Siren's Academy of Wind Part 2

"While we are on the topic of races, we are going to do a little quiz. I am going to say a race and I want one of you to tell me what their race magic is, then I would like another person to explain what it does. If you answer correctly you don't get shocked," Venus said as she evilly smiled at our class.

Terrified by her, the entire class but me swiftly responded with "YES MA'AM" while I slouch on my chair thinking Venus wouldn't harm me.

"Oliver, I didn't hear you," she said as she slowly approached me, "Umm, do I really need to say that," I whispered as she approached my desk. "Hahaha of course you don't," in that instant the same purple sparks she released last time came off her hand.

"YES MA'AM," I yelled, desperate not to get shocked. The entire class chuckled at my idiocy.

"That's more like it, now who can tell me at what stage can a race use their race magic?"

"Ooo,ooo, races can only use their race magic once they have reached the second stage of evolution, the expectation being humans and dwarves where their requirement is to reach the age of 12." A small figured Harpy with white feathers answered with great enthusiasm impressing Venus.

"Precisely, well done Lixie, who can tell me what the race magic of an Ogre is?"

A student carefully stands up from his chair and responds swiftly. "Ogres use gravity magic, they mainly use their magic to suppress their enemies in battle, the stronger the Ogre is physically the stronger the gravity is. Als- AHAGHGHAH." "Okay that's enough Sirius I only asked what they use, not how it works, but thanks anyway," she said nonchalantly as she shocked the proud student.

"Isn't that abuse," I whispered to the harpy sitting next to me. "SHHH," she aggressively yet nervously whispered back, desperately trying to shush me.

"CECILIA," Venus yelled, turning her head towards us. "YES MA'AM," she swiftly and clumsily stood up. "What magic do Vampires use, and explain to the class how it works." "Y-YES MA'AM."

She took a deep breath calming herself down. "Vampires use blood magic, though all vampire's blood magic is equal and it's power can't be changed. The use of their blood magic depends on the colour of their blood. The colour of their blood corresponds to their secondary element, often vampires keep a couple vile of their blood strapped to their waists." Though her explanation was understandable it was hard to make out some words due to the constant stuttering.

"Good, someone tell me how different colours of blood exactly affect the use of a vampire's blood magic."

"I-I can answer again, MAAM," she quietly says, hoping that Venus heard her. "Go ahead."

"For example, if a vampire's blood is green it signifies that their secondary element is healing, therefore the vampire's blood will have healing properties and such vampires are usually used as support. If another's vampire is red or orange it signifies their secondary element is fire, this means their blood has properties of fire, such as using it to create unique fire magic no other race can use." Cecilia answered with more confidence as she got used to talking.

"And this is why Vampires are considered the most powerful race, like we have told you students many times, but if you cross paths with a vampire or travel to The Kingdom of Noirian you must treat all vampires with respect." She said as if she got tired of repeating her warning.


I noticed that all the Harpies that rushed at me earlier stayed quiet throughout the entire class. Though it seems Venus is a good teacher, she's a bit... violent.

Suddenly a horn was blown, it was low in pitch and very loud almost like a war horn. I panicked and fell off my chair thinking we were getting invaded. Cecilia clumsily stood up from her chair and helped me get back on my feet. As I was able to see her face and noticed that her golden hair was covering both of her eyes. Paired with her green feathers for some reason she gave me priest vibes. But I couldn't help but wonder, how the fuck could she see me?

"Thanks," I say as I rub my hair embarrassed by my incredible fall.

"I-its okay, it happens to everyone on their first day of school, that horn just signifies that class is over." She said as she avoided looking at my face.

"Why do y-, never mind, thanks for letting me know. I am Oliver," I reach out to shake her hand.

"EEP," she yelled out a mystifying noise and just ran off leaving my hand unshaken.

"Okay thanks a lot," I whispered with sarcasm as I kept my hand out hoping someone would do something with it. I stood there long enough for everyone to leave the class.

"Master, you have been standing there looking stupid for 4 minutes and 20 seconds," she said back to her usually manner of speaking.

"Please, shake my hand," I cried in desperation. Taking my cry a bit seriously she grabbed my aired hand with both of hers and pledged, "don't worry master, I will always hold your hand in need." "Ummmmm, thanks," I said as I quickly retracted my hand.

"So what's next, do I have another class or what?"

"We have a break next, we will use this time to teach you Harpanian." She led off the classroom and pointed to the sign that was above the door. "By the way, this translates to history in Humanian."

"Oh yeah thanks," I said, completely forgetting that I couldn't read it.

As I was following Venus to the private room we encountered Ovis and Pulli walking together. Pulli waved at me in excitement while Ovis followed behind him.

"Oh boy here we go again," I said knowing Ovis would make a giant fuss.

