The Impossible

"Huh, nothing, there's nothing." Zaig said as he looked at the unpowered cube. "This is impossible, try again."

I closed my eyes, trying hard to concentrate but distracted by the murmurs of all the people that surrounded me.

"Still nothing." Zaig said completely bamboozled by what he saw. "This can't be possible, every living being is born with elements. Every being."

How could this be? Is this The Entity fucking with me? Angered, I pressed my hands against the cube again. "C'mon please, PLEASE," I aggressively whispered to myself as I gripped the cube harder and harder.

*Crack* The cube instantly shattered in front of me as I looked at the pieces in dread.

"Kiddo, what is your magic power?" He said in panic as he showed me hand signals telling him to whisper the number to him.

Still distraught, I whispered the pathetic number in his ear. "Zero." He looked at me, almost as if he was terrified.

I looked around and noticed everyone that had surrounded me slowly backed away, whispers could be heard about how I was completely magicless. I was worse than a Graceless. Not sure what to do I stood there, Venus looked at me in shock as I tried contemplating how it was possible that I had no elements.

Sparks came out of Venus as I was instantly back to the entrance of the city.

"Thank you Venus," I smiled at her, then looked at the ground depressed.

*SLAP* "MASTER, STOP BEING SO DEPRESSED." She yelled at me as I stared at her in shock.

"SO WHAT, YOU HAVE NO ELEMENTS. THAT MEANS NOTHING, YOU ARE ALREADY SO STRONG WITHOUT THEM." She yelled louder as a tear slowly trickled down her face.

She is right, just because I don't have elements that doesn't mean I can't get stronger. How could I be so delusional?

"THIS DOESN'T MAKE YOU A GRACELESS MASTER." She said falling to her knees as she continued to cry. I stood up and walked towards her and placed my hand on her head.

"Stop crying Venus, I understand. You are right. So stop crying." I said, confused as to why she was so emotional - confused by why I was so emotional about it. I pulled her up and she instantly fixed herself, acting as if nothing ever happened.

"Master, I think we should tell Queen Siren, she may know about this. But first let's finish the registry so we can still go on adventures." She said in her usual monotone voice as she led me through the town back to the guild hall. As we walked back into the hall, all the people fascinated by me looked at me in disgust. Fruits and foods were thrown at me, insults were thrown at me as they tried shaming me. Sparks started to fly around Venus, but I nudged her to calm down.

"Zaig, we are here to finish the registry." Venus said, taking out her anger through her voice.

"Yo, you are the Round Human aren't you." A human arrogantly said to me as he and his party approached me. I looked at him dead in the eyes, knowing exactly what type of person he is.

"Haha, I don't think you are eligible to be a pa-," before he could finish I used mana punch to punch him and his party through the wall of the guild. "Does anyone have a problem with me joining this guild?" I uttered as I looked around the room while being extremely annoyed. They stayed silent as they looked back at me, petrified and paralised. "That's what I thought."

We walked towards Zaig as he looked at me impressed, and more intrigued.

"Welcome to the guild," he said with a hint of fear as he handed me a circular pin made from Avery wood.

"You can pick quests from that board over there," he said pointing to a quest board made from Avery wood, the board was next to many other boards made from different materials.

"There are 5 different levels, seeing as you just started out you are gonna be the lowest rank, the more quests you do the more points you can earn. When you reach a certain amount of points you can rank up. You can't take a quest from any other board, but in some exceptions we will allow you to take a quest that is one rank above yours."

"For you, you need 50 guild points to rank up, sounds good?"

I nodded my head and thought to myself.

It sounds really cliché, I told myself as I looked around at the other quest boards. The material the board was made from represented the rank it was. The board next to the Avery wood board was a red type of crystal. As I looked through the quests from the Avery wood board, I noticed they were all written in Humanian, it seems as though Humanian was a global language. I had no idea whether these quests were easy or not, but what I noticed was I saw the quest for taking down a Terra Dragon on the board to the right of the red crystal.

It was made from a green and rough looking crystal, since I took down a Terra Dragon before it means I am better than this rank. That means the quests at the Avery wood rank are going to be really easy and boring.



Milestone reached: 10 million pounds raised

Most money raised by: Anonymous donator

Quest created by The Entity: Take a quest from the Celestine board.

Punishment: Lose the person you care for the most

Reward: Be with the person you care for the most


What? How is this possible? Am I not being protected by the Queen's magic down here?

"FUCK," I screamed in immense anger.

"Master?!" Venus looked at me concerned by my sudden outburst.

Ignoring her concern I walked towards the board made from Celestine metal. It was the last board, two boards from the green one. I picked up a piece of paper without looking at the quest and stormed towards Zaig in haste. I slammed the paper on the desk, causing him to flinch as he turned.

"Hahaha, is this some kind of joke kiddo, you can't choose this quest. I just explained the rules. Did you not listen or something? This quest is for Celestine ranks only, this quest is 5 ranks above yours."

Without hesitation I grabbed Zaig by the neck and pulled him closer to me.

"Don't fuck with me, you will let me do this quest. Or I'll kill you right now." I stared at him with dead eyes as I slowly started to squeeze his neck harder until he gave confirmation.

"FINE, FINE," he said with a strained voice. *Cough Cough* "God what the-, what happened to you kiddo." He said as he stamped the piece of paper and swiftly handed it to me as he backed away.

"Come on Venus let's go," I said in a demanding and strict voice.

"Y-yes Master,'' she said with hesitation as she quickly followed behind me. As I walked out of the guild hall in haste I looked at the quest.


Quest: Go to The Kingdom of Humania and execute the Mad Alchemist for conducting half-breed experiments.

Warning: Beware of unknown creatures and poisons.

Reward: 100 guild points and 100,000 Aurum


"Venus, we are going to the Kingdom o-."