Lightning Angel Part 1

"That's good Venus, do that again but faster," mother yelled at me as we crossed swords. I run towards her with extreme speed pointing hoping to catch her off guard, she then smiles and instantly appears behind me and before I could react she knocks me to the ground and points her sword in my face.

"Ugh, I thought I would get you," I grunt as my mother puts her arm out to help me stand up.

"Haha, don't worry Venus, you are getting so much better." She said with excitement as she pulled me in and hugged me. My mother was a strong warrior, training for years on end to serve Queen Siren as best as possible, she had long and braided midnight purple hair with lavender purple eyes, her muscles were outlined by her tight shirt.

"Soon you will be ready to serve Queen Siren," she said again with extreme excitement as she picked up my sword and threw it towards me.

"I don't get it mom, why do we have to serve the Queen, I don't like her, there is something off about her," I said suspiciously as I caught my sword and followed my mother inside our cabin.

"Don't say that about the Queen, she is the only reason we are living decent lives, we owe it to her, even if we don't want to."

"But I still don't understand, why does our family have to serve the Queen?" I said with anger because though I knew the answer, I never came to understand why it was like this.

"How many times do I have to tell you Venus, it is our duty and our obligation, and we don't question why." She said in a slightly stern manner.

"But moth-,"

"VENUS, sit down." She demanded as she screamed at me. Taken back by her sudden anger I quickly sat down on the floor.

"You know the basics Venus, you know that Lightning Angel is a magic unique to our family and you know how it is passed down your generations, but I never told you exactly why. Since it is almost your time, it is important you know." She said seriously as she quickly sat down on the floor and shook the fragile house due to her sheer weight.

"A thousand years ago, Queen Siren had 4 generals as she does now. Her most powerful and famous general, was General Raito. Though General Raito was more or less a very average looking Harpy, with simple short black hair and purple wings, he caught the interest of Queen Siren quite fast." Mother said smiling and almost feeling comfortable as she told the story.

"The Queen and General Raito got on very well, and would often spend time with each other off duty. Because of this, Queen Siren began to neglect the other 3 generals, causing them to get jealous and angered. One day they secretly tried to assassinate General Raito, but his sheer power was enough to stop them. Though Raito was furious, he had trained and grown up with the other generals and decided to give them another chance, but the other generals weren't looking for a chance. They took advantage of Raito's kindness and secretly devised another plan to kill off Raito, but they couldn't do it by themselves." Mother stopped and grabbed her chest almost as if she was in pain, she looked at me with slight tears in my eyes as she continued the story.

"They got into contact with the Ogres and Vampires and struck a deal with them. If the Ogres and Vampires helped kill Raito, then they would give them supplies to help them win their wars. The Ogres and Vampires quickly accepted the generals' deal, knowing that the generals truly gained nothing but satisfaction.

[One thousand years ago]

"QUEEN SIREN, THE VAMPIRES ARE ATTACKING THE SKY ISLANDS, WE ALSO HAVE WORD THAT THE OGRES ARE ATTACKING THE SURFACE KINGDOM." A soldier busted the doors to the Queens room yelling and panicking. Without hesitation the Queen ordered the 3 other generals to defend the surface kingdom, while Raito stayed and helped the Queen defend the Sky Islands.

"Another battle my Queen," Raito said in a nonchalant and slightly flirty manner as he quickly slipped his gear on and got ready for battle.

"Yes, Raito, you better take it seriously this time, I heard rumors that Noir is amongst the Vampire army." She said as she winked towards Raito as she got prepared for battle as well.

"C'monnn, what can anyone do against the MIGHTY Queen Siren." He said as he slowly walked towards Queen Siren.

"The "MIGHTY Queen Siren" I like the sound of that." She said as Raito grabbed her by the waist pulling her closer, kissing her passionately as the castle shook from the intense battle outside.

Just as they were about to depart for battle the door bursts open again. A general limps into the room and groans in pain.

"Queen Siren," he says as he tries to limp closer to her, "The other generals, they need help, we are no match for Belias."

"BELIAS?! He is here?" Queen Siren said with panic as she rushed towards the wounded general.

"What, why would Belias be here, he would never fight for a situation like this." Raito said with slight suspicion as he slowly walked towards the general and Queen.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT BELIEVE ME RAITO, THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO AGAINST BELIAS, HELP US." The general said with desperation as he continued to groan in pain.

"Siren, I am going to go down and help Jia and Ilios, take care of Zio and defend the Sky Islands." Raito said with a calm and collected voice.

"But Raito, you can't defeat Belias, you can't, YOU CAN'T, please, please don't go." She begged as she subconsciously disregarded Zio.

"Oh come on, of course I can take on Belias, I am powerful enough to even give you a run for your money." He said proudly as he winked towards Queen Siren.

"I will be back, Siren, I promise, nothing can kill me, you know that." He said as he kissed Queen Siren on the head and ran off to defend the Surface Kingdom. She looked at him run off, she felt like running after him but didn't want to hurt his pride. She watched him leave her line of sight in almost slow motion, not knowing it would be the last time she saw him.