"You are my mate" I told her bluntly. There is no need of prolonging the matter anymore.

"Are you kidding me right now?" The surprise look on her face almost made me laugh but this isn't the time for laughter.

"I'm not, you really are my mate. It was how I was able to find you back then and even now. I came for this competition in hope to find you. I never thought I would see you on the first day"

"W, What?" she looks to be finding it hard to process

Shade and Tyler suddenly barge into the room, panting like tired dogs

"Vic, we have a problem" Shade said suddenly

"What kind of problem could have made you two like this?"

"It's Devon, he's here"


"Yes, he is leading the squad to hunt you"

"Who is Devon?" Daisy asked as she saw he look on my face

"He's a hunter, period" Tyler answered in the best possible way to describe him. Esther and Bimpe are also gathered


"Devon is an executioner, executioners are the hunters that hunt preys that are considered top criminals. They are specially trained in combats and weapons. They have no fear. They never miss their prey, hunting the wildest weres are their specialties and Devon is on the top list of the best of them. He's a monster among hunters, he is feared even by the council" Shade explained

"So, you mean they send this monster Devon to you just because you are a blood wolf? Is there something we don't know about this blood wolf?" Esther asked curiously

"Devon might be a monster that was bred by the Hunters Bureau but Blood Wolves are born monsters. They are the wildest predators ever in the WERE World, they have nasty temper and arrogance. The hunters have every right to hunt them."

"But Victor doesn't look dangerous at all, I've never even seen him loose his temper or anything" I couldn't help but chuckle at Daisy's thought of me, even Luca came to the surface. My whole demeanor changed as Luca took possession of my body.

"You think so, little mate?" Luca asked with a mischievous smirk on his face

"Little mate, how old are you to call me little?"

"Much older than you'll ever think, and don't let this little brat's body deceive you. Executioner or the whole hunter's bureau, I'll kill them all without mercy if the trespass on me"

I forced him back down quickly before my aura get detected by any hunter around. Some hunters can sense auras miles away from them.

"Sorry about that, he's hard to control sometimes. He doesn't really mean what he said, he's just being a big brat"

"Damn, I almost fainted, I take back what I said before. You are definitely dangerous" Esther backtrack

"Super dangerous" Daisy added

"You have nothing to worry about, I'm the one they here for, and I won't put anyone in danger." I assured

"This isn't just about putting anyone in danger, how about you, will you be okay?" I couldn't help the smile on my face when I saw the concern on Daisy's face

"I'll be fine, you have nothing to worry about, and it's not my first time being hunter"

"Wow that must be amazing. Being on top of the wanted list"

"What are we going to do now?" Bimpe questioned this time. Now that I know why we are being chased, I've gotten a better hold of the situation. I just need to find a way to separate from them and divert the hunter's attention.

"Nothing" I answered

"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean, you will do nothing. Just go to school as usual and come back here when you are done. As long as you don't stay too long outside, or go anywhere alone, they won't dare to attack with many humans around. There are laws preventing that from happening. I'll take care of my problem on my own"

"Alright then, we'll leave it to you"

As soon as they all went to bed, Tyler, Shade and I move out discreetly to investigate more on the hunters. Although I've fought many hunters, I've never fought executioners. I guess I've become more of a threat to them. I have a pretty good idea why an executioner is sent to bring me, four years ago before I left for Nigeria, I had an encounter with the council member Rakta. He is an alpha who has the second highest number of wolves in his packs, it contains about 500 wolves. Rakta is a ruthless and powerful wolf, he killed his father at the age of twenty to ascend the alpha's position.

Four years ago, when I was running from hunters, I crossed over to his territory. Since it was surrounded by mountains and hills, it has a lot of caves to hide. I hid in one of the caves for about one month without being found. Rakta was pissed, his pride damaged for not being able to catch a blood wolf who trespass into his territory.

He finally found me after a month of staying there, and I had no choice but to fight my way out. Although I didn't kill any of his pack warriors, I injured a lot of them. Werewolves has a very good regenerative ability but mine is much faster. Since I heal almost immediately, I was able to hold on much longer. This was why my parent decided I need to move far away, and also because, I need to train my body to match up with my wolf. Although I have a very strong wolf, my stamina wasn't good enough to match up with him. So, the past four years, I have working myself to surpass my limit and match up with Luca.

Speaking of Luca, he hasn't been saying anything since his death threat the last time, he is too quiet. I wonder what he's scheming now. Although Luca and I have our moments of disagreement, I respect him a lot. He is not only strong but also smart, I always leave the decision making to him whenever we fight. I give him total control of my body, I respect the decisions he makes then. He doesn't kill unless it's absolutely necessary, but even when he doesn't, his victims always wish they were.

As we move closer to the hunters, their scent got stronger and I could tell they are more than I initially thought. I've hidden my scent completely, if they think they are facing the Victor from four years ago, they are mistaken. This Victor is must stronger and matured that the previous one they fought.

Our aim tonight is to just gather as many information as we could, there is no need to engage in a fight. We split up and enter their compound. They are using a very big mansion about ten minutes' drive from the school. They are trying not to be too noticeable, although I can't say they've done a good job at that. The hunter they sent yesterday couldn't even hide his scent properly. But then again, it was Bimpe they were looking for. Probably trying to intimidate her with their aura. I still don't know much about this Demon's Gold Thread but if what she said is really true, then I'll need to be more careful. Who knows what else they have up their sleeve.

No one would have been able to guess that more than a clan of hunters are hear, the place is a regular residential house, just a bit away from other buildings. It's on a hill with its back is facing a deep forest. Looks like they were prepared for anything, poor Nigerians don't know what's about to break loose in their country. Whatever it may be, I have to make sure this doesn't concern Daisy in any way.