"Really?" I asked as I throw the chain to her, I can't afford to cause a global disaster because of my ignorance

"Don't worry, you've had the thread for over a week now, if nothing has happened to you since then, the thread must have accepted you somehow. Who knows, maybe we are distant relative"

"Yeah, right. You can keep your thread"

"So, now, we not only have a bounty on our head because of the thread, we also have to watch out for a blood wolf who might cause a collateral damage in Nigeria" Esther asked as she stood up from the chair and made her hair into a bum, an act she picked up whenever she's in thought.

"No you don't" Victor answered while also standing up and move closer to the window. I wonder if whatever was chasing us has found us again.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously. I have a weird feeling about this

"I am the Blood wolf" He answered as he face us with all seriousness.

"What?" We all said at the same time, aside from Tyler and Shade who I assumed already knows this

"You are a blood wolf?" Bimpe asked again, I guess she is the one that really understand the gravity of being a blood wolf

"That's right"

"I'm guessing that's a really dangerous thing to be" Femi joked

"Are you kidding me, blood werewolves can take out a whole pack on their own without any stress" she shouted. If she can speak out like this, he must be really dangerous

"Wait, are you being friend with Daisy so you can get to me and steal the thread?" Bimpe asked as she hid the thread behind her. Her whole physical stance changed all of a sudden, she stood defensively as if to attack him if he says the wrong thing.

"Do you really think you can fight me off if that was true, I won't even need to get close to anybody to take it" Victor chuckled

"Right" She admitted as she sat down, but still a little stiff

"Now, the problem is how to get rid of those hunters, I'm guessing they are were-hunters"

"Yes they are"

"But why are they chasing you, did you commit a crime or something?" I asked curiously, I really doubt he did but I still have to ask.

"Do you really think I can kill even a cockroach?" He smirked at me

"I think you can kill well enough, you seem dangerous sometimes" He chuckled at that

"I'm being chased simply because I'm a blood wolf, I'm too powerful to be left alone, especially since I don't have a pack"

"Hey, if you don't have a pack, what are we supposed to be" Shade protested pouting his lips

"You are a pack?" Esther asked in excitement

"Yep, I'm the Delta and Tyler is the Beta. We have two other members but they are not in Nigeria" he explained

"Cool. So if a werewolf turn to wolves, does that mean weredogs turn to dogs?" Femi asked curiously

"Yes we do. But not normal pet dogs. We are wild dogs, we look almost like a hyena." She explained

"So, what do we do now" I asked them

"We keep you safe first, and that mean you might have to move in with us. All of you."

"What? It's not like my wardrobe can fit in here with you, or is there an extra room in your fanciful apartment?" Esther complained

"Your wardrobe is what you are concerned about right now" Shawn looked at her as if she's grown another head. That's my best friend for you.

Now that I look at it, the apartment really is big, bigger than Bimpe's place. He must be rich to get such an apartment close to school. Femi took Esther and Bimpe to a room when Victor said he wants to talk to me alone, I wonder what it's about.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he took a seat next to me, where Bimpe just stood up from. It's just us here, Tyler and Shade has also left the room for us.

"Yes actually. But does that mean you are the wolf that saved me three years ago? I saw you turned last night and it was the same wolf I saw back then"

"Yes I am"

"How did that happen and tell me more about werewolves and hunters"

"You are really okay with this, you're not mad I lied to you?"

"No I'm not, I can't imagine telling anybody about that kind of secret if I owned it. I really understand your situation. Besides, it's not like we've known each other for long"

"Okay then"

Victor spent hours telling me about himself and werewolves. I find myself getting more and more curious about him, some of what I've read about are true while some are just fiction but still, to think something like that really does exists is beyond me. I digested everything he told me and keep it in mind so I can know how to continue my book. I can't believe I named his wolf Alpha.

"So what's your wolf's name, I have to stop calling him Alpha. If that's okay with you of course"

"Luca" I heard in a much deeper voice than he uses. His eyes are much colorful than before, this was the eyes I saw back then in the woods

"Is this your wolf" I asked with excitement. I still can't believe all this, I'm really talking to a werewolf.

"Yes" he replied in his normal voice, his eyes are back to normal too. Gush that was hot.

"Wow" I squealed. I couldn't contain my excitement properly which makes me blush hard. He laughed at that.

"Do you have a mate" I finally asked to cover up my embarrassment

"Yes" he answered. My face must have shown my disappointment because he chuckled.

"Oh…" I whisper

"You are my mate"