Chapter 4 Being OP

At Marine Headquarters: Sengoku frowned at a new report from west blue. Since he had heard word about news of Nico Robin, he payed attention to news.

Sengoku: " Brantley D. Paul? Who and where did he come from? chaos pirate? Sounds like a pretty arrogant name? Defeated Hooman, Daz Bonez, and even a fleet of marine ships? It seems this boy is pretty strong. Commodore Kibin take captain Shu with you and go take out this pirate before he cause anymore havoc. Catch Nico Robin too"

Garp: " hahaha, strong pirates are starting to emerge Sengoku"


Sailing for a few days, they received news paper, this newspaper contained his deeds of defeating a few pirates and marines vilifying him, then a new bounty hand appeared with his face on it. Brantley D. Paul- 85,000 beli


"Hidden quest completed: Get your first bounty"

'ding' bonus rewards of having first bounty of over 50,000 beli


+10 all stats

2000 SP

Real Mythical Zoan chaos dragon fruit.

Real Mythical Zoan Chaos Dragon Fruit- Gives the user the control of fire, water, lightning, and wind powers. User is able to breathe underwater and is granted a near immortal body. This Zoan fruit does not have a full dragon transformation and can only transform body parts into dragon forms.

Seeing another op fruit that just fell onto his lap, Paul just shook his head.

Paul: "This is going to make things too easy now."

But he still chose to do it anyways. Paul took out the fruit and was about the size of a coconut. It had 4 different colors to it with different patterns that ran up and down. Looking at the devil fruit, Paul was a little scared to eat it because first, it was nasty, second, it was too big, and third just touching it he can feel the power coursing through the fruit. But at the end of the day, he chose to to eat it.

As soon as he took a bite, he felt that he it was still too nasty but as he was endured it and finished the fruit whole, he felt an electric current run through his body, then came an intense heat, then came a cooling sensation, then came a sharp itch that wrecked his body. His whole body was shaking from the power that coursed through it. He then felt his body bulk by a lot and grew a bit taller. His already handsome features became even more dignified and his skin became a little more tan and no longer the white clean skin he had before. 4 tattoos began to form on his body, a fiery flame appeared on his left arm. The tailed coiled around arm with with the mouth forming at his hand. A bright sky blue color tattoo appeared on his right side and had the same pattern but in the form of a lightning. Bluish green color tattoo covered his left leg with a swirl that ran around the leg. Dark blue waves tattoo appeared on his right leg.

Paul: " Status"


Name: Brantley D. Paul

Age: 17 immortal body- 25%

Strength: 40>65

Agility: 37>55

Vitality: 40>80

Wisdom: 30>40

Luck: 30>40

Charm: 30>50

Devil Fruit: Real Mythical Zoan Dragon Dragon fruit, Real Mythical Zoan Chaos Dragon fruit

Skills: Observation Haki lvl 4, Navigation lvl 1, Armament Haki lvl 2, Rokuogan lvl 1

SP: 2300

Paul looked all over his body, all he felt was boundless power coursing through him. He looked at his status and found that his immortal body status and found that it had just merged together with his previous percentage and even increased quite a bit. He tried activating his dragon features and found that the each hand had a different color claw that corresponded with their tattoo. He found that his lightning element felt even more familiar to him and was a lot stronger. For most cases, Paul even felt like he doesn't even need armament haki anymore and it should only be useful for logia users.

As Paul walked out from his cabin room, Daz and Robin looked at Paul with a surprised expression of the changes that occurred at the moment. As they made eye contact, Paul didn't say anything and just smiled. Just getting a smile and nothing else, Daz just went back to his things, and Robin went back to reading her book. Arriving at Rouge town, the last island before entering the grand line, Paul docked the ship.

Paul: " Robin could you find more information on Kano Country, specifically where Sai and Boo is located."

Robin: " Sure, no problem"

Paul: " Daz, you can do whatever you like"

Daz just nodded his head. At Rouge town, he needed to get a few things, den den mushi for the ship and a log pose to travel with, along with stocking up the ship. Exploring the town for a few hours, he noticed an killing intent directed at him. Using his observation haki he saw that it was the bounty hunter Jean Ango. He was known for his sniper ability but unusual method of weapon as he uses what he finds lying around. Paul turned around and directly looked at Jean Ango and made eye contact. Paul just smiled at him. Seeing the smile, Jean became angry at the sheer arrogance that was shown. Jean Ango is insanely good at sniping and has even been into the grand line to catch some pirates, but this pirate before him who has not even set out into the grand line mocked him, he grew angry.

With numerous weapons strapped to his back, he started throwing his various weapons at Paul. Seeing the weapons fly at him Paul just stood there until one weapon was about to reach him and swiftly caught it. He then used his observation haki and strength to swipe away the oncoming weapons.

After a good 5 minutes of being bombed with weapons, Jean Ango was gasping with air as he was out of breath and deeply afraid at the pirate before him. He saw Paul still standing there with a sword fully intact but all around him were broken pieces of metal scattered all around him in which he did not take a single step away from where he stood.

Paul: " Is that it, Jean Ango"

Not willing to answer to Paul's question, he turned around and started to run away. Not willing to let this chance go, Paul gripped the sword, and threw it at Jean Ango with all his strength. 'swoosh' The sword came right after Jean and before he could take another step, the sword pierced through his head, killing him on the spot.

