I know leaving Daisy and the rest alone isn't a very bright option but if there is one thing I'm sure of, it's that the hunters doesn't know who I am or where I stay. They would have attacked me by now, Gold Thread or not. That's why I have to gather as many info on them as possible. If I want to safely protect Daisy, I'll need to be one step ahead. Which is why I'm dressed in a ninja turtle costume, Shade's idea. It's not exactly their shell costume but anyone who sees us right now will know where the theme came from. I had no time to be arguing with him, so I just went along.

I found my way into the compound easily than I thought but I won't let that lower my guard, I've dealt with too many of them to know they are nowhere near easy. I climb over the fence and jumped over a tree close to it. My feet landed perfectly on the ground without making any noise. I walked a bit into the compound and strain my ear to check if there is anyone around. Just few feets from me, I heard three men discussion among themselves.

"I know that bitch cannot be trusted, see what she did now" the first man commented. They are all dressed in a suit. Anyone who sees them will probably think they are security guard from the dark shades and telecom they have on.

"I know right? How can a filthy Omega be so hard to catch" the second man inputted as he puff out smoke from cigarette from his mouth.

"I knew that girl was too sly, Alpha shouldn't have allowed her to go to school so far away from the pack"

"I know, she would have been learnt her lessons by now. Who is she to determine whether the gold thread is to be used or not" it looks like they were talking about Bimpe

"Do you really think there's a Blood Wolf here in Nigeria? Honestly, I think those damn hunters are just looking for an excuse to invade our pack. Alpha doesn't even have any command over them."

"I know, even though they said they wanted our cooperation, it looks more like we were colonized. They move within the pack like they own it. They even look down on our alpha like he's a piece of shit. Pisses me off"

"Those damn people"

Hearing these guys complain makes me realise two thing, one, they have no idea what it means to be a hunter, and two, they probably haven't been into any fight aside from hunting their food. It will be too easy for The Hunters to control them if they are so ignorant of the world around them, but then, they didn't really have any reason to be weary before this. They should thank me for giving them such chance to experience what the 'WERE' world is really like.

Now they would have figured out a little bit about werewolves and hunters. And whoever this there Alpha is, I pity him. It couldn't have been easy to be dominated in your own pack. I should leave this people to their rant and head further inside. If they are complaining so loudly, then it means the hunters probably aren't around or these guys doesn't have an idea how sharp there hearing could be. Either ways, I need to be absolute sure.

I moved closer to the entrance of the buildings, it was guided by two bulky men also in suits. They really are taking this job an extra mile. But I'm not the one to judge their wears, they would laugh if they saw mine. I'll have to make sure nobody saw me in this or it'll be the end of me, especially Daisy. I'll never hear the end of it.

I silently knocked the two guard out and proceed inside, dogs are still dogs after all. They can't be as vigilant as wolves. Wolves are the real hunters.

Just as I thought, there is no way things would have been so easy. Inside the building are about six hunters surrounding a center table. They seem to be planning something as they keep pointing to something on the table and moving their hands to their jaws in a thinking manner.

They must be using some kind of silent spell to hide their voices because I can't hear a thing, not if I don't want my aura to be found out. Luca's aura is too strong to not be detected, and he hates it when I try to hide his aura. That arrogant son of a b***t.

"Did you just say spell?" Luca asked me. Speak of the devil.

"Yea, I did. Why?" Since he went out of his way to talk to me, it must be something

"How did they get a spell? Last time I checked, no werewolf can cast a spell."

"Damn, does that mean they have a witch among them?"

"Get out of here NOW" I ordered Shade and Tyler through the mind link

"Roger" Tyler answered immediately

"I'm kind of in a situation here" Shade answered, his voice on guard

"Fuck it" I cuss silently

"What's going on?" Tyler asked him

"I think they might have anticipated your intrusion, they just don't think you'll go through the front door, cuz the back door here is trapped.

"Can you get away?" I asked him quickly as I make my way to the back side of the building

"With a little bit of help, definitely"

"Good, Tyler, are you out?"


"Shade, you'll know when to run"


As I got close to the back entrance, I detected more hunters surrounding the place. They hid their scent well enough but I'm putting everything on the line so I'm giving Luca control.

As soon as I got near, I gave him all the control and release all my aura even bloodlust. It is something even the weakest dog here will be able to detect. I made sure to fill the whole building with it. It temporary distracted them and gave Shade the chance to escape. As I saw Shade speed off, I ran the other way. I heard them send a few wolves after Shade while the rest follow me. I made sure not to run as fast as I could have, since I found out that their strongest hunters doesn't seem to be around.

Shade and Tyler should have no trouble losing the wolves on their tails, so I have to make sure I take care of the one assigned to me. Luca ran into the forest behind them, his aura getting weaker by each step. It's time to play. I can feel his excitement as he ran deeper and deeper into the woods. We haven't done this in years, I have to admit even I miss this chase. I was born into the chase and I grew up running. Nigeria is much calmer than I thought, even hunting animals was too easy for me.

Deep into the forest, my senses grew much sharper. I became aware of every little things around. I can even hear the people's sleeping as they take their breadth miles away. This is the real us, I hope Luca doesn't get too excited and kill them. I'll have to trust him, since I've decided to give him control, I will, until the end.

Luca abruptly stopped and turned to face the other wolves, I can tell they are from different pack. Even humans are among them. Impressive, to be able to catch up with the wolves, they must have gone through a thorough training.

"Stand down and shift back right now or you'll be injured beyond necessary" the wolf who headed the hunts commanded. They must have thought they could catch me alive. Are they stupid or something? Even a pup blood wolf is still a blood wolf. How dare they underestimate me so much?

As they saw I'm not ready to comply with their request, two of them launched at me from the back. Those sneaky bastards. Is this what you call an attack? Just what are the hunters thinking to send this little rats after me? Luca turned and beat them down with his paws, like a heavy slap on the face to smack them down. The ones that was in front seeing the opening launched their own attack but I already predicted it. In the end the fight wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I left them on the ground barely standing as ran after Shade and Tyler. I already got their message about being back at home but Shade said something about trouble so I need to quickly check to see if Daisy is alright.

As I made my way into my sitting room, I saw what the problem was, right in the middle of the room sat Daisy in a bum short and tank top with a glass of wine on her hand, staring straight and hard at me. Tyler and Shade are standing right in front of her, their costume still on. I should have changed my cloth outside. We are so in in trouble.