Chapter 22: Stepping Up The Game

The room was filled with dead air, and awkward sadness. After the explosion, Shyn ran to me, tightly grabbed my hand, and dragged me at the exact opposite direction of where the bomb blasted!

Next thing I know, he is driving on our way to the hospital.

The bomb, It was planted in Hall B, the empty hall beside the party that was meant for me.

It happened that Hall B was between Hall A and C, and the bomb was in there. No one checked, no one cared since it is unbooked for tonight. It is possible that the man I am looking for escaped with just pure luck... or not. They said they are targeting us, because that hall is more damaged, and the bomb was closer to Hall A's wall, that it created a huge hole through it, injuring some Mr. Smith Guests.

Just who in the world would do this? Oh...

I forgot, Mr. Smith is not just anyone. Everyone should have known about this event and planned ahead of time... except for me.

Mr. Smith is being treated on the bed near my side. I do not know exactly what happened to him, but he needs to wear a short arm cast for about four to six weeks. And Shyn, he is angrily talking with someone on the phone... he is yelling for half an hour already. Then, he just stormed out.

Trouble... Troubles like this are what Shyn's for, huh?

The bomb that was used was not that strong.

No one is dead, but many people ended up at hospitals for being too close from the explosion or caught in a stampede. Even the ones at Hall C are in this hospital, but no sign of that man...

"Are you okay, Young Miss?" A shadow from my side asked.

The things I am thinking just disappeared, and is replaced with a great disappointment. I turned my head facing him. He is the one guarding at my door when I was hospitalized after the Gladiolus incident. I nodded, but I do not really care. My body is in pain, but nothing is new about that. I stood up, and faced him, "Do not follow me, I will be okay. Tell the others too."

I did not let him finished what he is about to say, I do not even understand what he first uttered. I am completely deaf right now, I only hear the sound of silence... I see them talking, but I can not hear them, like I am underwater...

The air outside is cold, my surrounding is dark, no lights and no one is around here in the children's park but me. I sat down, completely letting myself fall in front of no one. The strength in my arm, and upper body is gone. The strength in my feet to support myself is only what is left. The slide, the swing, "It is so unfair." Other children have their mom and dad with them. They got to spend their time growing up under their care, "Why me?!" Why...?

I took a deep breath, and coldly stared at it one more time. I yelled, but... There is no mistaking it.

They were just mere words complaining, running in my head. Saying those words, I didn't feel anything. I don't feel... anything.


Knock! Knock!

I opened my eyes after the consecutive knocks on my desk. "Just who- oh you," the class president took a deep sigh, and lazily handed me a work notebook.

"It's from Mr. Charden. He said, you need to pass that after a week. If he is still not here next week, pass it to the substitute teacher."

"Substitute teacher? Since when did we have a substitute teacher?"

"Just yesterday. You did not attend class last week, and yesterday, so here. Mr. Charden said, you will fail if you will not pass that." He dropped the notebook in front of me and left.

Mr. Charden never took a leave, nor cancelled his classes even once. I wonder if something's up with him.

How weird... Charden's class is up next. Should I just skip it? Yeah, he will pass me if I will do this notebook work activity thing anyway! I buried the notebook in my bag, and hang it in my shoulders, time to g-

"Ms. Ava Kriezer, where do you think you're going?"

Tell me it's not that voice again! Tsch!

I slammed my bag in my desk, and glanced at the person leaning at the door. Unbelievable, I am sick of seeing him multiple times seven days a week! "What the hell are you?!" It is already a miracle that I have not seen him yesterday, but God, how can He let me see him again the next day?! Is it not too soon to ruin my day?

Everybody gasped, and looked at me. The class president even grabbed my arm to make me face him, "What's wrong with you? You are going to get us in trouble!"

Shyn smiled, I know his annoying smirk is hiding behind that innocent, cheerful smile again! "Obviously, I am your substitute teacher." He tilted his head, smiling, while showing me the books on his hand...

"Pfft!" I want to laugh... this is too much! I walked out shaking my head, and stormed out, slamming the door at the back of the room! I am walking through the hallways and he suddenly yelled!

"Leave, and I will fail you!"

My feet stopped...

I feel him smiling at me, it must be that fun doing everything he wants to me.

I turned around, faced him, and smiled, "Do it. Let's see who's the boss here. You... or me?"