
A screen, which only Ryu Sei could see, appeared, and the first thing he saw, is an immense text message. There was a bar right next to the text, Ryu pushed it down, making the text roll up and reveal more and more words.

Ryu went back to the top of the screen and started reading from the beginning, but, to his surprise, he couldn't understand. It wasn't a matter of reading the words, which he could do, it was the sentences, that were so complicated and the meaning so vague that it made him feel like the text were just a collection of erudite words.

Ryu Sei was discouraged, thinking that he would have to read that endless amount of words he couldn't even understand until his eyes landed on the bottom of the screen, where a button lies.


'Ah, found you.' he thought as he pressed the button without any further consideration.

The screen changed before his eyes, and the words appeared, a few seconds later with a pip sound and again another change.


Name: Ryu Sei

Cultivation technique: Heaven and Earth Inversion (book zero)

Level: 1 Exp: 0 of 1000

Essence: 0


Strength ->10 Agility ->10

Dexterity ->10 Resistance ->10

Focus ->10

distribute: 0

Skills: (None)


Ryu Sei gave a look at the system, and the first thing that caught his attention was his stats, he was confused by them.

'How can all my stats be in ten? There is no way I was perfectly balanced in all my abilities, and why there are no intelligence stats? All the systems I ever read about had an intelligence stats.'

Skimming through the screen, he found some buttons where he could read: , and .

Nothing useful for the time being.

Enlil waited until all the disciples finished their interaction with the system. See the faces of new disciples upon awakening the system is something he really enjoys, one can identify many emotions in just a few minutes: happiness, confusion, admiration, surprise, disgust, anticipation, and so on.

Furthermore, Enlil knew very well that rushing this process would not work, he had done it before, and the result was terrible.

When all the disciples finished their inspection and turned attention back to the sect master, he started another brief speech.

"Now that you got your so dreamed system, great deeds are expected of you. Work diligently, work hard, and remember, a system is a good tool that will assist in your path, but it will not do the job for you ...

... you are not a godlike existence, overestimate your power will have a huge price to be paid ...

... these elders will accompany you, don't be afraid to request their aid ...

... you can go now. Elder Jin Baek will introduce you to the sect." Enlil rose from his throne and disappeared before the disciples' eyes, a gust of wind revolving around the elders' robes reveals that he was there just a moment ago.

A good-looking man presents himself before the disciples.

"Hi, I am Jin Baek. You can refer to me as senior Jin, I don't like being called elder." the female disciples have shining eyes looking at this 'senior'.

This elder guided the disciples to all places.

The academy, where they, divided into small groups, will receive lectures once a week. The sect treasure, where the riches and precious artifacts were stored, only the elders can enter inside the vault, which was actually the core of the mountain. The mission hall, where they will get quests from the sect. The market, this building is used to receive the items achieved by disciples in their quests, and they can also buy items here. There were also many other places like the ranch that provides meals and the meditation garden.

When the introduction of the sect finished, senior Jin Baek asked them to dismiss and bid farewell, he turned his back and started walking away from the group, but before he could leave, Ryu Sei said.

"SENIOR JIN BAEK." the man looked in his direction "What?"

"You said we can get quests in the Mission Hall, does this mean that we will only have quests provided by the sect?" Ryu Sei knew that others systems had auto-trigger quests, but he had never heard of the sect triggering quests before.

Senior Jin gave a smile and said, "You are too impatient, some questions will be answered with time." he turned back and walked away, completely ignoring Ryu Sei's question.

Nura slapped Ryu Sei on the shoulder to comfort him and suggested.

"Let's get something to eat, I want to try this ranch food." and so they did.

The duo leisurely walks back home after lunch, they were utterly exhausted after awakening the system, and strolling all over the sect didn't provide any help in that aspect.

They were almost home when they turned onto a small street and faced three older disciples blocking their way.

"Look at this one here, such expensive robes, it should be nice being rich." the shortest of the three said, approaching nura and grabbing him by the collar.

While the other two surrounded Nura, completely ignoring Ryu Sei.

"I bet he must have plenty of money on him." the one on the left said, laughing mischievously.

"Of course this junior won't mind sharing his great fortune with his seniors, right?" the one holding Nura inspecting his prey in search of something valuable.

Ryu Sei was standing still the whole time, he knew he wasn't capable of defending Nura. Besides, he has developed some friendships with the other in a couple of days, but it was not on the level that would make him throw himself stupidly in a fight with stronger people.

In Ryu Sei's point of view, Nura should just give up on some money and finish this quickly.

"I have nothing to trash like you." Nura bravely said, with a confident smile, hitting the hand that held his collar.

Ryu Sei couldn't understand what was happening at this moment.

Why is he behaving so boldly in front of three stronger cultivators when he has just awakened his system? Could the young man he's been talking to for the past few days really be an overpowered person with hidden powers that completely defy the logic of the levels? Maybe some secret inherited from his family?

So he raised his concentration on every Nura's movement, expecting to learn an amazing technique.