After escorting Daisy to her lecture room, I decided to hang around a bit so I can walk her back to her hostel. I once caught the scent of another wolf around here sometimes before, I need to check and be sure there will be no threat to my mate. Luca and I might not agree on a mates matter, that doesn't mean he's not protective of her, I think he just can't bring his mighty proud self to admit he likes her too, that will contradict his reputation. He might be stubborn but so am I, I will not I've in to his arrogant self.

"Be careful of what you are thinking there boy, I might make you regret it" Luca said in my mind. Since he's in my head, he can hear all of my thought unless I blocked him out but I forgot to do it again, I don't usually hide my thoughts from him but sometimes for everyone's peace of mind, I have to.

"Or what? You'll give me the silent treatment again? You can do it but don't blame me when Daisy gets into trouble and we're not there to help" I threatened silently. I don't have to say anything out loud to talk to my wolf, we communicates through our mind which makes it a lot more fun, but this is something that happens with all werewolves.

"Are you threatening me boy? You know I don't care much about that mate of yours, it'll be your loss anyway" Luca has been calling me boy for as long as I can remember, it makes the difference in our age become clearer but I don't care anymore, I stopped caring about it since he asked me if he should call me kid then. I'm not sure which is worse.

"Sure, sure, you don't care at all" I was about two metres away from Daisy when I caught the scent again, I followed it all the way to a clearing around the school, seems like there is a pack of wolves around here. I'm not sure if it was the same one that attacked her before but I need to make sure they are no threat. Since they have been long gone, I couldn't pick up much of their scent but I was able to make a little trail that didn't lead to a particular place, maybe they stay at different places and only meet up around here. They must be students then if they use the school environment as their meeting place. I looked around a bit more before heading over to Daisy's hall. She was done by the time I got there, thankfully, she decided to wait for me.

"That was early, wasn't it supposed to be a two hour lecture?" I asked as soon as I got to her

"It was, but it got cancelled, I didn't think you'll be around, I just decided to wait a bit before texting you.

"I just went to check out the place"

"I see, oh, have you met Bimpe, she's my best friend. Bimpe meet Victor" She introduced me to her other friend

"I thought the lousy one is your friend, what was her name again, Esther?" I already know all there is to know about her but I can't let her know that.

"They are both my best friends"

"Okay then, nice meeting you"

"You too" She replied almost in a whisper, I got a sense she wished Daisy never introduced her. I've noticed her around Daisy a lot, if Daisy isn't around, she'll be alone, almost invisible to the eye. It's a wonder how the three friends can be so different in character.

"She's an Omega" I heard Luca say in my head. Now that I think about it, she does have a werewolf scent, I've noticed it since the first day I got here, I already investigated her enough to know she's no threat to her. Even among Omega's, she's a weak one, I don't have any problem with her as long as she doesn't have bad intention for my mate. Unlike her, I've mask my scent well enough that not even an alpha would be able to tell I'm a werewolf, it's the pecks of constantly being on the run, you learn how to survive.

"I have to go now, I'll meet you later" I heard her whisper quietly to Daisy who gave her a big smile and send her off. She'll make a perfect Luna, I thought to myself

"Will you snap out of your daydream and act like a normal human who doesn't have a smiling disorder, you're embarrassing me" Luca scolded with light disgust

"Whatever" I retorted back but I managed to wipe the sheepish smile off my face before she caught on to it.

"So, tell me Daisy, I've you published any book yet?" I asked her as we proceed to her place.

"Yes actually, I have published two books already, I have two that hasn't been published yet and an ongoing one." she replied proudly. I knows she really love books and it's one of the ways you can keep a conversation going for her.

"Tell me about it?" I asked curiously, I really want to know what's going on in her mind, the best way to know her opinion on life is by what she writes.

"Which one?"

"I don't know, everything."

"That's going to be a long talk, are you sure you won't get bored?"


"Okay then, you see, I'm a fiction writer so my books are mostly about unreal events. My first book was about a girl with mysterious power she had to hide from everyone, since she can't be too careless and risk exposing it, she became an outcast, especially when this power is what killed her father and made her mother hate her ..." she went on and on about her books, she narrated each books almost scene by scene, I don't even need to read the book anymore. I have to admit she has a wild mind.

By the time we got to her place, she was on her third book, I get the feelings she doesn't have a lot of people to talk about her books with. The way she was talking with so much enthusiasm puts me even in the mood, I felt like I was relishing the moments physically. We parted ways after she promised to tell me the rest the next time we meet. That's a promise of the future, who am I to disagree. I went back to my place in high spirit, even Luca couldn't make one of his nasty remark about her, I'm so damn proud.