Elements assigned. Or not?

"Master, if you choose to go on adventures, then you will miss school." Venus said aggressively as if she was slightly annoyed.

"Oh come on let me have some fun, I need the excitement in my life, plus I need to get stronger, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee." I said as I pouted, hoping to guilt trip her.

*Sigh* "If it's what Master wants, then we shall go on an adventure."

"YES LET'S GO." I said as I jumped on my feet eager to leave as soon as possible.

"So where is the adventure guild that the queen told me about?"

Venus walked to the edge of the floating island and pointed down. "The adventure guild is located on the surface. This is so all races can access the guild and the floating islands are reserved only for nobles."

"So is the surface kingdom still part of Harpania." I asked, confused by the unconventional way of separating a kingdom.

"Yes they are part of the kingdom, it is still ruled by the queen and protected by the generals, but the kingdom has a duke overseeing it and making sure it is kept in order. They are also provided with their own military to keep it safe." She explained while pacing back and forth.

"Huh that's cool, anyways, how do we get down there, is there like some elevator or some teleportation scroll." I naively said as I swiftly looked around, still eager to leave.

"We fly," she said as she smiled and slowly walked towards me.

"Huh, what do you mean we fly, I-I can't fly." I walk back as I have a bad feeling, she continues to walk towards me. I suddenly hit a wall behind me, I have nowhere to go.

"Hahah, what are you gonna do to me?" I chuckled nervously, soon I was on the verge of tears as she put both her hands on the wall preventing me from running away.

"You said you wanted to have fun didn't you, M-a-s-t-e-r." She said slowly as she picked me up once again.

"NO LET GO OF ME, HELP ME MOMMY." I yelled as she kept an extremely tight grip to make sure I didn't fall off.

"Shhhh, people might get the wrong idea master." She said, still manically smiling.


"I would hold onto myself if I were you."


Suddenly, her wings unfolded and stretched out. Her feathers slightly fluttered as her wings slowly started flapping. In panic I grabbed onto Venus's waist as she jumped into the air as her wings created enough wind to accelerate us at such a speed that some feathers came off her wings and slowly floated to the ground we once stood upon.

We suddenly came to a stop, she hovered in place but I refused to open my eyes.

"Master, open your eyes," her soothing voice almost forced my eyes open. I am suddenly blinded by the glaring light from the sun, but as my eyes adjust I see the beautiful horizon. The blood orange colour of the sun lights up the floating island as the other Harpies flying around cause the creation of a beautiful breeze, rocking the Avery trees side to side and blowing all the leaves around in a little vortex.

Ever since I came to this world, I only thought about surviving and avoiding The Entity that I never got to appreciate how beautiful this world really was. Venus flapped her wings majestically helping us hover in place as we both watched the sun set.

My live-stream chat is so jealous I thought as I chuckled to myself. "Is something wrong, master?" "No, no. Nothing, thank you for showing this to me, it was amazing." I said as I pulled myself together and showed a thankful smile to Venus.

"Venus, why do Harpies need flying magic, if they can fly without having to use it?" I abruptly asked curious about the use of flying magic.

"Though we don't need flying magic to fly, we can still use it to amplify spells we use, or allow spells that can only be used on the ground to be used in the air as well. We can also allow other beings to fly using our magic. Pulli used a combination of wind magic and flying magic to let his light arrow fly at incredible speeds."

"Wait, doesn't that mean you could have just allowed me to fly without having to pick me up." I asked, clearly suspicious about her actions.

"Allow me to demonstrate how we can use ground only spells in the air." She said clearly avoiding my previous statement.

"Caught in 4k." I whispered to myself as Venus flew to the edge of the floating island.

"You're gonna want to hold on tighter, Master." She said as she accelerated upwards. She then stopped flapping her wings, folding them back causing us to nosedive towards the surface kingdom.

"VEUS WHA ARE OU DOIG." I tried yelling but the immense amount of wind blowing in my face was making it hard to talk. Though we were very far away from the surface we were inching closer and closer. Suddenly I saw sparks surrounding Venus's feathers. I heard a small charging noise as it got louder the longer the lightning encompassed her feathers. Then a small green ring surrounded us as she started chanting to herself.

She quickly opened her eyes that were filled with sparks, soon she had sparks emitting from her entire body. I closed my eyes as I heard a sudden boom. I felt like my organs were going to come out of my mouth, but not even a second later I felt the smashing of dirt beneath Venus's feat. I opened my eyes to see that we were right at the entrance of the surface portion of the Kingdom of Harpania.

Venus slowly put me down as I try re-orienting myself and while I also try to contemplate what just happened in the last 10 seconds. I looked up to barely see sparks and feathers that came off her body when she created a sonic boom and the faint silhouette of the floating island.

"What the fuck was that," I say as I wobble around trying to regain my balance.

"I simply combined lighting step and flying magic to get us down here faster. You seemed eager to go and intrigued by the use of flying magic, so I thought I would combine the two. Isn't that what you wanted, master?" She said as she smiled being proud of herself.

"Yeah uh huh, it was amazing," I said sarcastically as I fell on my ass.

"HALT, WHO ARE YOU, AND WHERE DID YOU COME FROM." Two guards dressed in armour suddenly approached us pointing their weapons towards us.

Venus calmly approached them as she pointed up to the floating island and handed them a blue and white card, with what seemed to be gold lining.

