How in hell did this happen, this is not how I wanted her to know. How did it happen exactly, I was sure I heard her left before we shifted, how could I not sense her presence.

"Did you know she was around" I asked Luca when we got back to our hostel, there's no way he wouldn't have known.

"Yes I do, what do you take me for, I wouldn't be able to sense someone that close?"

"That's not the point here, you should have told me, I didn't want her to find out like that. I mean, she just told me about her experience with the wolves today and that happened"

"I just don't see any point in prolonging the matter, she is bound to find out anyway, sooner or later, she has to accept it. I don't understand why you are panicking."

"Of course you don't understand" what pisses me off the most is his nonchalant attitude to the whole matter

"Enlighten me then"

"Never mind, I know you're just eager to let her know and accept us but we can't rush her like that, did you see her face, she was shocked into silence"

"She might not be as shocked as you make her seem, she'll take it better than you think"


All through my conversation with Luca, I was pacing the room while Tyler and Femi sat down watching me. Tyler is my Beta, so he understand what I am doing, but Femi is just a human, he probably thinks I'm thinking about the wolves.

"How in hell are wolves in Nigeria, Ekiti for that matter" Femi finally said his mind out loud, I know he's trying not to freak out

"We should tell him" Tyler mind link me. Ever since I accepted Tyler as one of my pack and he accepted me as his alpha, a pack link was formed between us and we are able to talk with our minds.

"Tell him what, that we are werewolves?" I answered him through the mind link also

"Yes" he answered patiently even though he can tell my anger is staking to fire up.

Tyler is my complete opposite, he's calm with no anger issue. He can be brutal, yes, but calm, he's the only one who can talk to me like this when I'm having one of my moments. Oh and Shade, he can talk to me like that too. Shade is my other friend who has joined the pack too, he doesn't know what not to say anywhere, he always says whatever is on his mind too but he knows not to push my buttons, all of them do. There are only five people in my pack including me, shade is often considered the weakest since he has an innocent puppy look but he is my delta, his wolf is dangerous, it became a maniac when it's pissed off. He's gay too, and a total flirt, he doesn't hide the fact that he's gay even though Nigeria isn't a place to flaunt something like that. Tyler is a graduate, so he just follows me around, while Shade is in his final year in Computer Engineering.

"Are you crazy, you want us to tell him and then what?" I asked with ice in my voice

"See how he takes it, you can just make him forget it if he freaks out"

"Fine, you do the talking then" One of the benefits that came with being a blood alpha wolf is mind manipulation, I can make people forgets anything, I can also manipulate their mind to make them think they saw or know something they don't. It has its pecks of course, since it means I'll have to go through people dirty and nasty minds to know what to remove or plant. People's mind are too disgusting sometimes so I'm not always eager to do it.

"Look Femi, we have to tell you something" Tyler said as he turned to him.

"What is it?" He asked curiously. Femi is a good guy, I'll love it if he knows but if he can't handle the truth, I'll have to wipe it from him.

"We are werewolves, so are those wolves earlier, we're not sure why they attacked then but you are in danger now that they saw you with us. That is if we are their target but I can't seem to know any other reasons. If you can't take it, Victor can wipe your memory, we just feel like you should know the truth at least" Direct to the point just like only Tyler could be

"Seriously" I asked him aloud and he just gave me a shrug

"What?" Femi asked in between laughter. That's it, he's gone mad.

"Are you even serious right now, we got attacked by wolves just now and you're telling me this? Come on, we're not in writing department"

Before anyone could comprehend anything, Tyler shifted right in front of him. I thought Femi might pass straight out, he's had more than he could handle in one night. But to my surprise, he just stood there mouth agape and eyes as big as a sausage pan.

"I like this beta of yours more and more, he's straightforward, just as a man should be" Luca commented with pride but I just gave him an eye roll, I'm too worried about Daisy to think straight but I have to admit he's right

"Of course, I am, I always am"

"Whatever" I answered him

About ten minutes after Tyler has changes back to his human form, Femi still hasn't come of his shock. I'm starting to lose my patience

"Do you want me to wipe your memory or not? If you don't say anything right now, I'll wipe it off and we can all forget this happened"

"Oh my God, you were telling the truth, you really are werewolves. Like Jacob in Twilights, oh my God"

"Well yes, that's what he said"

"OH…. Don't you dare wipe off my memory, who the fuck would want to forget something as legendary as this?"

"Okay then, one less person to worry about, I just have to find a way to explain to Daisy about what she saw earlier"

"She saw? No wonder she couldn't talk all through the journey, poor girl, she must be in shock right now"

"You know you can't tell anyone right?" Tyler asked him

"Of course I know, I'm not stupid"

"Okay, let us all just go to bed now, we can continue our talk tomorrow" I dismiss everyone

"But I have a lot of questions to ask"

"That'll have to wait till tomorrow, we are all tired today"

"Okay then" we all went into our rooms, but I couldn't sleep so I ended up going to Daisy's place to see if she is okay. I hope she is able to get some sleep at lease, today is a big shock on everyone, including Esther and the little Omega. Which reminds me, what do the wolves wants from her, from the scent on their body, they are from the same pack as her. I'll have to ask her tomorrow.