"HUM-, I MEAN OLVER, WE MEET AGAIN," he said as he pushed his messy long red hair to the side thinking he looked elegant. I simply just walked past him again leaving him in a state of shock.

Suddenly Pulli grabbed my hand, "give him a chance," he said as he gave me the cutest smile I've ever seen. Trying to forget my regret for almost killing him I pat his head and agree to give Ovis a chance.

"AHEM, I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO BE MY F-," though he said proudly, he seemed to struggle with whatever word he was trying to say next.

"F-f-f-f-f-f-fr, HMPH, NEVERMIND YOU ARE NOT WOR- AHHHH," Pulli secretly pinched Ovis on the hips while he continued to smile at me.

"Sigh," I would like you to be a friendly acquaintance of mine," he said quietly, completely losing his previous confidence. I wanted to tease him, seeing him struggle so hard was kind of entertaining.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you, your Humanian was a bit off, could you run that by me again," I said with excitement and sarcasm turning sideways cupping my hand around my right ear pretending that I actually couldn't hear. But before Ovis could react, Pulli was letting off the same smile, but his hair was flying all over the place completely messing up his perfectly kept hair as he was charging his stringless bow aiming directly at my face.

"HAHAHAHA, never mind," I say as I quickly go to shake Ovis's claw-like hand terrified by Pulli's passive aggression.

"I would love to be your "friendly acquaintance", I reach my hand out smiling, genuinely wanting to give Ovis a chance. He reached out and grabbed my hand, instantly turning away in embarrassment.

"Is this guy a tsundere or something," I whispered to Venus. She turned her head sideways and gave a confused look.

"Never mind." I say forgetting these people are uncultured.

"It was amazing meeting you again Oliver, hehe, but Ovis and I need to go to our next class, we'll see you guys later," he waved at us enthusiastically letting out a genuine smile as they both walked away.

Venus and I continued on our way, as we walked I still wondered where Avem was, there is so much I want to talk to her about and for some reason I somewhat miss her rambunctious personality, it was almost refreshing thinking about our times together. Where are you Avem?

We reached the room and sat down on the table in the middle of the room close to the bed. The window next to use had the giant sun glaring in, so Venus closed the blinds made from a similar material which were used for the bed sheets.

"Master, I will teach you the easiest way of translating languages, so you don't always need me to do it for you, though I would gladly if needed." She said proudly as her tone of voice slowly turned back into the one when she teaches. She gets a candle from the corner of the room she then grabbed some sort of stick, seconds later some sort of orange rune was formed around the front of the creating the small fire. She lit the candle and placed in on the table.

"Ahem, languages in this world can be easily converted to any other language using their alphabets and comparing them to the one you want to translate it to. For example if you are speaking Humanian and you want to translate / learn Harpian, all you need to do is use the letters of your language and compare them to the letters of Harpian to be able to translate, and eventually learn the language." She said as she paced back on fourth around the room, like she was in the classroom, her wings folded back and her hair flowed down to her waist.

"Here, this is the alphabet for Humanian." She handed me a brown piece of paper, on the paper was written an alphabet, the alphabet that humans use on this world closely resembles the one we use on Earth. This gave me a sense of relief that there was something that was similar to home.



She then handed me another piece of paper that had the Harpian alphabet on it.



When I looked at this alphabet, it looked like it used the same letters as the Humanian alphabet but completely jumbled up, almost like it was a code. But if you think about it from another race's perspective it is the same for them.

"If you line up both alphabets you can use it to translate, here I will show you," as her face got closer to mine her silky and beautiful black hair touched my face, she smelled like something I have never smelled but I somehow knew the smell at the same time and relaxed me to the point of almost putting me to sleep.

"Ma-, Oliver, I wrote out what each letter equals in our language," she said as I got startled, hoping she didn't notice my slightly perverted actions.

A = AF

B = R

C = S

D = R

E = EY

F = F

G = L

H = S

I = O

K = M

L = L

M = F

N = M

O = O

P = F

R = N

S = S

T = No translation (Still in the word, but it is just silent)

U = O

V = W

W = WA

X = No translation (Still in the word, but it is just silent)

Y = E

The translation was written extremely neatly though it was hard to see the writing on the brown paper I was able to make out.

"Now all you need to do is take the spelling of a word you want to say or write and translate it using the alphabet, though some letters Humanian uses, don't exist for Harpanian so when translating you have to ignore that letter. And for T and X they are still in the world, but they are not pronounced. For example "This" translates to "Tsos". If you want to say "Queen" you just see how the words translate and you get "Oeyeym" which means queen in Harpanian.

Her explanation was amazing and easy to understand but I couldn't help but get sleepier due to her calming yet powerful voice and the softness of her hair. I got a slight feeling of nostalgia as I fell asleep.