I have been awake for a while now, I went to Victor's room to ask him if I could get anything I want from the kitchen. It was a stupid thing to ask in the middle of the night but yea, maybe I just wanted an excuse to see him. I got to his room and knocked several times but I got no reply, I decided to open the door to see if he is asleep. There was no sign of anyone having slept there so I left. Bimpe came out of the room the three of us are sharing together to tell me she heard them left the house a while ago.

I decided to wait for them at the sitting room. I was on my second glass of wine when I heard them came in. I don't usually drink but when I saw the wine sitting quietly at the corner of the room, I suddenly have the urge to drink. Tyler and Shade came in with a big smile over their face, looking like kids who just came from a costume party. I would have laughed at their choice of cloth but I was too tipsy to care. This is why I don't drink, I get drunk easily, but I'm still sober enough to send them a death glare.

The smile on their faces turned down when they saw me sitting there, death glare on my face. They both stood in front of me silently, I guess they don't know what to think of my appearance or they are just waiting for Victor to lead. Before long, Victor came barging into the room like someone being chased. As soon as he saw me, his panicked face came down only to be replaced by a surprise one, the costume look even more ridiculous on him. I'll mock him about it tomorrow but right now, I'm too pissed to care.

"Daisy, hey, what sup" he greeted warily. I couldn't help the dark chuckle that left my mouth. I saw them all stiff at that.

"Do you know how worried I was?" I asked quietly as I look into my glass cup. I know they can hear me well, so I don't bother raising my voice.

"Do you?" I asked again

"We just went out to take care of some business, its nothing dangerous. We didn't want to bother you so we didn't wake you. We would have told you in the morning" Victor defended

"Bullshit" I cussed, my voice going a nitch up. I can see the surprised look on their face. They don't know what they are getting themselves into right now.

"I woke up in the middle of the night to see you were all gone and you are telling me you went to take care of some business that was not dangerous and you expect me to believe that bull shit?"

"There are hunters after you, we had to move hostels to hide from them. But you are telling me you went to take care of a non-dangerous business. What do you take me for, a fool? You would have told me if you wanted to but you didn't, meaning you don't count me significant enough to tell me?" I continued, my voice increasing with every word.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to worry about us too much. And we didn't really do anything dangerous, just went to make sure there are no hunters around" he explained softly as he came nearer and took the glass from me.

"Isn't that right guys"

"Yep, totally. Nothing dangerous" Shade answered in amusement

"Are you all laughing at me?"

"We dare not Luna"

"Whatever, I'll deal with you all tomorrow. Just don't go wandering off again okay?"

"Yes Luna"

"Why don't you just come sleep with me? You shouldn't disturb your friends that are already asleep" Victor asked. I saw a confused look on his face as I froze. How can he be surprised?

"Do you think I'll sleep with you just because I'm drunk?" I asked furiously

"What?" He asked in surprised. I heard Shade burst into laughter and Tyler chuckle softly

"Of course not, that's not what I meant" he defended. I'll be amused about this situation tomorrow but now, I have a few alcohol down my throat.

"Then what do you mean?"

"I meant you sleep in my room. You'll sleep on the bed while I sleep on the sofa or something"

"Something? Explain better Alpha, you don't want Luna confused about your intention now do you?" Shade teased as he burst into another fit of laughter. I didn't check to see how Victor reacted to that but I know he stopped laughing almost immediately.

"Fine, but you are not allowed to do anything to me okay?"

"Of course I won't, I'm not that kind of guy"

"Who knows what a blood wolf is capable of" I said quietly but I heard since Shade burst into laughter again.

Victor led me into his room as a lot of scenario start going on in my head.

"Daisy, what are you doing? Are you seriously letting a guy you barely know lead you to his room right now?" I thought

"Keep the thoughts out of your head, I promise I won't do anything to you"

"Can you read my mind" I asked as I wondered how he knew what I was thinking

"I can't. It's written all over your face"

'Okay then, I'll take your word for it. Don't betray my trust"

"God, I can't believe this. Drunk or not, are you seriously thinking of me like that?"

"Of course not, a girl just have to be sure" I said as he dropped me on the bed. His bed is a little harder than the one in his guest room but I kind of like this one. I never understood what people meant when they say someone smell nice but as I sniff at Victor's pillow, I understand. I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"You like it" Victor ask in amusement

"Nope" I'm never admitting this to him but I'm super nervous, this is my first time in a guy's room.

"Alright then, try to sleep, I'll go take a shower and change my cloth.

"Why, I think you look good in it" I said as I burst into laughter. He gave me a playful glare before leaving the room. I could hear the sound of the shower when he turned it on. I had to stop my imagination from going wild

"Get a grip on yourself girl, when did you become so shameless" I whisper quietly forgetting about Victor's superhuman hearing.

"You are free to think whatever you want baby, I'm all yours" I heard Victor said from the bathroom. That's it, I better sleep before I embarrass myself any further

I rested myself proper on the left side of the bed that was placed facing the bathroom and a window on the other side, the moon silently reflecting into the room. It reminds me of Luca's eyes, although this particular moon isn't blue but white, not even a full moon. I didn't know when I fell asleep.

I felt Victor's lips on my head and a little goodnight before I finally slept off. A ghost of a smile fill my mouth as I whisper a goodnight in return. This is the best night of my life.