Looking down at his hand, he clenched it into a fist and felt that he needed to get more used to his strength as it rose too quickly for him.

The next instant, Robin came to his side.

Robin: " Paul, Sai and Boo are not far from here battle with some of the doflamingo pirates"

Paul: " Ok good, go tell Daz to meet back at the ship"

Nodding her head, she went to go look for Daz while Paul went back to the ship. A few minutes after, Daz and Robin returned to the ship. Seeing that they returned,

Paul: " alright let's head out, where are they Robin"

Robin: " they were spotted not fighting far north from here."

Like this, Paul sailed out north from their location.

Paul: " Daz, how is your Haki training going".

Daz: " I am able to use armament haki, but still need to work on my observation haki"

Paul: " That's good enough, Sai and Boo are pretty strong, you can deal with Boo"

Nodding his head, they continued their sailing for about an hour until they heard the loud clashes going on. Looking ahead, they saw an intense battle going on between Sai, Boo, Lao G and their crew members. From the looks of the battle, Sai and Lao G were almost at even in combat strength. They were clashing several times in the air ignored Paul's crew arriving to where they were.

Looking at their battle strength, Paul believed that he can take the two of them on by himself. He transformed his right arm which held the lightning power and manipulated lightning and forming it into a spear. He threw at the two who were fighting which almost pierced them together.

Paul: " Hello, Lao G, Sai, I'm Paul, captain of the chaos pirates."

Lao G: " What do you want boy"

Sai: " hmph"

Paul: " I feel having a warm up battle before I head into the Grand Line, so I am here to of course take care of you two."

Lao G and Sai: " You are too young to handle us."

Paul: " We'll see about that."

Paul then leaped off and rushed towards the two with both arms transformed. He first dashed towards Lao G as he knew that Lao G is the weaker one of the two.

Lao G: " Kata Kori G"

Paul: "Lightning slash"

The clash only lasted a moment when both claw and fist met before Lao G was sent flying.

Sai: " Wujiaogen heel"

Paul: " Dragon Pulse"

Dragon pulse is the move Rokuogan covered with haki. When both heel and fist covered haki connected, it caused a loud collision to occur between the two which ended in Sai also being sent flying.

Paul: " Is that the best you two got"

Being sent flying, the two looked at each other and found that their opponent was a lot stronger than them 1vs2. Seeing the strength of Paul, Lao G started getting serious and flexed his muscles. His body started get bigger and bulkier. While Sai cast his armament haki onto his polearm and his right leg.

Massive aura erupted from both fighters.

Lao G: " Battle insurance fist Expiration Devil Withdrawal Immolation... G!!!"

Then a purple ring erupted from his aura and static began to emit from that aura.

Sai: " Drill Dragon Nail!!!!!"

Seeing their battle intent go all out, Paul also did the same. With his body achieving 25%, he can summon more dragon scales from his devil fruit. He started transforming entirely and looked like a miniature humanoid dragon. He was covered in azure colored scales from neck down. Had two small horns growing out from his head. His left arm was on fire, his right arm was circling with electricity.

Paul: " Heavenly Dragon's Rage!!!!"

When the three clashed, at first there was silence, then 'booooommm' an intense aura raged outwards. the clouds in the sky split apart as their collision entered a stalemate. As Paul was beginning to be pushed down from the air, He summoned wind and water from his feet that spun at a rapid pace. Pushed off the two's strike, breaking their balance.

Paul: " Heavenly dragon's Kick!!"

'whoosh' flipping backwards the two legs sent out their own unique slice and cut the two down at the chest.

Lao G: " G!!!!!"

Lao G began falling down from the strike and landed in the water.


Sai also fell down from the strike.

Although Paul still had energy to keep fighting, his arms were aching from taking their attack head on.


at the same time this battle was going on.


Boo: " Daz Bonez, to think you became a pirate"

Daz: " hmph"

Boo and Daz dashed at one another.

Boo swung his axe covered with haki and vibration.

Boo: " Hasshoken Slash"

Daz turned his arm into blades and started rotating it at a high speed and the covered it with haki.

Daz: " Dark Spiral Hollow"

'clang' the axe and arm clashed. The clash lasted for a brief moment until Boo's haki broke apart and then the axe broke.

Daz: " Spar Break"

Daz had quickly changed his spinning arms into two large blades and slashed horizontally across Boo's body.

Boo had tried to cover his body with haki, but it was too late as he was already cut.


After Paul and Daz finished their fight, Paul looked around and still found that their opponents were still alive but barely breathing.

Paul looked at Lao G and flew down to finished him off immediately piercing Lao G in his chest and threw Lao G into the ocean. He then looked at Sai, but didn't finish him off. The main reason is because the doflamingo family in the main plot line did something pretty damn evil, when he took over Dressrosa. If the timeline was a little more back in time then he would've went for doflamingo immediately if he had the strength to but it was already too late, so he will just have to wait.

Paul: " Sai, remember my name, Paul of the Chaos Pirates. The next time we meet I will only be stronger and my name will be even more renown."

Paul then went back on his ship.

Paul: " Now lets go to the Grand Line. "