rare occurrence that even dad has no idea what to think. We were scared at first that I might lose control since I'm a blood wolf and an early shifter but contrary to what everyone thinks my wolf turned out to be disinterested in the worlds affair. I would have taken over a pack and be the alpha but Luca insisted to be a rouge for the main time. He planned for me to finish my education so I can be fully focus on leading a pack, I never thought I'll meet my mate along the road.

Although Luca is a calm wolf, he also have his moments and I went through one of his phrases yesterday. I can tell Daisy felt it by the sleepless bag under her eyes, I tried to keep it to myself but the stronger the mate bond gets, the harder it will be to control. According to Luca's past memories that I can see, he was a proud alpha, dangerous and merciless. He kills anyone who disrespect him in any way mercilessly, he was a private wolf, anyone who trespass his territory will be crushed to dust. The only one who he could tolerate was his beta Alex.

Luca's pack back then consist of only the best warriors, no place for weakness. The ordinary wolves who couldn't be warriors are protected by the strong ones. He was feared and respected among his people, so was he hated among other packs since his protection only extended to his own pack, he is merciless to others. Luca had no mate in his early days, he was considered to be cursed by the moon goddess to never have a mate because of his ruthlessness. He considered the idea of a mate to be weakness anyway so it never bothered him much. Seems like his opinion hasn't changed since but I don't care, Daisy is our mate, he'll accept it, whether he wants to or not.