To say I had a busy night would be an understatement, I went over to Daisy's place to check on her and the girls. I sat on the tree, few metres away from them, listening in. They didn't even have any conversation about what happened before, they all got changed and went to bed, and it didn't even take them long. Only Bimpe stayed up for a while longer but she later slept off, I can hear their breathing all the way here. Whereas I couldn't sleep a wink, I sniff at least five metres away from their room, moving in circles, just to see if the wolves followed us back but their tracks are nowhere near there.

Luca didn't even say anything to me all through the night, he let me do what I want without any interruption, I know he's worried about Daisy no matter how uninterested he pretend to be. I still the remember how excited he was back then when we first found her. He keep saying the only reason he reacted like that was because of his natural instinct and it has nothing to do with him. As if I'll believe that, there's no way he lived for so long without a mate and still don't care now that he finally have one.

When it was almost morning, I went to my place to see if I could get any sleep, I was only able to get one hour sleep before I woke up to Femi's scream. I got up in alarm and went to check on him only to see he was just having fun with Tyler. I was so pissed it put me in a bad mood all through the morning, I keep snapping at them till Tyler asked me to just call her and see if she'll pick my calls, I can start panicking by then. I called her number and she didn't pick up, it put me on edge, is she in danger or is she just avoiding me because of what happened? Tyler explained what happened to Shawn and now he's coming over. It took him approximately twenty-five minutes to get here, when it should have been a forty-five minutes ride by car, he must have ran. Did I mention Shawn is fast? While Tyler has the strength of ten bulls, Shawn has the speed of ten cheetah.

Few minutes after he got here, I got a call from Daisy, I asked if we could come over and she agreed. I was so fucking excited, I told everyone about the invitation and we all set off. We were invited in by Esther who started another rant as soon as we got there. It would have not mean much to me any other day but right now I really need to speak with Daisy.

"So, which one of you ladies is our Luna" Shawn asked as soon as we all sat. I'm starting to question why I thought bringing Shawn was a good idea, he has no filter. Even though I'm giving him the glare that can send the dead running, he didn't budge, instead he keep asking his stupid question even more.

"Luna?" Esther was the one that asked the question, as expected. Daisy just look at me with a raised brow, she knows what a Luna is.

"Well, you know, the one who is mated to our dear alpha here" he clarified while pointing at me

"Shawn, do you want to shut up" I asked with my alpha's tone, it's a command tone and I hope he knows he's testing my patience. Luckily for him, he shut up. He could probably hear Luca's voice in mine, even he is pissed at him. I'm here to make things better not worse.

"How are you girls doing?" Tyler was the one that talked this time, since he went out of his way to ask a question, he must be trying to lose the tension that was built due to my pissed off command the other time.

"If you mean, does anyone of us had a good sleep due to what happened yesterday? Then the answer is yes, in fact, we had a splendid night." Daisy answer with a smile, she doesn't look troubled at all

"Yea, we had a pretty good night, surprisingly" Esther added

"That's good, I thought you might have had a rough night but you all seem to be doing great, not even a sign of shock" Femi observed

"Yea... We're kind of shocked too" Bimpe was the one that answer this time

I was about to confirm if they are really okay when I caught the scent that sent chills to my back, hunters, I froze from shock, words halfway in my mouth. Before long I noticed Tyler also got stiff on alert, he must have noticed them also. This is bad, what are hunters doing here, I have been avoiding them for almost four years now successfully, what could have led them here. Things are going from bad to worse, most especially, what are they doing around here? From how strong their scent are, they are pretty close.

"So none of you is the Luna?" Shawn continue his stupid question

Its time like this that I'm grateful for Shawn's annoying character, he's trying to distract the ladies from my sudden break in word.

"What's a Luna?" Esther asked curiously.

"I think I've read about that somewhere before" She continued with all seriousness

"A Luna is an Alpha wolf's mate. Before you ask, an Alpha is a wolf's pack leader" Shawn answered with equal seriousness

"HA! I think I remember now, like in Daisy's book. You meant a werewolf Alpha's mate"

"Yep, but what is Daisy's book" Shawn asked curiously

"Daisy here met some wolves sometimes before, she almost got killed by them but she was saved by another wolf, she wrote about her experience then but instead made it a werewolf story, so I learned about werewolves there" Esther explained patiently

"You read that too?" Tyler was the one who asked this time

"Of course, Daisy is my friend. She buys my painting, I read her books, I read Bimpe's book also. It's what fiends do, although, I never really believed the wolf encounter then but I believed in her. Maybe fate is playing a joke on me, they want me to see for myself, they should have sent the wolves in my dreams, I would have believed them, why would they let me see them for real. I was so scared last night I didn't think I would actually be able to sleep. I can't imagine what Daisy must have felt when it was just her in the middle of a forest facing a pack of wolves" she rants off

"Couldn't she have said that one after the other, this girl can definitely talk more than Femi" I thought as I look at Daisy, she must have understood my expression because she smiled and then shake her head.

"Yep, she's not a talkative" I thought. At least, she doesn't gossip.

All through their conversation, I kept my mind on the hunter, his scent keep getting closer, which keep putting me on edge. They won't attack in the midst of humans and I can fight them off successfully, but I want them away from my mate. I scent Bimpe's fear before I saw it, looks like she just caught on the scent. This is going to be more troublesome than I thought.