The guards suddenly stepped back and said "O-oh we are sorry, please head through." Venus walked back and helped me up. As she elegantly led the way through the gate; I stuck my tongue out towards the guards as I followed Venus in a childish manner.

As we walked through town I noticed how similar it looked to a lot of games I played. There were so many markets on every side selling all sorts of products exclusive to The Kingdom of Harpania. All types of races shop for their families in the area and people who seemed like adventurers wore armour, and carried all types of weapons.

"God this is soooooooooo cool," I whispered to myself as I geeked out. I walked behind Venus and tried to distinguish each race that I saw.

The dwarves were obvious as most of them surrounded the blacksmith shop and carried hammers around, they looked just like humans except way smaller and most of them had beards. Dwarves are similar to humans, they get their secondary element defined by the magic cube, but humans get both of theirs. All dwarves have the Earth element.

The mermaids had scales surrounding their entire body and if I remember correctly the colour of their scales represented their secondary element. Though they had human-like legs they still had fins connected to their hands and hips, their ears also seemed more fish-like than human. Each mermaid had sky blue skin, they were extremely beautiful and elegant as they walked around the town. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by them.

There were Dryads as well, but not as many. They were shaped like humans but their body was made from wood and leaves, their arms seemed to be made from branches and their hair was the colour of the leaves. Each of them had small flowers plastered around their body, the colour of their flowers represented their secondary element. Though they were basically made from nature, they were still elegant and a beautiful race.

Looking at all the different races and how amazing and beautiful they looked slightly discouraged me. From what it seemed each race is beautiful in their own way, even all the humans I saw were extremely good looking.

Yet I am not, I am different, am I ugly?

"Master, we have reached the adventure guild."

I slapped my face twice to psyche myself up. I didn't want to let myself down before such an exciting start to an adventure.

The adventure guild was made from Avery wood, it was a large building with a giant Harpy symbol put at the very top to signify this was the Harpy guild. There were dozens of different races surrounding the building getting ready for their adventures and forming their own parties.

We opened the massive door to the guild. As we walked through everyone inside the hall went silent as they looked at us walking by.

"Look, it's Venus," one human to my left whispered.

"Do you mean THE Venus, the head maid for The Queen." A dryad part of the same party whispered in disbelief.

"Who's the human behind her?"

"What do you mean who is he, haven't you heard of the Round Human." A dwarf behind me whispered loudly.

"THAT'S HIM, THE ROUND HUMAN," somebody in the back yelled as he stood up and pointed towards me. Instantly a horde of adventures surrounded me. I got Deja Vu as I stood there, getting bombarded by questions. I whisper to the Dryad next to me.

"You specialize in healing magic, right?" "YEAH I DO." The excited Dryad yelled.

"You're gonna have to heal a lot of people in a couple seconds." I said I squatted to the floor knowing what was going to happen. Suddenly we hear sparks being created behind the crowd. The crowd quickly turns to Venus as she lets out a terrifying smile.

"Uh oh," the horde of people say as they look at Venus in acceptance.

"Thanks Venus," I smile at her as we both walk towards the receptionist leaving the horde of people spazzing on the floor in shock.

"VENUS IS THAT YOU," a deep yet elegant voice yelled out for Venus as we walked towards the guild registry.

"IT IS YOU, COME OVER HERE." Venus sighed and walked into the direction of a different receptionist. When we got to the desk, I noticed something odd. The mermaid that was behind the desk, was a male?

"VENUS, LONG TIME NO SEE." He yelled again excited by the presence of Venus.

"We came here to sign mas-, Oliver up for the adventures guild." She said completely ignoring his excitement.

"Ahhh, the famous Round Human, I've been wanting to meet you." He said as he leaned over his desk with his hand on his chin, he looked all around my body. inspecting me and making me uncomfortable.

"Um, aren't mermaids supposed to be women or something." I said, trying to get the mermaid to stop looking at me.

He looked at me in confusion, "What fantasy world are you living in, if all mermaids were women then I wouldn't be working here." He said sarcastically as he winked then laughed at my stupidity

"He lost his memory, Zaig, we are in the process of reteaching him" Venus said, annoyed by his sarcasm.

"Ahhh that makes more sense, well kiddo, Venus is probably the best person to teach you." "Take care of her, she's a keeper," he whispered to me with a smug look on his face.

"Now before I register you, we are going to determine your elements." He said as he crouched down and shuffled through the cabinet below the desk. He then took out a cube that looked like it was made from glass.

"Now all you gotta do is put both hands on the cube and try focusing on it. After a couple seconds two colours will be shown on the cube representing your elements." He said looking at me excited to see what elements I would possess.

"Don't worry about what elements you have by the way, there isn't necessarily an element that is better than another. Though some elements are more effective against others, it doesn't mean one is the best." He reassured me as he looked at my nervous face.

But I wasn't nervous, I was excited. After seeing all the uses of magic so far I was incredibly excited to use magic for myself. It was like a dream come true to be able to use magic, it wasn't going to be like the glitchy magic in VRMMOS, it was gonna be real.. I put my hands on the cube and closed my eyes to focus.

After a minute I slowly open my eyes to see which elements I possess. This is the moment of truth. I opened my eyes to see many people crowded around me surprised as they looked at my cube.In excitement I followed suit and looked at it as well.
