Lightning Angel Final Part

"RAITOOOOO," Queen Siren yelled as she approached the battlefield which they were all at.

"ILIOS, HEAL HIM, HEAL HIM RIGHT NOW QUICKLY." She yelled in panic as she grabbed Raito's dead body. She looked up to see Ilios stand there, without moving and without showing any remorse, just anger.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, HEAL HIM THIS INSTANT, I COMMAND IT." She yelled at him at the top of her lungs.

"Haha," "My Queen," he is dead, HAHA, HE IS STONE COLD DEAD." Illios yelled and laughed maniacally as he continued to mock Raito. Queen Siren stared at him, shocked and destroyed by how the other generals were acting. Each other then laughing maniacally as she sat there with Raito's body dead on her lap.

Memories of each general appeared and instantly disappeared in her head, with only memories of Raito being left.

"I will bring you back, I promise." Queen Siren said as she kissed the top of Raito's head and slowly placed his body on the ground.

"Both of you are going to suffer, I won't kill you, but you will wish you were." Queen Siren said as her eyes completely changed, bright yellow runes running through her skin and eyes.

"EGAL, METAG, LOPAL ER ETO," She yelled in an unfamiliar language as the rain that had been pouring down had suddenly stopped. The rain drops slowly started to surround Ilios and Jia, quickly forming a dome around them. As the dome had surrounded them, it continuously drowned them only letting air in once in a while to keep them alive. She then lifted the ball into the air as the muffled screams of Jia and Illios faded away.

Queen Siren then rushed back to Raito and screamed.

"GOD OF WISDOM, GOD OF NATURE, GOD OF ORDER, PLEASE, LISTEN TO ME." She yelled in desperation and she continued to cry and yell holding Raito close.

"PLEASE HEED MY CALL, ANSWER MY PRAYERS, BRING BACK MY RAITO, PLEASE." As she continued to cry, a bright light appeared in front of her.

"I have heard your prayer child, I have come to answe-, HAHAHA, nevermind I can't act like a god, that's too much for me, HAHAH." The mysterious figure from the light laughed hysterically as he appeared in front of Queen Siren as just a bright shadow.

"God of Mischief," Queen Siren angrily said as she pulled Raito's dead body closer to her.

"HAHA, I am glad I don't have to introduce myself, anyways I am going to cut right to the chase. You both entertain me, and we all know how I like things that entertain me so I will shoot you up a deal." The bright shadow moved around smoothly across the bright light as the God of Mischief continued to talk.

"I can't bring him back to life, but I can preserve his magic and memories in someone else, it will therefore be carried down generations. See, there problem solved, now he will always be there by your side, now there is a catc-"

"DEAL," Queen Siren answered, cutting off the God of Mischief before he could say anything else.

"Wow that was easy, okay, uhm, well, I guess I'll do it then HAHA." The God of Mischief took Raito's body and extracted his memories and magic and put them in some sort of magical jar. "Choose whoever you wish to carry his memories and magic, whoever you choose will have their children inherit the memories and that cycle will continue for eternity.

As the God of Mischief retreated back into the bright light, it turned around.

"Oh yeah and before I forget, there's a catch, "black will be bestowed upon your first." "HAHA, god riddles are so cool." He said as he retreated back into the light, leaving Queen Siren with Raito's memories and magic.

Queen Siren then spent many years training and choosing new generals, as well as picking one to inherit the memories and magic of Raito. The magic and memory of Raito has been passed down generation by generation and has finally reached you.

Venus, it's your turn to carry the torch, and remind the world how powerful the Lightning Angel is.

So wake up Venus, WAKE UP!