Its half past eight and we were making our way back home, Bimpe's hostel is the closest, and so we decided to send her back first. She rejected the offer but I won't have any of it, I can't let her walk alone in the middle of the night. Her house is a little bit inside an untarred road, it is a new site so there are a lot of uncompleted buildings and big bushes all around it. Esther and Femi were busy arguing about who talks the most, the argument started when Tyler wondered out loud if Femi could match Esther in speech making. Femi expressed his disbelief in Tyler's question, saying Tyler should have known no one can beat him, he and Esther are still busy discussing their different opinions when all hell broke loose.

We got to Bimpe's apartment just to see the door broken down, the whole place was turned all over, and it looks like a house would look like after a Tom and Jerry chase session. Everything in the house was turned upside down, it looks like whoever was here came to find something, we just aren't sure if they found it or not. Bimpe look scared to the bone, I can't blame her, even I am scared for her and for myself, I have a very bad feelings about this. It's not always good when I have a bad feelings about anything. While we the girls came together in a big hug, Victor and Tyler went around the house, sniffing all over. I wonder what they are trying to do, why are they even sniffing? Tobi stayed with us instead, he looked half scared also, although he looks like he's trying to look strong for us.

I should have known not to move at night, darkness and I are enemies, unless it's to sleep, doing anything else at night means trouble for me. Even though I'm scared, I put on a brave face, somehow, I feel like I'll be fine. Victor and Tyler's presence gave me an assurance, they are well build enough to take any danger, I think. I was calming down Esther and Bimpe when Victor ran inside with Tyler on his feet, they look like they saw something.

"What's wrong" Femi asked then as he stood up from where he was sitting

"We need to go NOW" Victor shouted as he took my hand and took off, Bimpe, Esther and Femi followed along while Tyler stayed a little while back

"What's going on, why are we running?" Esther asked with fear in her voice, I can't blame her, I want to ask questions too but right now I feel like we should just listen to them and run

"Come on Esther run first, I'm sure they'll let us know later" shortly after I talked, a black wolf jumped in front of us. I screamed bloody murder.

I wasn't the only one who screamed, Esther and Femi followed suit. Bimpe look too scared to be able to utter even a whimper. Victor jumped in front of me instantly and growled at the wolf. Wait, did I say growled? Can humans even make that sound? Esther must have been thinking the same thing because he stole a glance at me. Another wolf jumped out again to stand a little step behind the first one, both of then growling like a hungry wolf, maybe they are hungry. This feels like de vuja, didn't something like this happened before?

"Oh my God, Daisy, are these the wolves you were talking about?" Esther asked me in panic

"I don't know" I answered in the same voice

"I wish I had believed you, then I wouldn't have been in this situation right now"

"This is not the time to be regretful, let's just hope we don't all die here" as I said the last word, Victor turned to be and held my face between his hands.

"Daisy, do you trust me?" He asked in all seriousness

"Uhn?" I answered dumbly, how do you answer that kind of question? we don't even know each other that well

"Do you trust me?" He asked again

"Yes, yes, I do" I answered in all honesty, there's no reason to be shy here, survival comes first. It looks like the wolf aren't planning to kill us yet, since they're even giving us chance to talk.

"Then run"

"Pardon?" He can't be asking me to run right now, where to, the wolves are blocking our only exist, there are three of them now.

"Trust me Daisy and run, run through those wolves and never look back, all of you" I look at him like he's crazy

"What about you"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" I have a feeling he'll just be fine so I took Esther and Bimpe's hand on my two hands and I ran through the wolves. I didn't look to check what happened to the wolf that tried to attack us. I just know we didn't get any scratch, I tried to turn and check if everyone is running but I heard Victor shouting at me to keep running so I did.

As we got to a clearing, a busy area with a lot of people, I ran back to check on Victor, the guys tried to stop me but I didn't give them a chance to. When I got to there, I stood behind a tree to check what is going on, instead of Victor and Tyler that I was expecting to see, what I saw was my beautiful white wolf and another grey wolf fighting off the other wolves. It didn't take too long before the wolves ran off, they didn't bother chasing then. Before I could blink, in place of the white and grey wolves stood Victor and Tyler, I couldn't contain the gasp that left my mouth. Their eyes snapped in my direction as they heard me, their eyes went big in shock when they saw me. I heard Esther and Femi yelling my name as they got closer to me, they found me with my eyes big and my mouth opening and closing.

"What happened here, are you guys okay?" Femi asked Victor and Tyler as he inspect them

"We're good" Tyler answered him while Victor just kept looking at me

"Daisy, what happened to you, why are you in shock?" Esther asked me quietly

"Uhn? Oh.. I'm okay, just … you know"

"I know right, even I am shocked also, but how did you guys fight then off" she asked them

"We just chased them off" Tyler is the one answering the question, Victor just kept looking at me, is he scared I'll tell them? He shouldn't be, not like they'll believe me anyway.

"We should get going, Bimpe, you can stay with me today, Tobi won't be back until next week"

"I'm coming too, I don't think I can sleep alone after tonight"

The guys escorted us to my hostel before they went their way, I didn't utter a single word, neither do they, in fact, no one could say anything.

It wasn't until later in the night that everything came crashing on me, I got attacked by wolves, again. Bimpe's house was attacked by wolves, we got ambushed by wolves. Victor and Tyler are wolves or should I say werewolves. Most especially, Victor is my Alpha wolf. GOOD GOD!!! I screamed into my pillow, everyone else is asleep.

Now everything makes sense, how Victor and Alpha has the same eyes, how he wasn't surprised about my wolf accident and why he was asking if I believed in the myth. I kind of understand why he wouldn't tell me that secret, I mean it was a big one and we don't even know each other that long. Victor and Tyler are werewolves, does that mean those wolves are werewolves also? If so, what do they want with Bimpe, why did they attack her apartment? It's going to be awkward between us from today on, and we still have a school project to complete. Will he start avoiding me? I've read a lot of supernatural books to know what happens when their secret got exposed, maybe he won't want to talk to me anymore or he'll leave town like Edward Cullen in Twilight. I better pretend nothing happens and just move with the flow, tomorrow will tell, for now, I need to sleep. Just when I was starting to lose my nightmares, this came along. Great!