On getting to the venue, Victor and Femi was already there with another guy I don't recognize, must be the friend he was talking about. He sure has a thing with being early, we greeted everyone and introduction was made. Femi and Bimpe took a seat at the other end of the room to start working on their project, while the rest of us with Tyler, the new guy make ourselves comfortable. Unlike Victor who is an half cast, Tyler is purely American, his looks and ascent are just perfect, almost difficult to catch up to. But then he hardly talks throughout the meeting, Esther did most of the talking, we just made little inputs, all Tyler mostly did was stare at Esther, it looks like he was wondering when she'll stop or if she'll ever talking. Sorry to disappoint you man, she can talk all day.

Victor, who I thought might be a little on the speech side also didn't say much, in fact, the only reason he spoke at all was because Esther mostly direct her words to him. Although he does make little side comments on Esther's long speech. After a while, Victor took an excuse away from the group and ask if I could come along with him, which I did. We stayed under a tree, few feet away from the classroom we were before.

"Finally, I got you all alone" Victor commented as he took a seat on one of the big root of the tree that came out from the ground, it is a very big tree, so is the root.

"Very funny, you keep making Esther seem like a talkative, she's not, just a little bit on the talking side" I defended my friend.

"You're right, she's not a talkative"

"Whatever, why do you want me alone anyway"

"I was hoping you'll tell me more of your stories today, I can't wait to hear the end of it"

"I told you, I haven't completed it yet, I don't want to tell anyone until I complete it"

"Fine, how about the current one then, you said it's an interesting book, I want to hear it now."

"Okay then, I'll tell you about it but I'm warning you, it's just a book, you don't have to think I'm crazy or something" I warned while also taking a seat next to him.

"Why would I think you're crazy?"

"Because it's about werewolves"

"Oh… Interesting"


"What makes you write about werewolves, don't all writers have some kind of motivation or inspiration that drives them?"

"That's the crazy part"

"Okay, I'm all ears"

"You can't laugh at me okay, just accept anything I tell you. Even if you don't believe me just accept it, okay?"

"O….kay" He replied while drawing out the O in Okay. I can see from his face that he's wondering what it is I'm about to say'

"I met a wolf before" I decided to be blunt

"Hun?" just as I was expecting, he was surprised. Let's see how well he'll listen to me.

"About four years ago, I went on a night picnic with my friends in a little forest in the next town, more like a little bonfire party. During the party, we got attacked by a pack of wolves" I stopped a bit to gauge his reaction and he seem really interested in it.


"What happened?" I asked curiously, I really want to know her version of our first meeting

"We ran, well, we all ran but I slipped a foot and fell" she paused again, I can tell she's trying to see how I'll react to her version of crazy story, but that's hardly anything compare to my kind of crazy.

"I can't assume you miraculously fought off a pack of wolves, can I?" I asked teasingly, I want to let her know its' okay to continue

"Yea right, as if" she answered with a snicker. Cute

"Will you stop your mind nonsense, you're polluting mine" Luca scolded. I know he's just trying to get Daisy talking as well, he's as interested in the story as I am.

"So what happened?" I finally asked

"I was saved by another wolf"

"What wolf?" come on, tell me what you think

"It was a beautiful, big and mighty wolf"

"Wow, so many adjectives"

"Of course it's a mighty wolf, you won't see any other like me" Luca praised proudly

"I know right? I can never forget that wolf, it has a beautiful blue eyes, like yours"

"Thank you for saying my eyes are beautiful" I teased softly

"Tch, I'm just saying"

"So that was why you couldn't stop looking at my eyes the day we met"


"And here I thought I might have captivated you with my handsomeness"

"Yea right" she said while rolling her eyes at me

"So what happened next?"

"The wolf attacked the other wolves and scared them off, he turned to look at me for a while before running after them."

"So you wrote about them because you thought they might be werewolves?"

"What? No, not really, I just let my imagination go wild is all." She answered with a nervous laugh. I can tell she might have thought about it

"You never thought maybe they really were werewolves?"

"Are you crazy? Werewolves are myth or so people say"

"Hmm, are you among those people?" I asked curiously, I really want to know what she thinks of the myth. Maybe this is my opportunity.

"What people?" she's trying to avoid the topic, I know but I can't let her

"People who thinks werewolves are nothing but myth"

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not. I can't really comprehend what I don't see right?"

"Right, so what kind of book did you write it on?"

"Well, you know, about a wolf guy who accidentally saved his mate from wolves attack" she has no idea how true that is.

"Wow, you are a seer"


"Nothing, it just amazed me how wild your thoughts are" that comment earned me a sweet laugh

"I'm surprised you listened all through that story, most of my friends thinks I'm crazy, although Bimpe did believed me, Esther just agreed on it, while my roommates just straight up call me delusional."

"Well, I don't think there is anything delusional about it, it was an experience of a lifetime, not everybody gets to experience something like that, which is why tales are for some people to tell, some to listen and some to believe"

"Thanks, I named him Alpha you know?"

"The wolf?"


"It's a beautiful name"

"I know, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw him, he reminds me of those alpha wolves I read about"

"I see, sweet"