Siren's Academy of Wind

"Welcome to Siren's Academy of Wind," the headmaster looked at me from across the room intrigued by my entrance.

"You must be the human, Oliver, it's an honour to meet you," he sat at his chair, still looking at me with crossed arms, I couldn't see his wings. Venus started slowly pushing me into the room while I was admiring the beauty of the room.

"Oof," she pushed me into the table where the headmaster was sitting, as I got a closer look I could see how battered and beaten he was. His dark brown hair covered one of his pitch black eyes. Scars covered his entire face, but he still had an incredible amount of confidence shining from his face. I was extremely tempted to peek at his stats, but the sense of intimidation stopped me. He slowly stood up towering over me and went around his desk, my eyes followed him, but my body did not - still frozen by his presence.

"You can relax human, I am just the head master, I don't plan to make any fights with you," he said in a low, shrill yet confident voice. As he turned around I noticed something incredibly odd.

He had no wings, or at least didn't have them anymore. He noticed me looking at his phantom wings and just smiled.

"Since you are no Harpy I imagine that flying class wouldn't interest you, he said as he tried to change the apparent conversation.

"Oh yeah, if possible I would like to focus more on just regular magic classes and or any type of history class if you have any."

"And what about language classes, we can't have teachers teaching in Humanian just because you are there can we?" He continued to walk around me almost as if he was inspecting me.

"Sir if I may intrude, but I can teach him Harpanian if you allow," Venus said with haste almost as if she was looking forward to teaching me.

"I'll allow it, but this must be done after classes are over, use the private time you are given, I have also signed you up for the Hand to Hand combat class seeing as though that is your speciality," he turned to me and let out a huge smile. "Your fight was quite spectacular I must say, tying with Pulli is no small feat.

I nodded at him, trying not to show any disrespect. Venus then bowed, not knowing what to do I did the same. Venus then drags me out of the room as I continue to stare at the headmaster, he continues to smile at me as I leave the room. The golden doors close behind us.

"PHEWWWWW, what was with that guy," I let a giant sigh of relief as I felt my heart pounding by his presence. "I couldn't move or say anything my god that was terrifying." I couldn't help but think about his scars and completely what seemed to be ripped off wings. It's possible he was involved in a crazy battle or was a veteran in war.

"He is Headmaster Nayaa, before he became headmaster he was the General for our Queens army, he has fought countless wars against neighbouring races and is considered a hero of sorts in our kingdom." Though she told me this in her usual monotone voice, I could see her feathers twitching and shaking, she was definitely terrified as well.

"W-what is his level," I asked, frightened to hear the answer. But reassured that my assumption was correct.

"It was rumoured that he was around level 700.

"Ha, that's pretty cool," I said trying not to show my incredibly terrified ,"Holy fucking shit," I whispered to my self while noticing the sweat trickling off my face.

"Maybe we should head to class haha," I said to Venus, still calming down from the encounter with the headmaster.

"Shall I carry you to the classroom master?"

"NO, I can walk," I swiftly said before she picked me up anyway.

As I followed Venus to whatever class I was supposed to go to I noticed that I haven't seen Avem since she met me in the room. I know she has black feathers but what are they doing with her?

"Master, I've noticed that you have been spacing out a lot, is there something bothering you." She said as she turned her head to look at me.

"Huh, oh yeah I am fine."

"If those gazes the other harpies have been shooting towards you is the problem, I'll get rid of them." Instantly purple sparks started coming out of her hand as her tone completely changed.

"NO RELAX I'M FINE LET'S JUST GET TO THE CLASSROOM." I flailed my arms around in annoyance.

"We are here master." She said again in her monotone voice as she pointed to the classroom.

"Oh, haha, ok." I stood up straight fixing my collar, it's showtime.

Venus slowly opens the door labelled "Sosone." I walk into the classroom trying to look confident, but considering all the gazes I have been receiving, I knew my presence wasn't going to be accepted. I walked towards the front of the classroom trying to avoid the gazes. Venus follows me to the front of the classroom and has me stand facing everyone in the class.

"Ahem, I am sure you have all heard of him, but I will introduce him anyway. This is Oliver, the one and only human attending this academy. He is also the human that has been favoured by the queen as well as tying in a duel with Pulli." As she continued speaking I looked at her in confusion, wondering why she was the one introducing me, and also wondering where the teacher was.

"Seyllo, I am Oliver and as Venus said I will be attending class alongside you guys." I said with confidence showing I wouldn't be fazed or intimidated by any of their constant gazing.




30 seconds of silence later and nothing was said. Did I say something wrong? Do they really hate humans that much? I wanted to turn to Venus and ask what was going on but for some reason I thought if I moved it would cause a riot so I stood still and waited for some response or for the teacher to walk in. Soon I got fed up of waiting and turned to Venus.

"Venus, what am I supposed to do now?" I whispered.

"Just wait for it." Venus said as she let out a small smirk.

I turned back and looked at the silent classroom. Suddenly, the entire classroom roared and started cheering, it caught me by such surprise I almost fell over but Venus caught me before that could happen.

"ARE YOU REALLY THAT HUMAN THAT TIED WITH PULLI," one girl with red hair and brown feathers asked as she ran up the front of the classroom.

"Uhh, yeah I am."

"WHAT MAGIC DO YOU USE, DO YOU HAVE YOUR ELEMENTS ASSIGNED YET." Another student in the back of the classroom ran to the front to see me, he was a short boy with long blue hair and green wings.

"Um, it's hard to explain, basically I-

"WHY DO YOU LOOK DIFFERENT THAN OTHER HUMANS," a girl in the front asks me instantly, cutting off my explanation. Soon everyone in the classroom storms to the front to see me, and bombards me with questions.

"UHHHHHHHH HEY GUYS I CAN'T ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A CHANCE, AHHH," I start yelling as I get shaken all over the place like a punching bag.

"Venus help me," I cry out for help as the shaking gets more intense. Instantly everyone in the classroom except me is shocked, purple sparks fly everywhere as they flail around.

"If anyone else touches Oliver, they will be punished." She said with a dominating voice as it boomed around the room.

"Ughhh fine Miss Venus," they all said simultaneously as they went back to their seats.

"Wait WHAT," I yelled out loud in extreme surprise as I quickly look to Venus as she shot me another cheeky smile.

"YO-WHA-YOU-WER-,sigh, I give up, I am done with surprises today, but before I go sit down, didn't you just abuse them by shocking them all?" I said as I started losing energy.

"Don't worry about it mas-, ahem, Oliver. Now go sit down." She said while trying to resist the temptation to escort me to my seat.

"Today, we will be reciting what we know about each race and all of their race magics as well, since we have a new student, I would like all of you to give me all the details you can." As she continued speaking I noticed how different her tone of manner was compared to when we are alone, she was a lot more commanding and confident almost as if he could be a general of an army. It was nice to see this new side of her yet kind of scary.