Chapter 21: Who are you... Shyn?

"I have to change quickly!" A slim girl bumped onto my shoulder as she speak with someone on her phone. "That dumb waiter ruined my dress," she snapped!

She completely ignored me and did not even say sorry, how rude! I touched my shoulder, saw the side of my arm, I have a small bruise showing... ugh! Nevermind that!

I should quickly find him!

I took a step, and suddenly heard something cracked on the floor... it's a white eye mask with a feather design... "Hey, you dropped- ...this. Where did she go?"

Urgh! This heels are killing me!

I raised my leg after the other to get these heels off me! If only I can toss these anywhere! But, it would be weird walking around barefoot... especially that I am Ava Smith now with a blonde hair. Shyn will not stop nagging if he were to find a picture of me looking like Cinderella who lost her shoe, not just one but both of them because they are so freaking high!

Sigh, Shyn...

I managed to get out of that party when Shyn stopped looking at me, and walked out for some reason. Luckily, Mr. Smith also stopped the people from getting close too much. From that, I had the opportunity to excuse myself, and run!

I have to do what I came here to do before Shyn pops out and do something again!

"Oh my God! Where have you been?!" A man with a stylish, glittery, blue blouse with white feathered scarf around his neck marched towards me and pushed me on my back...

Wait- What is happening? I almost thought that it was Shyn again!

I glued my feet on the ground, and immediately stood straight and faced him. Why is he pushing me?!

"I've been looking- Ooh, your spare clothes are not that bad, but does it really have to be this dress? Can you dance with those- hey, where are your shoes? And wear your mask! Oh, gosh, this girl!"

"Wh-What? Who are you?" Just who is this guy? Everyone's keep dragging me into places too much often!

"Uh, the event organizer? Duhh! Now, your ballet shoes? Where are they?" Ba-Ballet shoes?!

"No, I-" I am not the girl he is looking for!

"Search there, maybe she just got lost. We need her after Mr. Smith's speech!" But I am the one those guys are looking for! The black suited squad are everywhere now!

"I, I mean, I kind of- I kind of lost them. Do you have any spare?" I smiled awkwardly. Why doesn't he know his dancers? For an organizer... he is not the very best. And as for Shyn, he is good, but annoying!

"Stress!" He dramatically rolled his eyes and placed the back of his hand on his forehead. "I am just an organizer, but you dancers are making my beauty lessen due to your mistakes! You should be prepared! We are paying you! Remind me not to hire you next time! Arrr! I saw you left a pair back there. Follow me!"

Follow him? "Gladly!"

Hall C? I was about to sneak into this hall, when I saw guys guarding and checking invitations! If didn't take precautions, I must have been dragged away like the person who attempted to go in, when I was observing them.

If I did manage to get in after beating them, just how many guns and enemies are waiting for me behind that door?

"Come on, come!" The event organizer waved his hand on the big guys guarding the door and let us through... With that girl's eye mask... no one should recognize who I am if something goes wrong!

I kept my knee-length pink cocktail dress, and put on the pink ballet shoes. It's not a bad combination, but it's not great either.

I never imagined that I will put this kind of shoes again...

The applause from the crowd lessen... and the show began.

A note from a piano started playing...

I step forward... slowly, at every note.

I gave a low bow, bending my body, while stretching my arm down...

This feeling...

A spotlight amidst the dim light in this hall, I danced... twirled, pirouetted, and leaped. I spread my arms, moved them like wings... With pointed toes, I moved, and got closer to one particular person. I bowed and reached my toes...

With my fingers gently touching my leg, slowly unbending myself, I reached for the knife hiding inside my dress!

I glared at him, as my chest demanded for more air. I stretched my right arm, holding the knife that is kissing his neck, "I finally found you!"

"Who are you? Remove your mask," he demanded! The man I sought for years..., finally!

He didn't move a muscle, nor gave me a reaction. He only gave that two simple sentences like it's nothing! He just looked me, like staring through me... like finding who I am.

"I need answers! Ten years ago, I-"



A loud blast from a bomb banged outside! The whole floor quaked! The tables started stumbling, the sound of glasses falling and breaking replaced the music from the piano. The lights flickered, and the glass chandelier up there is shaking like it's going to fall!

Everyone ducked, panickingly crawling and desperately running to the door! When I returned my eyes on him... that, that, that man already disappeared in front of me! No! No! NO!

Stupid! Why did I get distracted!

I'm so stupid! I am so stupid...

Lifelessly, my arms dropped...

Then suddenly there it is again, the electrifying goosebumps! A grasp locked on my wrist made me glance on my side, "What the hell, Ava!" His yelling felt like it's as loud as the explosion... He is here...

Here he is again... Just who are you? Who are you, Shyn?