"We need to talk" I said with urgency. I'll have to tell even Esther about us, if things go wrong I'll just erase her memory.

"Okayyy" they all answered dragging out the y in okay

"Those people that attacked you last night and the one that attacked Daisy before are werewolves and so are we" I explained

"Pardon?" Esther asked in amusement

"If you want to pick up a horror story to scare us, don't you think werewolves fall more into the fictional category?" she continued

"Why are you telling us this?" Daisy asked with a squeezed face.

"Are you seriously believing them right now?"

"Yes, I do. I saw them turned last night"

"What? You are telling the truth?" Esther asked shocked

"I am a werewolf too" Bimpe added

"What?" Daisy and Esther exclaimed together

"Well, it more like weredog actually, since there is no wolf in Nigeria" She clarify

"Weredog? What are you talking about?" Daisy questioned her while turning fully to her

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before, I don't want to put you in danger and besides, I don't know how you'll react if you know"

"Oh God, I'm going crazy, my best friend is a weredog" Esther stood up and move around the room with her hand over her chest. She's probably wondering if we are playing a prank on them, while Daisy just stay seated, her gaze fully on me.

"What is she thinking now?" I wondered

"So let me guess, you are telling us this because we might be in danger right?" she asked

"Yep Luna" Shawn answered with a big grin. I want to murder him now, not just because of his unnecessary laugh but also because he just called Daisy Luna.

"Luna? Why are you calling me that?" she asked with a confusing frown on her face

Before Shawn could answer, I caught the hunter's scent again but much closer now, like they are coming right here.

"We need to go" I said instinctively with my alpha's voice

"Is there a back door here?" I asked as I stood up and everyone stood up with me.

"Back door? This is a hostel" Daisy answered as if it's the most stupid thing anyone could ask

"Is there anything you need to pick? Be fast about it, we need to leave immediately"

"Is this making anyone feel like a criminal or am I the only one?" Esther asked while everyone pick their phones and we all dash out of the room, slightly avoiding the hunters

Hunters are recognised by a distinctive scent they have on their body, although they can only be recognised by wolves who have encounter them before and I have encounter too many of them enough to be able to distinguish their clan. Unlike wolves who uses packs, hunters uses clan. Each clan has their own specialties, some are werewolves who hunt other wolves while some are humans who hunts wolves. Some only hunt a wolf that is proclaim threat to humans while some hunts any wolves they get their hands on.

There are also some hunters who are executioners, they are given task to exterminate wolves who has lost their minds and has become threats to even themselves. This kind of hunters are the worst, they are specially trained and they work for the council. The council are a group of powerful werewolves and humans who govern the WERE world. They see to the affairs of both parties in order to maintain a peaceful world between them, but like every other government out there, some of them are brutally corrupted.


We all got to Victor's place and sat on the long sofa at the centre of the living room. Femi just sat on the arm and rest his back. We all look at Victor, expecting him to explain what is going on here, even Esther was silent all through the ride here.

"Before I explain anything, Bimpe, tell me why those wolves were after you, it's too much of a coincidence. And I can tell from their scent that they are from your pack" we all turned to Bimpe expecting her to clarify the matter, the attention must be too much for her, I can see the fear on her face.

"They are looking for the Demon's Gold Thread" She answered after five minute of complete silence.

"Demon's Gold Thread? What's that" the cute guy, Shade asked curiously. He looks like a guy you can use to describe a boy toy, he probably won't like me describing him like that. He's like a cute guy from a manga, with his pale white skin and blond hair he made with bang falling on his eyes almost touching his long brows. Not my type thought.

"Yes, it is a rope that can be used to bind wild WERES. It is said to have a magical spell that makes it difficult for any were to cut through, it also weaken the strength of the WERE it is bind with." She explained further, her voice almost too low to hear.

"If you have this Gold Thread, why are your pack members trying to steal it from you, why can't they just ask you" Tyler asked her. This is the first time he has spoken since the first question he asked at my place. This guy must have a speech disorder.

"They did, but I can't give it out, it is a family treasure that was passed down from generation to generations. If used, it can cause great calamity. It was said to be made from the bone and blood of a dying witch, she was burned alive and made into the thread. She placed a curse on the thread before she died, and it can affects a whole city."

"Wow, I can't believe this kind of things really exist" I comment after a while of everyone digesting the story

"I know right?" Esther questioned after me

"But why do they need this thread now and where is it?" Shade asked

"A group of hunters came to our pack few months ago, demanding for cooperation as they are trying to catch a rouge werewolf, he is also said to be a blood wolf, a very dangerous type of werewolf. They said he came to Nigeria to hide from them and the thread is needed to catch him"

"And you think the thread is more dangerous than the blood wolf?"

"Yes, my mother warned me against it before she died, I promised never to let anyone have it no matter the situation. That was why I told them I lost it but they didn't seem to believe me"

"You lost something as precious as that?"

"I thought I did, turned out it was daisy that took it"

"I did?" I asked shockingly. How could I have taken something like that without knowing about it?"

"Yes, you took it along with you the other time you came to get jewelries from my place. It is a thin thread that looks like a tiny necklace but the golden colour is different than normal gold"

"You mean this?" I asked as I pulled out the chain I'm wearing from around my neck

"Yes it is" she replied as I took off the chain for everyone to see

The chain really does look different which was why I took it in the first place, it is really beautiful. Rather than looking like a golden chain, the colour is almost yellowish.

"It's surprising that you were able to use it in the first place, it can only be held by a descendant of Adeolu. It recognizes its owner through blood. We were a royal family, and the thread has been passed down through generations."