The Chaos of my mind

What just happened? I ask myself as I sit against the door to Queen Siren's throne room. We were powerless, completely powerless. If that situation would have been worse, Venus and I would have died instantly.

I thought I was strong enough for this world. I thought the levels I got from the Terra Dragon would be enough to keep me going for a while, but clearly it isn't even close. I shattered my arm just trying to break a door.

I need to get stronger. Though the abilities The Entity gave me are strong, for now I am too weak to use them to their fullest. There has to be a stat that will help me reduce the recoil of mana punch. Though the mana punches power is increased by strength the recoil of the punch has barely changed. I opened my menu and scrolled through my stats page, I looked at my defence and only found it to be 81. If I remember correctly Pulli had a defence of 300, which explained why he was able to withstand my punches.

Something I had also noticed is that my strength had gone up slightly, even though I haven't levelled up. Which means I was right, there is a way to increase a specific stat more than others, but how?

"Oliver?" I looked up to see Pulli looking down at me in confusion.

"What are you and Venus doing in front of the Queen's throne room?" As he put his arm out for me to grab.

*grunts* "Haha, nothing much just needed to talk to her about something." I said still slightly shook by the generals.

"Hmmmm, okay then." Pulli responded, suspicious about my sporadic actions. He then started to walk away.

"Actually, can I ask you more about unique magic, and specifically the unique magic of the 4 generals." I hesitantly asked.

"Sure," he turned around and smiled. I picked up Venus and put her on my back as we started to make our way outside. The sun was starting to come up, the bright orange glare lit up the garden around us.

"I am going to be honest Oliver, I don't know what Unique magic the generals possess, as a matter a fact nobody does."

"What do you mean no one knows?"

"Well us students never get to see them in action, only soldiers part of the army have seen the generals fight before, all I know is that each and every one of them are armies within themselves." He said slightly fascinated by their rumoured power.

"Every student in this academy trains to be a general in the future, working for The Queen and fighting her wars." He looked up towards the horizon and smiled once again letting his hair blow through the wind. "It is my dream to become a general, just like my father."

I looked at Pulli and smiled, but then I started to think again, what happened during our duel. Why did he just smile when I was clearly about to kill him? I don't understand.

"H-hey Pulli, what happened to you during our duel?" I nervously asked as he turned around.

"What do you mean what happened, it ended in a draw?" He said with a confused look on his face.

"I mean what happened afterwards, when the Queen had to interfere."

He looked at me like I was speaking nonsense, "Oliver, I don't think you're getting enough sleep." He laughed and looked concerned.

"What do you mean Pulli, how could you forget?" I said as I lunged towards him annoyed by his ignorance.

"Nothing happened afterwards Oliver, the duel finished and I went home to rest." He said as he slightly backed up, frightened by my sudden aggression.

"Oh sorry," I backed up and felt bad for my sudden hostility. This didn't make sense, how could he forget, I almost killed him. There is so much going on here, more than I thought. I need to ask The Queen about this, when she is alone of course.

"Oliver," Pulli looked at me with a serious face, "Remember you are a human living in a Harpy world, though we get humans here all the time for adventures we have never had one at our academy and living in our kingdom. Be careful, there are some nobles that are against you." He opened his wings and his white feathers fluttered a little bit. "It's time for me to go, it was nice chatting to you." He jumped off the edge of the garden and flew away towards one of the lower floating islands.

I sit down near the edge and put Venus on the floor next to me. There was so much to think about, my mind was going crazy with the amount of things I had to worry about. I needed to get stronger, I wanted to figure out what was going on with Venus, and now all of a sudden Pulli seems to have forgotten about how I almost killed him.

As I think more about my situation I realize I haven't received another quest in a long time, ever since the duel. There was no way people stopped betting, so what exactly was stopping the quests from happening. I decided to interact with the live-stream chat for once.

"Yo, I know you guys can hear me, what's up with the quests huh, why have they stopped all of a sudden?"



"Don't ask us, we've reached the milestone 3 times since the last quest."

"HA The Entity is probably taking a break."


"Why are you asking, do you want another quest you sadistic bastard?"



I closed the chat before I saw anything more, but I got the information I needed. There is something stopping The Entity from giving me a quest, it must have to do with The Queens magic. I smiled at the horizon knowing I was safe from at least The Entity, it's giving me time to get stronger.

"SHIT, I forgot to ask Pulli about specific stat upgrades," I swiftly sat up. I decided to ask Venus when she woke up, but in the mess of what my mind was there was something I definitely wanted to try.

I wanted to go on an adventure. I need to get stronger, or I'm going to die, and the only way to get stronger is to kill monsters and do quests. At least I hoped that's how it worked in this world. Though I know now this world isn't a game, there are still aspects of this world that are the same. The levelling system seems to be similar to a VRMMO, you kill monsters and do quests, and you level up.

Suddenly Venus wakes up beside me and looks at, relieved I am okay she smiles at me.

"Venus... we are going on an adventure!"