Lightning Angel Part 3

Raito closed his eyes, and imagined his lighting flowing through his body, through every vessel, through every cell and dna in his body. Lightning and sparks then flickered off of Raito's body as he kept still with his eyes kept close.

"JIA GO, STOP HIM BEFORE HE USES IT," Zio yells in panic as he pushes Jia towards Raito. But before Jia gets a chance to get close to him Belias punches her away, causing her to fly hundreds of metres away.

"HEY, YOU SAID YOU WOULD HELP US," Zio again yelled in panic as he watched Jia fly out of his sight.

"I will help you, but I only came here to fight Angel in his true form." Belias's usual excited and aggressive tone changed to one of a calm tone, with slight excitement radiatiating. "I've been waiting for this from the start, SHOW ME A GOOD TIME ANGEL." His usual voice came back as he roared, so loud he pierced the ears of Zio and Illios causing them to bleed from their ears. Belias was a huge Ogre, almost 2 times bigger than an average Ogre. He had 2 huge brown horns on his head, and two giant saber-like teeth, his skin colour was darker than the usual light green of an average Ogre. Belias was truly a monster.

Raito kept channeling, going deeper and deeper into thought, more and more lightning started to emit from his body, some of the lighting slowly started to form a halo above his head, jitter and spazzing all over the place, having trouble keeping the circular shape, almost as if the lighting was excited. The lighting soon started to add onto his wings, Ratios wings grew by twice their size as the purple lightning continued to spread across his body.

Soon the purple lighting illuminated Raito's skin, purple lightning strikes covered Raito's entire body. Moments later his eyes shot open, his eyes looked as though they had a thunderstorm brewing inside of them, he slowly stood up and looked at us.

"BELIAS, YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS SERIOUSLY," both Zio and Illios said as they stepped back.

"HAHA, I WON"T REGRET THIS, THIS IS MAGNIFICENT, ANGEL SHOW ME YOUR POWER." As soon as Belias finished talking he too started to chant a spell, moments later the ground below everyone's feet started to shatter and the rocks and boulders slowly attached themselves to Belias, soon he was covered in a mass of rocks and boulders creating an armour for him.

"HAHAHAHAH," Belias laughed as he winded both of his hands back and smashed the ground with all of this strength causing a huge explosion, bigger than when he crashed to the ground. The explosion knocked Raito into the air along with a plethora of rocks and boulders, Belias then jumped in the air to catch up to Raito.

Raito instantly Lightning Stepped off the rocks around him, bouncing all over Belias, all Belias could see were purple streaks left behind, he kept looking around only to see that Raito was getting faster and faster. Belias soon realised that Raito was forming his own lightning bolt using his speed and purposely leaving a trail of lightning.


As Raito finished the creation of the lightning bolt, he sent it towards Belias and followed behind the bolt.

"This is the end of you Belias," Raito said emotionlessly as he and the lighting bolt appeared in front of Belias in less than a millisecond. They made contact with Belias, the lightning bolt pierced Belias's armour and made contact with his chest, Raito flew behind Belias and swung his sword towards Belias's neck. Though the lightning bolt easily went through Belias, Raito's sword got stopped at the nap of his neck, Raito quickly stepped back before Belias could grab him.

"HAHAH, VERY IMPRESSIVE ANGEL, YOU SPEED IS MAGINICIENT." Belias roared once again, ignoring the fact that he has a huge hole in his chest.

"But now it is time for me to get serious." Belias's demeanor instantly changed as he lifted his hand into the air. Raito, knowing exactly what Belias was trying to do, rushed to cut off Belias's hand before he could cast the spell, but was instantly stopped by a blue flame wall that had cut off Raito. Quickly Raito tried going around the fire, but the blue fire appeared all around him. He looked up and tried flying upwards but was instantly pushed back down with an insanely powerful gust of wind.

With no options Raito started to internally panic, he was exhausted and couldn't hold his Angel form much longer. Suddenly a pillar of rock appeared behind the wall of blue fire.

"You can't kill me by trapping me." Raito said again emotionlessly, but with a very slight hint of panic as he looked at Zio, Jia and Illios.

"Oh we aren't going to kill you with this Raito, but we just needed to buy time." Zio said with an arrogant voice as he looked at Raito suffering and shivering due to his exhaustion.

Moments later, Raito was crushed into the ground. Raito knew they were buying time for Belias to use his gravity magic, but he had no way of getting to him.

"UGH," Raito yelled as he struggled immensely under the power of Belias's gravity magic. The blue fire around him suddenly cleared, all four of them walked towards Raito. Raito's lightning had slowly started to fade away and dissipate, his wings grew back to normal size and his halo broke. The thunderstorm in his eyes had disappeared as he looked at his former friends walking towards him.

"HAHAHA, YOU SHOWED ME A GOOD TIME ANGEL." Belias said, as he continued to laugh while the 3 generals walked closer to him.

"We can finally put an end to you, if only we knew all we had to do was ask an Ogre we would have done it a long time ago." Zio broke a rock from the ground and quickly formed it into a large spear. "You should have killed us the first time Raito." Zio said as he impaled Raito in the back with the spear.

"AHHHHHHH," Raito yelled in agony as the spear was being crushed into him by the gravity. Jia then walked up to Raito with a saddened demeanour.

"I loved you Raito, with all my heart I loved you, and I would have done anything for you." She said with compassion as she cried her heart out. "ZIO I CAN'T DO IT, I CAN'T." Jia cried and yelled as she smashed the ground in anger. Though before Zio could say anything Jia's demeanour had instantly changed again. "HAHAH, LOOK AT YOU NOW, IN THE DIRT WHERE YOU BELONG, HAHAH." Jia said as she formed a rune under Raito, moments later a huge blue flame with extreme power appeared under Raito.

"AHHHHHHHHHH," Raito yelled as he was being burnt alive, while the spear gradually got deeper and deeper. Raito's screams were so loud, they caused the thunderclaps all around them, almost deafening anyone in the area.

His screams echoed around the whole kingdom, instantly grabbing the Queen's attention. "RAITO?!" she yelled as she flew towards where she thought she heard his screams. Belias sensed the Queen's approaching presence and left as fast as he could, cancelling the gravity spell.

"You guys better hold up your end of the deal," Belias said as he jumped away with haste.

"ARGHH," Raito said as he tried standing up, using all his strength he had left. He eventually stood up, and looked up the 3 generals with such a killing intent it caused them to shiver in place. Raito then, with his burnt and impaled body, slowly started walking towards them. In panic Zio, formed another spear and launched it towards Raito, impaling him in the stomach. Without stopping Raito continued to walk towards them, ignoring his agonising pain. Zio threw another spear at Raito, causing him to grunt, but didn't stop him.

"RAITOOOOOO," Zio yelled in panic and anger as Raito got into Zio's face and stared him down, he then grabbed his neck and pulled him closer to him.

"You made me break my promise, she is going to kill me for that and then she will kill you." Raito said as he collapsed to the ground.