Lightning Angel Part 2

General Raito quickly rushed out of the castle and ran towards the edge of the Sky Islands as he watched the massacre created by the fight between the Harpies and Vampires, though he seemed to be unfazed, almost as if he had gotten used to death.

He quickly jumped off the Sky Islands and tried to assess the situation on the Surface Kingdom as he continued to fall. As he fell through the last layer of clouds he saw a faint silhouette quickly approaching him, which he soon made out to be Jia.

"HEY, JIA, WHAT IS THE SITUATION," Raito yelled in her direction as she continued to quickly approach him.

"JIA, THIS IS NOT TIME TO PLAY THE SILENT GAME, I NEED TO KNOW THE SITUATION." He yelled once again with slight desperation, but he quickly noticed the killing intent emitting from her. Soon he saw a giant fireball approaching him at an incredible speed, though he dodged it with ease.

*Sigh* "What did I tell you would happen the next time you tried this." Raito said with slight arrogance, but also anger.

"SHUT UP RAITO, PLEASE, JUST SHUT UP, I HAVE TO DO THIS." Jia said, emitting more killing intent, but sadness could easily be heard from her desperate scream.

"Then Belias was a lie," Raito said with more anger, feeling no remorse or guilt for what he was about to do.

"Yes, but not for the reason you think." Jia said as her personality instantly changed to one of crazy and maniacal. "HAHAHA, YOU ARE SO OBLIVIOUS.

Suddenly Raito felt an incredible presence approaching him, he quickly looked down and saw that a giant shadow was quickly approaching them. He then heard an incredibly loud roar.

"ANGELLLLL," suddenly Belias had appeared above Raito. Raito was frozen in place when he realised that Belias had jumped more than 3000 meters into the sky with no trouble. Belias grabbed Raito before he could react and they fought as they both fell to the ground at an incredible speed.

"LIGHTNING ANGEL, WE MEET AGAIN, THIS TIME YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME." Belias roared in Raito's ear as they continued to exchange blows, Belias would miss every one of his attacks because Raito was too fast, but Raito's attacks would do nothing against Belias.

"SHOW ME THE ANGEL," Belias yelled once more, slightly annoyed by the lack of an amusing fight.

"Haha, you see Belias, I don't need to use Lightning Angel to beat you," though Raito said confidently, there was a hint of doubt on his face as they got closer to the ground.

"AGGGGGGGHHHH," Belias grabbed Raitos small body and threw him towards the surface, the force was so strong that Raito couldn't slow the impact using his wings. Though Raito knew he had to use Lighting Angel to soften the impact.


Raito smashed in the ground so fast, he created an explosion of dust and caused stone to fly over the place at extreme speeds. As the dust cleared, Raito was seen in the crater he made standing up, with only minor scratches.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," he said as he patted himself down. He then put his hand on his head to block the sun to see Belias fall to the ground as well. As Belias got closer he realised that he would land right on top of Raito.

"Oh shit," Raito said as he moved a couple metres to dodge the impact of Belias. But right as Belias hit the ground Raito realised that the impact would be larger because of Belias's sheer size. At the last second Raito lightning stepped almost 500 metres away in less than a second. He watched the giant explosion from a safe distance while instantly cutting any debris that flew off from the explosion.

As soon as the dust cleared he saw Belias jump out of the crater heading right towards Raito.

"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME ANGEL." Belias roared as he landed and continued to run towards Raito.

"Haha, I don't plan to," Raito said under his breath as he leaned over almost 90 degrees holding the sheath to his sword, he slowly unsheathed his sword and right when the sword was fully out of the sheath. He shot his eyes open which now emitted an extreme amount of purple sparks and glowed like the moon and his wings tucked back.


A thunder clapped and boomed as Raito cleanly sliced Belias's hand off. It was so fast it took Belias a couple seconds to realise and contemplate what had happened.

"I told you Belias, I don't need to use it to beat you." Raito said as his short black hair blew in the wind.

"Don't think you have won yet Raito, this fight is far from over." A deceiving voice echoed around the wasteland they were in. Suddenly the ground shook and a hole opened up, from the hole Zio, Jia and Illios had appeared.

*Sigh* "Why do you guys want to kill me so badly?" Raito asked in genuine curiosity, but slight anger.

"You wouldn't understand Raito," Zio said, emitting an extreme amount of killing intent.

"We grew up together, we played together, we trained together, yet all of you so easily betray me. Some family we were." Raito said with extreme sadness, which quickly turned into furiosity.

"WE WERE NEVER A FAMILY RAITO," Ilios yelled as he walked over to Belias and healed back his entire hand in mere seconds.

Raito looked at all 4 of them, with pure anger, removing all hesitation from his head, removing and clearing all the memories he had with each of them. Only keeping the memories with Queen Siren, he smiled and whispered under his breath.

"I am coming back."