To say today went well was an understatement, I've never had so much fun talking to a guy. Victor is a great listener, her listen to me narrate my books and ask questions like I was narrating a life events, not even Bimpe could make me feel so connected to my books. I was so happy, I couldn't help but be a little sad when we got to my place, I promised to tell him more the next time we see and he said he'll be looking forward to it. I don't know why a guy like Victor will be interested in me but it's not like he was asking me out or anything, not like I'm bad myself, I mean, I've gotten even curvier than I was three years ago, my boobs is more on the big side. It gets me more attention than I wanted but I've learn to live with it, my skin is pushing more to the light side, not that I'm bleaching but I've gotten a little lighter and my plum lips and height is pretty good too.

I chatted with Esther and Bimpe on our group chat and told them everything that happened, I was so excited I couldn't keep it to myself. Just as I expected, Esther made a conference video call and we chatted all night, thank God I have no lecture the following day. Esther was so excited she promised to come over the following day but Bimpe has a meeting with her project partner. Speaking of partner, Bimpe started freaking out as soon as she mentioned it, she doesn't know what to do. We tried to calm her and promised to go over to her place the next day to help her out. It was pretty late when I got off the call. I got victor's text telling me he tried to call but couldn't get through, I told him I was on the phone with my friends, he asked if we could chat now but I told him I was tired and would love some sleep. He then promised to call the next day to which I agreed.

The next morning, I got a text from Victor as soon as I got up, it's like he knew when I woke up.

"Morning Dragon Queen" he has been calling me dragon queen since I told him about my third book which is about a lone dragon and his human queen

"Morning, how was your night?" I asked smiling sheepishly to my phone

"Twas gr8, urs?" here comes the abbreviations


"Seems like it was much better than last night, no secret nightmare today?"

"Nope, I don't even know if I had any dreams today, slept like a baby"

"Luks like my charm works then"

"Your charms?"

"Yep, I did one on you yday, rmber?"

"Nope, I do not remember any such thing"

"Ouch, feel my broken heart baby"

"LOL, why don't you remind me"

"Remember when I said dream of me? That was the charm, how could you not knw?" I laughed hard at that

"Wow, you really made my day"

"It's just the start of a new day, you know?"

"Nothing can top it"

"Okay then, I'll try my best to hold unto that post"

"LOL, I have to go now, gat 2 get ready"

"Going somewhere?"

"Yep, Bimpe's place, she needs a friendly advice on her project partner"

"Isn't that Femi"

"Yep, I almost forgot he's your friend"

"Femi isn't that hard to deal with, he's much like your lousy friend"

"Will you stop calling my friend lousy? She's just social"

"Yea, yea, anyway, Femi is an open book too but I can see why you friend will have problem with that, she's too much of a snail or maybe turtle"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I meant, she hides in her shell"

"You're right about that, anyway, I have to go"

"k then, ttyl"

"And here I thought no more abbreviated words"

"You don't like it?"

"Not really, just wasn't expecting it from someone like you"

"You mean, bad boy me uhn?"

"Ugh, ttyl bye, stop trying to hold me back"

"A guy can try. See ya then"

"Wow, yeaaaa" I screamed happily into my pillow. Tobi still isn't back so I have no one to question me. Speaking of Tobi, she's been staying out more than usual lately, ever since she got her new boyfriend, she stays more over at his place than here. I hope she knows what she's doing, anytime I try to voice my concern, she brushes it off saying I'm speaking out of inexperience.

I got ready quickly and we all met at Bimpe's place, unlike my little one bedroom apartment, Bimpe owns a flat, one bedroom, and self-contained apartment. Esther and I stay over as much as we could since she stays alone. We chatted all day since her meeting is at 4pm, I gave her the tips Victor told me about Tobi but it only worsened her condition. That's how bad she is with people, we finally agreed to tag along with her, I text Victor to ask if it'll be okay with his friends and he didn't mind, even Victor himself said he'll be coming with his group of friends also. Seems like a project meeting has turn to a get together and I have to say, it didn't make things better for Bimpe, but Esther sure is super excited.

Even I am excited to see Victor again, I can't wait to see what the evening has in store for us, but just like every other night outing I ever went. Like the night picnic I went to with Tobi three years ago, it went downhill and I made the most shocking discovery of my life. When victor said he'll try his best to hold on the post, I never thought he meant this but even I am sure he never planned for this to happen. Didn't I say I was never having a night outing again? Look what disobedience has caused me now, but how was I to know the group project will end up taking more time than we initially thought. We lost conscious of time and that is why we now have to face a shocking reality.