
Instantly Venus's eyes shot open, before she even knew what she was doing she found herself with a half-dead Oliver in her arms. Horror quickly filled her face, her pupils shrunk and her grip tightened as she gently placed Oliver on the ground, far from the battlefield.

"OLIVER," she yelled as she stared at him, struck with immense fear and helplessness.

"PLEASE OLIVER, WAKE UP," she yelled once more and she embraced his broken body.

"AHG, MOTHERFUCKER THAT HURTS," Oliver suddenly yelled, Venus quickly got off Oliver and grabbed his hand.

"OH THANK GOD OLI-, MASTER, YOU ARE ALRIGHT," Venus said, as tears ran down her face, with a warm smile she looked at Oliver in relief.


"Who are you?" Oliver said as he struggled to recognize the figure standing in front of him.

"ITS VENUS," she desperately yelled at Oliver, terrified at the thought that he had lost his memory.

"Ohhh, yeah it is you Venus, it was hard to make out with you glowing purple and that thing floating above your head." Oliver said as he tried pointing towards the top of Venus's head.

Venus, confused by what Oliver said, looked to her left to see that her wings had grown and were glowing purple, she looked at her hand to see lightning bolts flowing through her veins. Suddenly, she was hit with a giant headache, as memories starting flooding her head, memories that weren't hers, but she felt like she had experienced them. She then saw a figure in the distance, only a shadow, it turned to her and though it looked as though it was trying to tell her something, she couldn't hear it. She tried reaching out for the shadow but it quickly grew further from her.

Suddenly she snapped back to reality, she looked at her hands again and felt some sort of nostalgia, she gripped her hands and looked up with her face expressing confidence.

"Master, kindly wait here, I will be back in a moment," Venus said to Oliver in her usual monotone voice, but her demeanour showed otherwise, she was confident and almost relieved, as if she had realised her second purpose. She turned around and walked away, as the half dead Oliver stared.

"HUMAN,WHERE ARE YOU," Tyrus roared with annoyance as he searched in the forest for Oliver, anxious to continue his fight, his fingers and head started to twitch slightly.

"You won't be finding him," Venus out of nowhere appeared in front of Tyrus.

"HAHAH AND WHO AR-," before he cut himself off, the realization quickly hit him and in panic he raised his hand in the air, but before he could even get a chance Venus was already behind him, she violently grabbed his arm, snapping it backwards breaking the arm off the joint, before he even had a chance to contemplate what happened she threw him in the air. Venus quickly lightning stepped off the nearest trees, bouncing between them reaching the airborne Tyrus with incredible speed, she then bounced off the highest tree appearing above Tyrus, in less then a second she kicked Tyrus back down to the ground. She looked down at him as he smashed into the ground hitting trees on the way down, she slowly descended downwards towards the crater that Tyrus had made.

"Hahahah, HAHAHAHA, WHO KNEW, WHO KNEW, I WOULD HAVE THE CHANCE TO FIGHT THE INFAMOUS LIGHTNING ANGEL," as the dust cleared Venus saw Tyrus fully healed, not even a single scratch, even his clothes looked almost brand new. Slight shock filled Venus's face as she listened to Tyrus's psychotic laugh.

"HAHA, ITS MY LUCKY DAY," Suddenly, Tyrus grabbed his horns and broke them off, he then took both horns and stabbed them into himself on both sides of his body.

"EEDEN," he roared furiously as the horns on his side suddenly started glowing dark green, slowly turning black, quickly Tyrus's dark green skin also started turning black and the horns slowly disintegrated. Tyrus and Venus stare at each other, both in their new forms and stronger then ever. With lightning running through Venus's skin and eyes, with her enlarged wings covered in lightning and her halo representing her power, she flies above the new rotten Tyrus with confidence.

"Ahhhhh, thats so much better," Tyrus lets out a relieving sigh as moves his arms and legs around getting used to his rotten form. "Now, LETS HAVE SOME FUN LIGHTNING ANGEL," Tyrus says as she jumps towards Venus. Venus easily moves out of the way manoeuvring around him and grabbing his hand again snapping it back on its joint once again, except this time Tyrus uses the broken joint to spin around using his arm as almost a pivot, he swiftly kicks Venus in the face with extreme strength. Venus quickly reacts though, catching his leg before it hits her face. The impact was strong though, bruising her hand, she tried throwing Tyrus away, but he pulled away with extreme force tearing his own leg off to escape.

"HAHAHA, YOU ARE AS STRONG AS THEY SAID YOU WOULD BE," Tyrus yelled as he quickly healed all of his wounds. "But, but you aren't strong enough, you are already tired, ITS OBVIOUS," Tyrus said with anger as he looked at the fatigued Venus, her lightning was dimming and she was breathing heavily, she wasn't strong enough to maintain her form for too long. She started to mentally panic, but maintained her physical confidence.

"I can't let him find master, what can I do, I can't beat him, why am I so weak, even with lightning angel I am not strong enough, why, why, why?" Venus's power was quickly fading, making her feel weaker and weaker by the minute, her wounds were getting worse and the pain was slowing her down. She had no idea how to kill or even fatally injure Tyrus in time for them to escape, he was using his own body parts as tools to out maneuver her and would regenerate in almost an instant.

"What would master do?" she thought to herself as she tried to think how Oliver would, trying to find a weakness, or a way to exploit his rotten form.

Suddenly an idea popped in her mind, it wasn't the best idea, but it was the best thing she had and she had to do it quickly. She quickly got to the floor, she closed her eyes and tried to conjure as much power as she could, or at least what was left of it. The lighting on her wings and skin slowly flickered as they brightened once again, though this was putting heavy strain on Venus, she knew it was the only thing she could do.

She took a deep breath and slowly leaned over, she thought about Oliver and how happy she was with him, she thought about her mother and her regrets, and then she thought about Raito. She flashed her eyes open, with the thunderstorm in her eyes being stronger than ever.

"YES, YES, YESSS, THAT'S IT, SHOW ME ALL YOUR POWER LIGHTNING ANGEL," Tyrus yelled with excitement. This battle had reminded her of the one between Raito and Belias, but she will come out on top, for herself and for Oliver. Sparks of lightning were fully surrounding her, some coming off and hitting the trees beside her, instantly burning them to a crisp, with her halo brighter than ever she stepped as fast as she could towards Tyrus. Though Tyrus was a lot slower, he already knew her plan to go face in, pulled one of his arms off and threw it towards Venus with incredible power.

Venus, confident in her abilities, flipped over the hand and quickly bounced off of it to propel her even further, she was going so fast, that right as she reached Tyrus, instead of punching him in the head, hoping it would come off, she went straight through his entire body, completely disintegrating everything but his head.

Covered with blood she turned around to look at Tyrus bodiless head, he was shocked, paralysed almost at the speed at which Venus was going at.

"Hmph," Venus said as she looked at Tyrus's head, angered by the pain she caused Oliver.

"Next time yo-, AGH," before she could finish her sentence, she felt an incredible amount of pain fill her body. A slight boom of lighting hit her, turning her back to her normal form causing her body to hurt more and more, she collapsed to the ground, but she stayed conscious. She tried to hold in her screams, but her pain was too much, it felt like she was being burnt alive. She looked up at the emerald green trees as the sun shines down on her, for some reason she wanted to reach for the sky, she wanted to feel the sun's heat, she reached out in front of her, suddenly hallucinating her mother.

"Mother?!" she said with a panicked voice as the hallucination stared at her and smiled. The hallucination slowly started to fade as the sun was suddenly blocked by something.


"You should have gone for the head!"